Chapter 2

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As Sutingā said this, the puppets started attacking them, causing the Carrier divisions to fight them first before they engage her

And of course, Sutingā isn't gonna let her puppets get destroyed as it takes weeks to make them, and she pulled up some strings that are connected to some puppets

and from there the next thing happened is the puppets started to produce smoke causing the Carrier divisions to be split into groups, giving Sutingā a chance to go down from her string web to face Shoukaku and Zuikaku, due to the fact that she wanted to test there sword skills and to see if she could improve herself from them with the audience can't see what is happening in the fight

To detect there location, she uses the strings to detect who are the ones who are fighting her puppets, and after a few second she found the 5th Carrier Division and charged at them

And as she got there, the two sisters are shocked as Sutingā does this

And so the first shipgirl she engaged was Zuikaku, while her puppets distract Shoukaku to prevent there battle

Needless to say Sutingā noted that Zuikaku's attacks are very fast but very predictable when time passes

In the end Sutingā managed to knock Zuikaku out since their fight is getting boring, causing Shoukaku to get distracted for 2 seconds, which gives her puppets a chance to disarm and knock her out as well

As this happens, she uses the string from 2 of the puppets that the Crane sisters destroyed and attached the strings to the sisters, without resistance, causing Sutingā smirk

As the sisters woke up they can't control there body and there voice

Sutingā: Go and fight the 2nd Carrier Division, Zuikaku, Shoukaku

They wanted to oppose, but they can't as there bodies stopped moving, but atleast they can't feel the pain of there body being forced to move against there owners will

As they headed to the location where the 2nd Carrier Division is with the help of Sutingā's strings, the Carrier Division saw this and then one of them spoke

Hiryuu: Thank god your here, let's find Akagi and Kaga to form a strategy to-

but before she could finish what is she saying, the Crane sister charged at them, causing them to be shocked

Souryuu: Shoukaku, Zuikaku what's the meaning of this?!

and then Sutingā appeared behind the Crane sisters

Sutingā: Sorry they're in my control in the meantime

As they hear this, they were forced to fight their own comrades, Hiryuu attempting to break the strings that are controlling them

But as her sword makes contact with the strings... it didn't break, instead her sword broke instead

Hiryuu: Nani?!

and then Hiryuu makes a backflip to create a distance

Sutingā: Shocking isn't?, Utilizing the energy that the wisdom cubes have in these string make them more durable, and could even destroy your sword

Since Hiryuu lost her sword she was about to throw some amulet like projectiles, only for Sutingā's puppets to appear and knock her out and tying her up 

With Hiryuu out of play, Souryuu got outnumbered by the controlled crane sisters and the Puppets causing her to get tied up and knocked out

As this happens, Sutingā removes the strings from the Crane sisters, as they also got knocked out cold again due to she uses their Wisdom cube energy instead of hers, exhausting them in the process after the strings were removed from them

As this happens she ties the 2nd and 5th Carrier division and hangs them at her string web and then she pulls the string that are connected to the puppets that are producing smoke, causing them to stop making smoke and makes them retreat to the string web, with the rest of the puppets retreating to the top of the String web standing and not moving from there

As the smoke completely disappears, everyone could now see what Sutingā's work, and needless to say they were all shocked including Kaga, Akagi and the Higher up shipgirls

Sutingā: Since you're the only one's left *draws her sword* we could start the real fight

Kaga: You!

and then Kaga immediately throws her amulet projectiles at Sutingā, and Sutingā immediately dodged them with ease

Sutingā: I head from Tosa that your have great sword skills, stop using long range attacks and fight me like a true warrior!

and then Tosa tossed Kaga's sword in the arena

and from there Akagi spoke to Kaga

Akagi: Kaga I'll attack from afar, you attack her with your sword, don't worry about me

Kaga: If you say so sister

And so Kaga picks up her sword and thanked Tosa and then she unsheathes it and from there she charged at Sutingā 

As the two entered into a sword fight Akagi throws her fire amulet projectiles at Sutingā, causing Sutingā to dodge them and fight Kaga at the same time, but Sutingā had already anticipated this and so she decided to make Akagi struggle and hesitate from her attacks

She makes her attacks faster, causing Kaga to do the same, with Akagi struggling at her aim in fear that she might hurt her sister 

As Sutingā loved to comment to Akagi on how concern she is for her sister's safety, she is rather disappointed at her decision and immediately ended her battle with Kaga by immediately appearing behind Kaga and knocking her out at the neck by the hilt of you sword

As she done this saw Akagi's shocked face, she spoke

Sutingā: You hesitate to attack me the moment I made my attacks with Kaga, with her catching up, how could you protect your love for the Sakura Empire, if you couldn't make some sacrifices to defeat me?

As Akagi heard this her flight deck turned into fire dragon and in anger she spoke

Akagi: How dare you question my love for the Empire and to my sister, I'll make sure you'll eat you own words!!!

Sutingā: Ignorance will lead to downfall, Akagi-

and then she commands the fire dragon to charge before she could finish her sentence, but Sutingā kept a calm face and slowly walks at the dragon that was charging at her

Sutingā: Because, the winner has been decided the moment you make this reckless move

and then as everyone blinked there eyes, Sutingā was already behind Akagi as she puts her sword on her sheath, and as she done this, Akagi fell on the ground with the dragon disappearing into the wind

To be continued

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