Chapter 13

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As Akagi and Kaga completely left the palace, Akagi opened the letter that Suzumebachi gave her with Kaga looking at the letter and started to read it, and it reads:

"If you are reading this Akagi it means I died in combat a few days ago, I'm sure you're sad and blaming yourself for my death and angry at Azur Lane for my demise, but I ask you this Akagi, why did you have to declare war at Azur Lane, is it because you wanted to show that the only true way to defeat the sirens is to use siren tech, or was it something else?, I know you've done a deal with the sirens for Amagi's Revival, thou I kept my suspicions for myself and only give hints of your doing to Lady Nagato to conduct some investigation but alas you done everything so no one can knew what you've done except for me but, do you really have to really do this Akagi, you have me, Kaga, and everyone in your side, but your grief and desperation got the best of you.

But what's done is done and all I can say is cancel Project Orochi completely Akagi, Since I've left one last gift for you and Kaga in the Bunker where Amagi saw me that fateful day, and when you received this I hope you end this civil war, please do it for my sake, and lastly, I was planning to say this to you Akagi personally but I love you Akagi I know you also love me aswell since I can fell your jealousy whenever I flirted with some shipgirls, the first time I get to know you, you made my heart fill with joy everytime you smile for my achievements, you became concerned for my health everytime I exhaust myself and I'm grateful for that so please cancel the project I can't vear to see you commit more mistakes"

Yours Truly


As the two finished reading the letter Kaga started to comfort Akagi, as Akagi started to cry with Kaga patting her back

After Akagi stopped crying for some time she and Kaga headed to where Amagi first discovered Suzumebachi

A few minutes later

As they entered the underground they saw a fully built aircraft carrier shocking them and a pod that started to open slowly with cold air coming out from it

And as the air inside the pod was gone there eyes widen as they saw Amagi inside the pod(she has clothes by the way as the pod makes the clothes for Amagi as she is being revived)

As they saw this, Amagi slowly started to wake up and as she saw Akagi and Kaga and from there Amagi spoke

Amagi: Akagi, Kaga is that you two?

As she walks out of the pod, the two kitsune's immediately hugged Amagi with Akagi telling her how she missed her so much

After that interaction, Akagi asked how Amagi is still alive, and from there Amagi explained what Suzumebachi proposed to Amagi before her death, and from there Akagi finally understand that this the final gift that her beloved gave her

After Amagi explained how she is now fully revived with a aircraft carrier rigging, she asked where Suzumebachi is so she can thank her for ger hard work

As Akagi and Kaga heard Amagi's question they vecame silent

Amagi: *saws their expression and immediately knows what happened* She died didn't she?

Akagi: It was all my fault Amagi-neesan, I started a civil war against Azur lane because I made a deal with the sirens in hopes of reviving you I-I-

And then Amagi hugged her as Akagi started to cry uncontrollably

Amagi: Calm down Akagi...none of this is your fault you got manipulated by the sirens

Akagi: But I'm the reason why she-

Amagi: It was the sirens fault, they wanted to make sure we are at our weakest so they can strike us down, don't let them win Akagi, avenge Suzumebachi

Akagi: Avenge Suzumebachi...

Amagi: Correct for her sake let's not let the sirens get what they wanted and let this tragedy be a reminder of what are we truly fighting for Akagi, what Suzumebachi wanted to fight for

And as she said Akagi suddenly falls asleep due to she cried a lot and got tired with Amagi humming a tune so her sister can sleep properly

And from there Amagi spoke again

Amagi: But for now we must mourn for her and pay our respects, I'll stay here in the meantime to avoid disrespecting everyone's mourning for Suzumebachi, Kaga you may tell this to Lady Nagato and the other higher ups so there worries won't increased

Kaga: Yes Amagi-neesan, I'll tell my sister Tosa to take care of you while we are mourning

Amagi: Very well then but may you leave us for a minute Kaga, I would like to spend time with my sister

Kaga: Sure Amagi-neesama

And so Kaga left them be and annouced Amagi's revival to Nagato, Mikasa, Shinano, Musashi and Tosa, with Tosa accepting the duty to guard where Amagi ia for the meantime to prevent any sirens from knowing what happened as Kaga decided to reveal what Akagi and she did, with Nagato deciding not to punish them both as Suzumebachi would spare them due to her knowing this aswell and will give them a second chance to redeem themselves for the sake of the empire

And from there Nagato and the others decided stop this useless war and reunite the Crimson Axis back to Azur Lane so they can finally end this civil war once and for all and they'll start from canceling Project Orochi and scrapping it and destroying it to prevent the sirens from using it and then contacting Azur Lane after they mourn for Suzumebachi's death

However the sirens knew that time is not in their side and so in a last ditch effort to make Orochi leave the port and make it start they decided to manipulate Akagi, even it means by controling her by force

To be continued

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