Chapter 5

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An Hour After the Attack Prinz Eugen and Z23 join Suzumebachi and the others as out of 16 bomber that Suzumebachi sent, 9 returned to her flight deck and from there they returned home back to the Sakura Empire 

Meanwhile at the Azur Lane Base

We could see the Detached fleet docking the ships at the Port with them seeing the base is almost in ruins and in flames but the manjuu's are currently doing there best to extinguish the fires and repair everything that is destroyed and damaged from the attack

Yorktown, who is leading the Detached fleet looks for the other and manages to find them in the repaired meeting room of the base

As she entered she was greeted by Prince of Wales, Illustrious, and Cleveland

Cleveland: Ms. Yorktown, your back

Yorktown: Yeah, and I saw the condition of the base, it seems that the Crimson Axis have officially declared war on us

Prince Of Wales: Yes, Ms. Yorktown, and they even brought Mass Produced Siren ship from the attack

Yorktown: I see, but do they know what danger this could cause

Illustrious: It seems they are aware after all the "Tactician" of the Sakura Empire had made it's appearance

Yorktown: What do you mean?

Illustrious: Years ago before Amagi died, our intelligence discovered that the Sakura Empire had a new Shipgirl that was the tactician and the reason why the Pacific Ocean has 5% of Siren Activity due to there new AA guns and other stuff, but that is as far as we can go as only Amagi has all access on what The Tactician is and what is she fully capable of, she even destroyed Enterprise's blade when she made her appearance

Prince of Wales: It'll be best to wait for the Royal Navy reinforcement so we can start Operation Cloak and Dagger

Cleveland: Operation Cloak and Dagger?

Price of Wales: An Espionage mission that only the Royal Maids of the Royal Navy are capable of 

Cleveland: I see

Yorktown: Oh by the way have you seen my sister

Cleveland: Yes, she at her room, Vestal will be here within a few hours to check the ships that got damaged from the surprise attack as the dry docks are full of ships that receives heavy damage 

Yorktown: I'll head to Enterprise's room then

and so Yorktown left with Cleveland following her as she had some thing to do at the base

A Few Hours Later


At the Dragon Empery

We could see Ping Hai and Ning Hai returning to the base as their patrol hours is done

And as they docked there ship they saw Yat-Sen waiting for them

Ping Hai: Lady Yat-Sen it's good to see you

Ning Hai: Do you need our assistance

Yat-Sen: Yes Follow me

and so they followed Yat-Sen to a building where they also saw an unexpected person

It was Suzumebachi, but they only know her as The "Tactician" of The Sakura Empire as she visits the Dragon Empery very often, to fix amends that Akagi almost break due to the Civil war between Azur Lane and Crimson Axis, just like Amagi did when she was alive

Suzumebachi: You must be Ping Hai and Ning Hai, nice to meet you both

Ping Hai: I-It's nice to meet you "Tactician" of The Sakura Empire

Suzumebachi: So Azur Lane knew of my presence a little, that's impressive

Ning Hai: Ms. Yat-Sen why is she here, you head the news-

Yat-Sen: She and I made a truce secretly due to Amagi mending the bond that was destroyed by Japan back in WW2, with her continuing Amagi's work, she wanted to avoid The Dragon Empery getting involved, and as she asked me to bring you both here as she is going to give you a little task 

Ning Hai: A task

Suzumebachi: Hai, This task could benefit everyone for the civil war to end soon as possible so we can fight the sirens without problem

Ping Hai: We'll help then, right sis

Ning Hai: H-Hai, we'll help you Ms.-

Suzumebachi: Suzume, You may call me Suzume since my name is really long

Ning Hai: V-Very well then, We'll be glad to help you Ms. Suzume

Suzumebachi: With that said here's the task you're going to do

A few minutes later

We could see the two leaving the building as they are going to sleep as they need to be prepared for the task given to them by Suzumebachi, with Suzumebachi and Yat-Sen watching them from the windows

Yat-Sen: May I call you Ms. Suzume as well?

Suzumebachi: Sure

Yat-Sen: Ver well, I'm impressed Ms. Suzume, you managed to convince them to do there bidding without showing fear 

Suzumebachi: Violence isn't always the answer, Ms. Yat-Sen, and besides I don't want my name to be tarnished infront of a beautiful woman like you

Yat-Sen: E-Eh?!

and then Suzumebachi goes close to Yat-Sen

Like this:

(Imagine the Girl is Yat-Sen and the Boy is Suzumebachi)

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(Imagine the Girl is Yat-Sen and the Boy is Suzumebachi)

Suzumebachi: Hasn't anyone tell you how beautiful you are, Ms. Yat-Sen *places a hand on Yat-Sen's cheek* the way you calmly speak to your comrades, to the situation your facing against the sirens, everything about just made you so beautiful

Yat-Sen: *Face started to get red* I-I-I

and then suddenly someone opened the door revealing Mikasa

Mikasa: Lady Sutingā, Let's leave and please control yourself from flirting

Suzumebachi: I see, May we meet some time, Ms. Yat-Sen *kisses Yat-Sen's left hand*

and so the two left leaving Yat-Sen in a blabbering mess as she got confused on what is happening

As Suzumebachi and Mikasa left the Dragon Empery Mikasa spoke

Mikasa: You know what'll happen when Akagi finds out about this right?

Suzumebachi: I know, I know, But I still don't get it on why Akagi is very angry at me from flirting with other shipgirls, even thou I'm her superior

Mikasa: She doesn't bad rumors about you being heard as your reputation is very known from the Sakura Empire, and she also wanted you to stay focused now that we made our move

Suzumebachi: *sighs* If that's what she wants I'll see what I can do

Mikasa: You really are clueless Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: What's that supposed to mean

Mikasa: Nothing, let's head back to base before Akagi suspects that your moving behind her back

and so the two goes into full speed and managed to return to the Sakura Empire before Akagi suspects them on something

To be continued

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