Chapter 14

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Back At Suzumebachi

We can see her having a chat with Ayanami, with Laffey, Javelin, and Unicorn talking to her aswell as they are curious about her with Northampton listening to there talk aswell

And then they stop by at the café where Northampton ordered the snacks that the 4 wanted with Suzumebachi ordering some Coffee instead as she thinks she is not hungry in the moment, with Suzumebachi witnessing Ark Royal harassing a destroyer shipgirl causing her to create some threads in her hands and make it go to Ark Royal's neck and as they surrounded her neck, Suzumebachi pulls the threads, causing Ark Royal to suddenly choke and hold her neck as she is slowly being dragged to where Suzumebachi is with the shipgirls in the area shocked at what Suzumebachi just did

As Ark Royal is now at where Suzumebachi is, Suzumebachi lightens her thread hold on Ark Royal's neck so the lolicon shipgirl can breathe and from there she spoke menacingly with a smile on her face 

Suzumebachi: If I f***ing see you and heard that you harass another Destroyer or any child shipgirls, I'll personally cut your throat open with my threads and hands and hang you in a tree and twist your neck with no remorse, regardless of the punishment I'll get even it's a death sentence, Are. We. Clear?

As Ark Royal heard this in fear she nods yes very fast and from there Suzumebachi makes the threads leave the lolicon throat and from there the lolicon ran away very fast 

Due to Suzumebachi's body not completely healed the threads disappear from her hand and then it started shaking a little causing Northampton to be concerned and told her not to do that again with Suzumebachi apologizing as her arm is slowly not shaking itself

Needless to say Suzumebachi have a fun time drinking her coffee with her available hand while watching Ayanami and Laffey fight due to Laffey stealing a portion of Ayanami's pancake after Laffey ate hers with one go, surprising Suzumebachi on how did she do that with Yorktown joining her as she is finish from her paperwork and ordered coffee aswell and started to talk about some random topics that doesn't involve politics and the civil war at the moment as Suzumebachi wanted to enjoy the moment of peace for awhile

As they left the café they headed to the where Ping Hai and Ning Hai is selling there food and to Suzumebachi's surprise Yat-Sen was also there causing her to greet them with the 3 Dragon Empery shipgirls greeting her and giving her some of the food they are selling and to Ayanami aswell, with Suzumebachi starting to flirt with Yat-Sen, but Yorktown manages to stop Suzumebachi before Yat-Sen could be very flustered to the point of fainting in any moment by bonking Suzumebachi in the head and telling her to stop and give her 'her very innocent smile' which made Suzumebachi to stop her flirting due to malicious intent in that smile and apologized to Yat-Sen

After a few more hours, as the sun is about to set with everyone leaving to do something important, Northampton escorted Ayanami and Suzumebachi to their shared dorm as it is the only available dorm at the moment and from there Northampton left them be after she give the keys as she had to do a night patrol sortie with the two entering the dorm and making themselves comfortable while they ate some of the food given to them by Yat-Sen and the others

At Night

We can see Ayanami pushing the Wheelchair where Suzumebachi is sitting as they both can't sleep at the moment as they felt they aren't tired yet

And after a few minutes they are at a place where they can see the sea and the moon glowing brightly causing them to smile

Until they heard Enterprise voice as she said

"Are you both...Trying to escape?"

As the two heard this, Suzumebachi was the one who spoke

Suzumebachi: No were not, I mean how can we My ship was probably still being repaired and was hidden and my injury still hasn't been fully healed

Enterprise: I-I see...

and then it became silent for a few seconds and then Suzumebachi spoke

Suzumebachi: Still having regrets on almost killing me... sister?

As Enterprise hears this her eyes widen

After Suzumebachi was taken immediately to the infirmary after the battle, Enterprise demanded the truth from her sister and from there she learned that Suzumebachi was their younger sister, which made her angry due to what The Sakura Empire did to their little sister

But after Yorktown told her what Suzumebachi said when she offered her to joining the Eagle Union once again, she was sad aswell, but when Yorktown returned as she was waiting for her, she saw her sister smiling meaning that she had a good time with Suzumebachi even thou she declined her offer to be part of their faction again

Enterprise: How are you taking this to positively, I almost killed you?

Suzumebachi: *sighs* Are you always like this, to thick headed sister, only thinking yourself as a machine and only a tool for war rather than a human being with many caring for you and being concerned?

Enterprise: I-

Suzumebachi: On Second thought don't mind what I said but, I'm not a person who get angry that easily sister, being a negative person won't lead me anywhere and won't help so it's best to move on and continue going forward and do the right thing 

Enterprise: I-I see

and then the two looked at the scenery again with Ayanami saying

Ayanami: Can Ayanami have sleep over with the others, I forgot that they invited me to have sleepover?

Suzumebachi: You may Ayanami 

Ayanami: But what about you Lady Suzumebachi?

Enterprise: I'll take her back when we are done

Ayanami: Okay then

and so Ayanami leave the two sisters be with the cold breeze passing through them 

At the Sakura Empire

We can see Akagi dreaming, where she saw Suzumebachi and was trying to chase her but everytime she got close to her, she suddenly saw her distance to her becoming larger and larger and then Suzumebachi turns around with a dark face and shining eyes and spoke

"Complete Project Orochi, Akagi, for The Sakura Empire"

as she heard this eye eyes widen and then her eyes turned gold for a second before it turned back to her original eye color

To be continued

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