Chapter 7

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Neptune: Shit! *pulls out a smoke grenade and throws it in the ground*

As smoke started to fill the house, Neptune and Black Prince used the opportunity to escape by making a hole on one of the wall leading outside and ran from the forest to head to their riggings

But Suzumebachi knows this will and pulls some of her fingers, causing the 6 puppets outside to follow the two Royal Navy Maids, with Suzumebachi following suit as the smoke disappears

With this happening the Maids and Suzumebachi are now playing a game of cat and mouse with The two Royal Maids managing to destroy 3 of Suzumebachi's puppets by using their pistols

Eventually the maid managed to get to their riggings and escaped but not without firing at the forest to prevent Suzumebachi from catching up, with Suzumebachi taking some steps back along with her puppets due to the explosions in the forest

As Suzumebachi saw this, she decided to head to the household to investigate what are the Royal Maids looking for as she can't follow them as she can't summon her ship because she is to far away from it

And as she searched at the house she saw something missing in Amagi's room and then headed to the shipgirls who also heard the explosion and tells them to tell the manjuu's to repair the damages in the house 

and after she done that she'll head to the Infirmary to check Akagi and Kaga and interrogate them about what happened there at the cave before can head to the the Palace to tell Nagato about her findings and investigation

Hours later

5:30 PM

At the infirmary

We could see Akagi first waking up and then she looks around the room and saw Suzumebachi asleep on a desk as she is sitting in a chair between Akagi and Kaga's bed, with her mask on the desk, causing Akagi to see Suzumebachi's beautiful face, with Akagi using her left hand to put some of Suzumebachi's disheveled hair on their rightful place as it was blocking Akagi's view on Suzumebachi's face

and after she done this she uses her hand to touch her face softly with Akagi giggling a little as Suzumebachi is very beautiful when she is asleep

and then suddenly Akagi moves her hand away as she sensed Suzumebachi waking up 

As Suzumebachi opens her eyes she lets out a groan and rubbed her eyes and then noticed Akagi awake

Suzumebachi: O-Oh Akagi your awake, how are you feeling?

Akagi: I'm fine Suzumebachi, what happened?

One thing Akagi is good at is lying at least as she already knew what happened as she knew that Suzumebachi would detect Observer Alpha's presence due to the information given to her by her older sister before she died, and also know Nagato and the others are suspicious 

Suzumebachi: What do you remember?

Akagi: I remember inspecting Project Orochi with Kaga and was about to put the data we collected from the surprise attack to make it stronger as the project is mixed with siren material and tech, until a siren, who's name is Observer Alpha showed up and turned the project into a complete siren battlecarrier ship by using the black cube that we had acquired from a siren base we raided a few months ago before we declare war on Azur Lane

In truth She was talking to Observer Alpha with Kaga guarding the cave until for unknown reasons Akashi entered the cave by accident with Observer Alpha using her tentacle to prevent Akashi from escaping and was about to kill the shipgirl despite Akagi's plea, until two shipgirls from the Royal Navy came and took the box along with Akagi with Observer Alpha firing her cannons at the cave due to Suzumebachi and the others heading to their location, giving the maids an opportunity to escape with Akagi and Kaga knocking each other out to prevent Suzumebachi and the others from getting suspicious

Suzumebachi: I see, I remember that part

Akagi: We tried to stop her until two shipgirls from the Royal Navy took the cube and took Akashi as hostage as they left, with Observer Alpha knocking us out and fired her cannons at the cave for unknown reasons before she left as well

Suzumebachi: I see... I'll take this information to Lady Nagato so we can talk about what to do to the project, but with that all said please take some rest you need it

and then Suzumebachi picks up her mask and stands up as she was about to leave but Akagi stopped her by tugging her kimono and spoke

Akagi: Can you just stay here for awhile?

Suzumebachi: . . . Forgive me Akagi, but I must-

Akagi: Please

As Suzumebachi heard this she decided to stay just for a few hours due to the day is very tiring and she wanted to make sure to satisfy Akagi's need as she promised Amagi to take care of her and will take action if Akagi does something that can harm the empire and humanity as whole

Suzumebachi: Only for 2 hours then-!

But before Suzumebachi can finished her sentence, Akagi suddenly pulled Suzumebachi to her lap with her tails preventing Suzumebachi to stand up as she is lying on the bed with Akagi now with her mask dropping on the floor, with Akagi's tails releasing something, making Suzumebachi's mind light headed and her body too relaxed, causing her to moan, a sound lovely to Akagi's ears

Suzumebachi: A-Akagi!

Akagi: Shh, rest now Suzumebachi, you deserved this after everything you did for the Empire~

Suzumebachi: H-Hai~

and then Suzumebachi slowly fell asleep with Akagi saying

Akagi: Even you are from the Eagle Union as USS Hornet, you always have special place in my heart, Suzumebachi, everything I'm doing at this point is for you and Big sis Amagi

There are times when Suzumebachi is overworking herself to the point to getting sick at the process after Amagi's death, Akagi would use her tails to make Suzumebachi very obedient and submissive to her commands to take a rest due to her kitsune traits

Of course she could use her ability to control Suzumebachi and make her spill what Nagato and the others are planning, but she didn't do that as she loved Suzumebachi, her feelings for her grows every time she got worried about Suzumebachi's health and safety

Needless to say she let Suzumebachi sleep for 4 hours until she woke her up

To be continued

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