Chapter 3

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After the battle the Carrier divisions were taken to the hospital to check their injuries with many of the Sakura Shipgirls admiring Sutingā as she is the only shipgirl that managed to take out the Kidō Butai by herself, while some are scarred of her a little due to how she defeated them, but they quickly became friends with her as they saw her as a nice person 

After she talks to the others, Amagi congratulated Sutingā at her display of fighting, but scolds her a little due to what happened to the Crane sister's to which, Sutingā apologized with her following Amagi to the hospital to talk to Akagi and Kaga when they woke up 

An Hour Later

At the Hospital

We could see Akagi waking up and noticed that she is at the hospital and takes a look at the left and saw Kaga laying on the hospital bed and was still unconscious 

and then she heard Amagi's voice

Amagi: Finally you're awake Akagi

As Akagi looked at her older sisters direction, she frowned as she also saw Sutingā who is leaning on the wall, while Amagi is sitting at the couch

Amagi: Please don't be angry to her Akagi, It was I who made the decision to make Sutingā fight you, atleast you and the others got only light injuries

Akagi: Forgive me, Sister, but somehow I have a feeling that I hate her for no reason

Amagi: I see, Sutingā can you show her, your face

Sutingā: As you wish Master

Akagi: Master?-

as then Sutingā  removed her mask, Akagi's eyes widen, as she knew now why she has the feeling of hating her

Akagi: You're-

and then she noticed Amagi pleading not to speak and only listen

Suzumebachi: Sutingā is my codename to avoid enemies from knowing my true identity, My real name is Suzumebachi, nice to meet you Akagi *smiles* I hope we get along 

As Akagi saw that smile which was filled with kindness and gentleness, it irritates her a little but at the same time it feels fine 

Amagi: Since Kaga is still asleep may you leave us for awhile Suzumebachi, I have something to discuss to Akagi

Suzumebachi: As you wish master

and so Suzumebachi puts her mask back and then left them and from there Akagi spoke

Akagi: Why is Hornet here sister Amagi?

and from there Amagi explained how Suzumebachi got here and tell her that when she'll die Suzumebachi will serve Akagi, which also shocks her, since Hornet's planes where the ones that sunk her and now her killer had her memories wiped and was now helping the empire and will be serving Akagi in the future, fate is sometime really strange

Amagi: And Akagi with this information in your disposal, may I ask a favor

Akagi: What is it sister?

Amagi: Can you train Suzumebachi on how to control her planes and her rigging?

Akagi: . . .Why should I help her, I thought she's intelligent and she could do it on her own?

Amagi: Your right but, she had never let a plane out of her flight deck due to her job on helping the empire from the inside and not in Naval Battles, due to several reasons, and besides it will help you get to know her more

Akagi: *sighs* If that's what you want Sister, I'll train her

Amagi: Good, I'll tell the higher ups that she'll take a break from work so you could train her, please rely everything I said to Kaga and to the other Carrier divisions so we could avoid any unnecessary fights, especially Zuikaku, you know what she would do when she found out Enterprise's younger sister is here

Akagi: She would challenge her into a fight, I know, I'll see what I can do

Amagi: Thank you, Akagi *coughs* atleast I'm sure Suzumebachi will be on good hands in my absence

and then Akagi could only smiled sadly as she can't do anything to prevent her sister's fate, as no one can't stop death from killing her beloved sister

And from there when The Carrier Divisions were discharged from the hospital after a day where Akagi explained about Suzumebachi, and needless to say they were shocked with Zuikaku getting the feeling to challenge the Grey Ghost's little sister, but Akagi immediately saw her look threatens her that if she dares to challenge Suzumebachi there will be grave consequences for her(Unfortunately that won't stop Zuikaku)

And so Suzumebachi's training had begun starting from launching Planes and Medium Bomber's and using AA Guns to doing some strategic airstrikes to maintain Air Superiority

As for Zuikaku, her attempts to challenge her into a fight always ended up in failure as Suzumebachi will always pull one or to two finger which had strings on them, and the next thing happened will be Zuikaku's feet will be tied by those strings and will hanged on the tree upside down or will be hit by some rocks or wood in the head which will knock her out unconscious, and to be honest it was such a funny sight to watch as Zuikaku can't escape from Suzumebachi's traps even thou her traps are still the same but in a different pattern

As 2 months passed Akagi managed to to get to know Suzumebachi, and her attitude is really the opposite of Hornet's, she is calculative, knows proper manners, not rowdy, and always expressed her concerns to others fully, causing her and Suzumebachi to be friends, but Akagi felt she wanted more than that

Suzumebachi also teach Kaga some strategies in Shogi and for the first time after many years, Kaga managed to beat Amagi in Shogi due to her help, with Amagi congratulating her

But alas the peaceful times didn't last long as Amagi had finally succumb to her disease and died, with Suzumebachi swapping her a fake body, before the funeral and from there Suzumebachi commanded the manjuu's that Amagi picked to serve Suzumebachi to start building Amagi's Aircraft Carrier which Suzumebachi placed her body in a cryostasis chamber, with her cube being placed on a liquid container with many wires and tubes in it as the cube started to crack with Suzumebachi managing to repair and was now finding a way to fix her cube for Amagi to live freely and without worry

She hopes that she could revive her as soon as possible before something went wrong that could harm the Empire

To be continued

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