Chapter 9

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After getting the box, but failing to get the Black Cube, The Sakura Empire fleet and Ironblood retreated as they had atleast one of their objectives complete and as for the Black cube, Akagi had planned to take it back by attacking Midway that will commence within a few days

Back at Azur lane

We can see Yorktown reading the documents that Neptune managed to steal, with her eyes in disbelief and shock on what she is reading, with Prince of Wales and Cleveland reading it as well

Yorktown: Hornet...

Cleveland: They done all of this right under our noses, Damnit!

Prince Of Wales: What are you going to do Ms. Yorktown

Yorktown:. . .Keep this a secret to Enterprise, Cleveland what do we get from our decoders?

Cleveland: There will be an Attack in Midway within a few days, there is possibility that Suzumebachi might show up since she is the one who brought the bombers just like she did in the attack at the base here and at the rescue mission

Yorktown: I want you to organize a fleet that will engage Hor- no Suzumebachi and if possible knock her out and capture her 

Cleveland: Hai

Yorktown: Ms. Wales tell Amazon to create a fake black cube to lure some of the forces away before the main battle begin, since they are also after it

Prince Of Wales: It'll be done

Yorktown: Good, I'll call the Military to prepare some B-17 in Midway island, if they want history to repeat itself so be it and this time everyone will comeback alive and not dead, are we all clear?

Both: Hai

Yorktown: Good you may leave as for the following days we'll conduct exercises to strengthen the fleet that will engage them

and so they did their respective duties to prepare for the Second Battle of Midway

A Few Days Later 

At the Sakura Empire

At the Secret Bunker where Suzumebachi is Reviving Amagi

We can see Suzumebachi overseeing Amagi's revival as her cube was 100% healed but she knew she had to leave as they are heading to Midway to lure the Azur Lane fleet, and to send some shipgirls at the base to take the black cube 

But she had read the history books and know this time it'll be different, and since she theorized the she'll be one of the main target, due to she is the mind and tactician of Sakura Empire, she needed to be very careful as Azur Lane's leader Yorktown might pull out some tricks on her sleeves to slow them down

And as she headed to the machine that was starting to revive Amagi she spoke something even thou she knew Amagi won't hear and then left the bunker and headed to the palace as within a minute the fleet will leave to attack Midway

At the Palace

As Suzumebachi entered the palace she only saw Shinano there

Suzumebachi: Lady Shinano

Shinano: Ah Lady Suzumebachi, what brings you here Lady Nagato and the others are preparing to leave within a few minutes as you prepared your ship a few hours ago?

Suzumebachi: You won't join the fleet to attack Midway

Shinano: I don't need as I knew with you in the fleet you will bring victory for the empire

and then the two laughed a little until Suzumebachi spoke

Suzumebachi: I've come to bring this *pull out a letter* I want you to give this to someone after the mission is over either I come back alive or not if the mission was a success or a failure

Shinano: I see, are you have foreshadowed your own death?

Suzumebachi: It might be yes, might be no it's best to be prepared if something happened to me

Shinano: It's true but, do you really believe at destiny and fate controlling our life?

and then Suzumebachi walks around the palace to think of and answer and then she spoke

Suzumebachi: I believe anyone can change their fate and destiny even it's controlled, but we can't ignore it for long, there will be a time where we need to sacrifice ourselves for the grater good of many, and to achieve the objective that everyone wanted

Shinano: So that's your answer?

Suzumebachi: Yes

and then the two stayed silent and then Shinano spoke

Shinano: Very well then, who I'm going to give that letter?

Suzumebachi: To Akagi, I prepared a surprise for her, one that she'll like and love and will never make her sad anymore if I die in battle

Shinano: *takes the letter* I'll keep it a secret then until she came back here live

Suzumebachi: She will come back here alive and safe as she is in my watch 

Shinano: If you say so

Suzumebachi: Thank you for the request then Lady Shinano, I'll take my leave 

but as she is about to leave Shinano said something that made Suzumebachi stop walking away from the palace

Shinano: You knew what Akagi felt for you right?

Suzumebachi: . . . I know that, but I wanted Akagi to love someone that'll won't leave her forever, and won't feel the burden of loosing a love one, which is about to happen soon if I didn't make it out alive

Shinano: . . .So you pretend to be clueless about Akagi's feelings?

Suzumebachi: Yes, I did

Shinano: Why?

Suzumebachi: Cause I want what's best for her, what she done at the past few days is wrong considering our situation, but she can still change and do the right thing like a human being we are not made for war only don't we, if only she can open her eyes to see the truth

As she said this Shinano chuckled a little and then spoke

Shinano: You're really an interesting one Lady Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: I learned from the best of the best after all, *Laughs wholeheartedly* I'll take my leave this time, Farewell Lady Shinano

and so Suzumebachi completely left with Shinano saying

Shinano: May the heaven be on your side Suzumebachi

As she said this she saw a fraction of the future battle with Azur Lane in Midway where a hole was placed in Suzumebachi's stomach that caused Suzumebachi to bleed and slowly die at Antarctica like background

As she remembers this she headed to a part of the Palace where she can see the whole fleet departing to attack Azur Lane and to send a small task force to get the cube at the Azur Lane base

To be continued

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