Chapter 12

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A few minutes later

After Yorktown tell her who she really is and showed Suzumebachi the evidence that they stole in Amagi's box, Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: So... your saying I'm originally USS Hornet and my memories were reset by the Sakura Empire

Yorktown: Correct, so what's your decision... Sister?

Yorktown hope, she really hope that her younger can finally join them to fight the Crimson Axis and Siren

And from Suzumebachi made a decision

She laughed, shocking Yorktown  due to that with some tears coming out from her eyes as she closes her eyes to laugh even harder

Suzumebachi: Hahahahaha *Wipes her tears away* haha, Sorry about that Ms. Yorktown, it's just that it finally makes sense now why no one is talking about USS Hornet which was me back at the Sakura Empire sorry about that

Yorktown: Oh I see-

Suzumebachi: But forgive Ms. Yorktown, if your trying to make me go back to you and Azur Lane, I'm afraid that I can't join Azur Lane

As Yorktown heard this her hopes are shattered, but this is her younger sister's decision

Yorktown: I-I see, but may I ask why?

Suzumebachi: I have many people who cared about me Ms. Yorktown, they treated me like family, despite their hate for the Eagle Union back in the Second World War, I made a lot of bonds in Sakura Empire, and I don't want to lose those bonds just because they lied and hid the truth from me, in fact I'm glad that I knew the truth now and I can remove my doubts about who I really am, But I hope I can spend some time with you as a fellow shipgirl or a sister perhaps

Yorktown: *Prevents tears from coming out of her eyes as she saw Suzumebachi smile as she say those words* S-Sure I would love to but may I have a moment for myself?

Suzumebachi: Sure, I'll go and fimd Ayanami then

And so Yorktown called Vestal to take her out of the office and make her wear her clothes that the manjuus fixed and then take her to the other shipgirl that will give her a tour around the island and the base as Vestal has some chores to do

And as they left Yorktown started crying uncontrollably

Mins. Later

Outside the Azur Lane HQ

We can see Northampton taking Suzumebachi to the town to give her a tour around the island by walking at the road that leads there after showing her around the base with the wind blowing Suzumebachi's hair that is in a ponytail, causing her to giggle as she felt the wind calming her skin and making her worries away, while Northampton is in deep thoughts as Yorktown and Vestal informed her about Suzumebachi's Identity

If she wasn't that weak to defy orders that day and might have saved Hornet from being in Sakura Empire hands could've things changed

But then her train of thought was cut short as Suzumebachi spoke

Suzumebachi: Is there something bothering you, Northampton?

Northampton: Nothin Horn- I mean Ms. Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: Please cut the formalities, no need for the Ms. part

Northampton: Very well then Suzumebachi

Suzumebachi: So you know me back when I was USS Hornet?

As Northampton heard she nods silently

Suzumebachi: I see, did I become one of your friends?

Northampton: Best Friend actually

Suzumebachi: I see, If I'm correct your with me at my last supposed last moments before death when I was USS Hornet?

Northampton: Yes

Suzumebachi: I see, care to share what's bothering you, or is it perhaps you wanted to think if there were other ways that you could've save that day

Northampton: Huh, you really are the Tactician of the Sakura Empire for a reason

Suzumebachi: I'm good at analyzing and observing people close or from afar and I can guess if somethings bothering them or not

Northampton: I see

Suzumebachi: Thou my advice is that you shouldn't think about how can you change what happened, What's done is done, and the only thing you can do is look forward and do your best to spend the time you and I lost that's fair for me since I want to know about the things we did and done before I became who I'm today

Northampton: I-I see...Are you sure you are a tactician?, Cause you're acting like a therapist and consultant rather than your supposed title

Suzumebachi: I just read some books about different problems that the world has and possible solutions to help, but I might take that Job when the war with the sirens are over amd after I passed that test to get that said job

And then the two laughed while they almost reached the town at the island of Azur Lane

Back at the Sakura Empire

We can see Akagi and Kaga being called at the palace, were they only saw Shinano there alone and from there Akagi spoke in a rather bad mood tone

Akagi: Lady Shinano, why did you call us?

Kaga: Akagi-

Shinano: Don't worry Kaga we are all mourning for Suzumebachi's death and Lady Nagato and the others are very distress as we lost a very important ally and I called you both out of the blue while you are still mourning so her mood is understandable for now until our mourning for her pass and to continue our next step of what to do now that Suzumebachi is gone

Kaga: If that's what you wish, Lady Shinano, I'll respect it

Shinano: With that all said, a letter was given to me by Suzumebachi before she all join you to go to battle *pulls out the letter from her kimono* she said to give this to you Akagi

As Akagi geard this her eyes widen in shock and then spoke

Akagi: I-I see *takes the letter*

Shinano: You may now leave the palace to continue your mourning for the lost of Suzumebachi Akagi, Kaga

Both: Hai

And so they left the palace

To be continued

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