Chapter 8

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Around 9:00pm

At the Palace

We can see Suzumebachi explaining her findings and investigation and what the royal maids took in Amagi's room with Nagato, Tosa, Mikasa, and Musashi

As they heard the box that Amagi kept was stolen their eyes widen in alert

The contents of the box are the files about what happened to Hornet before she became Suzumebachi and if they managed to unlock the box, they'll be in big trouble

Nagato: I see, Tosa have you found where the Royal Maids went

Tosa: Yes Lady Nagato they were currently in an abandoned island, I've sent some shipgirls there to surround and patrol the island to prevent those maid from escaping

Musashi: You've done well, Tosa, tomorrow I'll be there as well with some shipgirls to find the maids aswell incase we can't find them tonight, but tell the shipgirls you sent there to report anything suspicious so we can immediately take action, as the maids might have called Azur Lane to help them escape

Tosa: Yes Lady Musashi

Nagato: I'll be joining you as well Musashi

As she said this everyone's eye widen as Nagato never joined a sortie due do paperwork...oh that's why

Mikasa: But who'll stay and do your paperwork Lady Nagato?

Nagato: You Lady Mikasa, make sure to report everything that happened her while I'm gone, my sister Mutsu will help you aswell

Mikasa: I see, very well then

Nagato: It doesn't matter if we capture the maids, the important thing here is that we take back what was stolen from us before Azur Lane got their hands on it, capturing them us only a bonus understood?

All: HAI!

Nagato: Very well then, you may all take a rest to prepare for the possible naval battle against Azur Lane

And so everyone returned to their homes and take a rest, except for Suzumebachi, who is at 97% complete on healing Amagi's Wisdom Cube so she can finally revive her causing her to sleep at 1:00 am

Hours later

At the abandoned island where the maids are hiding

We can see Nagato, Musashi, Tosa, Suzumebachi, and 35 Sakura Shipgirls surrounding half of the island as there riggings are in ship mode with Ironblood Sending Eugen, 2 Light Cruisers and 2 Destroyer Shipgirls to help the Sakura Empire to search for the Royal Navy Maids with Siren Ships supporting them aswell 

And at Suzumebachi's ship we can see Suzumebachi checking her bombers that are being loaded by the manjuus with bombs as she and the others decided to carpet bomb the island first with Crane sister's planes escorting her bombers to support the carpet bombing aswell

At the other side of the island

We can see The Azur Land fleet that has 6 Aircraft Carriers, 10 Battleships, 10 Light Cruisers, and 14 Destroyer Shipgirls heading to their designated positions to prepare and create a diversion to send some of there Shipgirls to aid the Royal Maids escape

But as Yorktown, who is leading the group was about to command the attack, She and the other shipgirls saw 16 bombers that has the Sakura Empire insignia at the island started dropping bombs with other Sakura Planes dropping bombs at the island aswell or heading to the Azur Lane fleet, causing Yorktown and the other shipgirls to send there planes to intercept the incoming enemies and open up the AA guns incase they bypass there planes, with the battleships immediately firing there guns to start the diversion as explosions can be heard in the islands

They hope they can save there comrades before it's too late

At the islands

As the explosions destroyed some of the buildings, the 4 maids and Akashi started to leave the building that they are hiding started to fall due to the explosions

As they maneuver through the destroyed building Sheffield sensed something and pointer her gun on 3 o clock and pulled the trigger shooting one of Suzumebachi's puppets in the head

Neptune: She's here for the box eyes sharp, she had many puppets in the area, and could take us all out if they are many

All 3 maids: Hai!!!

But then they heard Suzumebachi's voice 

"Oh no, your wrong the Royal Maids, I'm not alone with my puppets, I've brought some backup"

and then suddenly Z1 and Z23 appeared and fired some torpedoes at the group causing Sheffield and Edinburgh(Who is carrying Akashi) to split up with Neptune and Black Prince

And then Suzumebachi made her appearance with 20 puppets in different positions, surrounding the two maid, causing them to pull out their guns, while the puppets pullet out there sword with some of them releasing smoke instead of drawing there swords

And then 5 of them transformed into Type 92 machine guns, with the heads serving as the range finders that can also see through smoke

Needless to say the two Royal Navy maids are in big trouble as Suzumebachi pulled her hand to command her puppets to start attacking them

A few minutes later

We could see Belfast, Enterprise, Cleveland, Sheffield and Edinburgh(Akashi was taken into one of the Azur Lane ships to keep her safe after Enterprise and Belfast saved them)

As they headed to the last place where they saw Neptune and Black Prince, they saw something that horrify and shocked them

They saw Black Prince and Neptune tied up together in building with the rope hanged in one of the building and one wrong move they'll fall and die from falling, with Belfast noticing the maids weapons were destroyed and there clothes with blood stains from their injuries

And then they saw Suzumebachi holding at the locked box that belongs to Amagi, with Enterprise drawing her bow to hit Suzumebachi

But then Suzumebachi spoke

Suzumebachi: I'll let them go, If you let me escape

Enterprise: Why should we?!

and then 5 puppets that can transform into Type 92 machine guns appeared, along with some of her puppets who'd draw there swords on Suzumebachi's command

As Belfast saw this she told Enterprise to let Suzumebachi go or else there will be casualties, causing Suzumebachi to command her puppets to put the two tied maids to the ground safely before she left

Unknown to her as she left, Neptune had managed to unlock the box's contents before the attack happened and managed to get at least 2-3 papers of the files before locking it again

To be continued

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