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Hey friends!!! I was hoping to have this out last week, but I've been super behind on everything since my car accident. I'm finally catching up, though. Hopefully, updates will be more regular.

Just a few things before we get started. If you see a spelling error, feel free to point it out respectfully. This does not include names since Bakugo and Bakugou are both correct. Also, certain words can be spelled differently, depending on where you're from—for example, Grey and Gray.

This book is inspired by Undone by Leslie Mcadam. I read it, loved it, and wanted a BakuDeku version of it. Obviously, it's not the exact same. I turned it into my own, but she deserves some credit for this story.

This story is mainly BakuDeku, but there is one DekuBaku scene. If that's not your thing, that's okay! But please stop reading now or forever hold your peace about it.

Enough of me, though. On to the story!!!

Bakugo's POV

"Did you meet your quota for the day?" My boss asked as I walked away from my cubical. He's been on my ass for the last month. As a debt collector, I have to make two hundred calls during my eight-hour shift. That's twenty-five calls per hour. It's easy to hit the quota when most people hang up on you, but I don't have that problem. I usually convince half of the people I call to pay something towards their debt, but that's not what my bosses see. They don't see that I bring in the most money every day. They only see me sitting at fifty to seventy percent of calls reached when I clock out.

"I did 196 calls," I informed. It was only four calls less than my quota, but it would have to do. I rushed through the process with everyone who wanted to pay, but I still wasn't fast enough. If they wanted me to hit my quota and still collect money, I would end up working through my hour lunch break.

"Almost." He said with a smile. "It's an improvement, good job." He complimented before walking back to his office. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that he didn't yell at me. He could be a real dick when he wanted to. I quickly walked out the front door, thankful to be out of the stuffy office. It was a breezy spring day, and I was mad at myself for not bringing a jacket this morning. It was chilly this morning, but it wasn't as windy.

I turned right and began walking down the sidewalk. I only lived eight blocks away from work, so I walked as much as possible. I didn't have much time to work out because I kept busy, so I tried walking everywhere. I only drove when it was too cold, or I was going shopping and didn't want to carry everything back. I moved away from the city when I graduated. I was a dumb kid and got into a lot of trouble. I needed a fresh escape, so I left. I used the money my parents gave me when I graduated and drove across the country.

That's how I found myself in this small town. Nobody knew me here, and I got a fresh start. I started working in a grocery store but eventually found the job I have now. This was a small town where everybody knew everybody, but not in a bad way. Everyone cared about each other here. The same families have been here for hundreds of years. They all knew and respected each other. They took care of each other. I walked down Main Street, looking into every window I passed. I didn't have the time to linger, though. My new roommate was moving in today, and I wanted to be there to talk about a few rules and meet him. Plus, I had to give him a key. I didn't tell Ashido I wasn't coming over today. I pulled my phone out of my pocket.

Hey, I'm not going to make it over today. My new roommate is moving in, and I want to be there today.

I watched the delivered notification turn to read before I saw dots on the screen, letting me know she was replying.

I didn't even know that your old roommate had moved out.

Did I forget to tell her that? We didn't talk a lot after our activities, but I can't believe I didn't mention it.

Sorry, it must have slipped my mind. I'll stop by after work tomorrow and make it up to you.

Ashido wasn't my girlfriend, not even close. We were friends with benefits, but we were barely friends. We didn't talk much unless it was directly before or after the sex.

I'm holding you to that. I'll see you tomorrow.

I didn't respond as I slid my phone back into my pocket. I crossed the street, getting lost in my mind. I didn't meet my new roommate before I agreed to let him move in. My best friend found him while he was out with our other friends. He didn't tell me much about him. He told me he had a job, no kids, could afford rent and was gay. I wasn't homophobic by any means, but he said he wanted to give me a heads-up. As long as he abided by my few rules, I didn't care what he did. My old roommate was quiet and kept to himself. We rarely saw each other, and I liked it that way. Other than my friends, I wasn't a people person. I preferred my alone time, and I wanted it to be quiet.

From what Kirishima told me about my new roommate, he works the opposite schedule of me. I worked from eight in the morning until five, and he worked evenings at a restaurant. Unless I didn't go to Ashido's, we probably wouldn't see each other often.

After another fifteen minutes of walking, I finally arrived home. There was a black Honda parked on the street in front of the house. There was a guy with unruly green curls leaning against the car. He wore dark blue jeans, a light purple shirt, and white slip-on shoes. His right hand was shoved in his pocket while his left held his phone. I walked up to him, assuming this was my new roommate. Kirishima didn't tell me what he looked like. He only told me his name.

"Izuku Midoriya?" I asked, causing him to turn to me. He slid his oversized sunglasses onto his head, and his bright green eyes looked me up and down. He had freckles covering his face, and I'm pretty sure he was wearing a light shade of lip gloss.

"Yeah." He said with a smirk. "Katsuki Bakugo?"

"Yeah, nice to meet you," I responded, reaching my hand out. He shook my hand gently. His hands were small and smooth. I didn't feel a single callus.

"Likewise." He replied with a smile.

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