My Fantasies

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Hello, friends! Sorry this is a few days late, but it has been a crazy couple of days. Hopefully, the mini splurge makes up for it!

Chapter 1/4 for tonight's splurge!


"So, he isn't straight?" Uraraka asked me for what felt like the millionth time.

I shook my head and chuckled. "Definitely not."

"He's not just trying you on?" I hated this. I hated everything about this. I know she means well, but I have enough anxiety about the situation as is. I don't need ideas or thoughts unintentionally put in my head.

"I think if he were just trying me on, he would have stopped after the first blow job," I shrugged. "Or at least after the tenth." Todoroki tossed his head back and laughed loudly.

Bakugo and I have been very busy since we got together two weeks ago. He's been working on the final touches for Shinso and Kaminari's place, and I have been working on my novel during most of my free time. Seeing him finally do something he loves doing has inspired me to do the same. I don't mind my job now, but it isn't my life goal.

When we're not working on our careers, we're always with each other. Most of the time, we end up naked, but that's the fun part about a new relationship. Seeing the person you're falling in love with in every intimate way.

"So, he's as horny as you are? I'm glad you found someone who can keep up with you," Uraraka said.

"You have no idea," I chuckled. When Bakugo told me that he wanted to be with me, I wasn't expecting him to be so open about it. It can take a while for people to adjust to something like this, but he didn't take any time. He still thinks he's moving slowly, but he isn't. I only hope he doesn't crash and burn when his brain finally catches up with the rest of his body.

"So when do we actually get to meet him?" Iida asked. "The time I saw him for ten seconds at the store doesn't count." Not only does that not count, but it's different now. He was just my roommate when he saw them last time. Now, he's my boyfriend.

"We've got a lot of stuff going on the rest of this week, but maybe next week." I offered. Since Bakugo is finishing his first client's home, he doesn't have a lot of free time until the weekend, which still isn't free time. He has to see his parents on Saturday, and I get to go with him.

I can't wait to tell his dad.

Todoroki snapped his fingers in front of my face to get my attention. "Are you still with us?" he asked.

"Yeah, sorry," I replied. "What were you saying?"

"We were saying we were going to get going," he sighed. "Uraraka has to work, and I have to be home for family dinner tonight."

"The whole family?" I asked him nervously. Usually, when the entire family was there, it didn't end well.

He pushed himself off my bed with a sigh. "Unfortunately, yeah."

I frowned. "If get's that bad, come back here and stay the night. I don't need you walking around with bruises for another week." His dad and Touya in the same room never worked out. They weren't the worst people to be around when it was just them, but putting them in the same room is the worst idea in the book. They feed off each other's toxicity and end up taking their anger out on the rest of the family.

"Your boyfriend will be okay with that?" he asked with a cocked brow.

"He'll be here too," I shrugged. "Even if he wasn't, I'm positive he would be fine with it." Although I have a lot to learn about my boyfriend, there is one thing I know for sure. He absolutely loves and cares about the people in his life, even if he doesn't always act like it. If I murdered someone tomorrow, I'm positive he would hide the body without asking me a single question.

"I'll keep that in mind." He smiled softly.

After five minutes of us saying goodbye, they left me alone in the apartment. Bakugo wouldn't be home for another half hour. Which means I have some time to work on my novel. I try to avoid working on certain parts when he's here. If he saw me typing with a raging boner, he would figure out what I was writing about.

He keeps asking me to read something, but I keep pushing it off. I owe him half a chapter since he went to the city with me, but I keep pushing that off, claiming I don't have anything ready yet.

The fact that I'm typing out every fantasy I have with him makes everything worse. I don't want him to read it and see his name in every other sentence. Not until I'm more comfortable with our relationship, anyway.

I sat at my desk and opened the document for the last chapter I was working on. I read through what I typed yesterday before closing my eyes and imagining how I wanted the rest of the scene to go. I have so many fantasies I want to live out with him that I'm not sure which one I want more of now.

Although the scene of me in lacy lingerie is tempting, so is the one where he shoves me against the wall and practically takes me right then and there.

His big hands reach around my slim waist while his mouth attaches to the back of my neck. His left hand slowly slides up my shirt while his right hand unbuttons and unzips my pants. His hard-on is pressed firmly against me while he rolls his hips into mine, shoving me further against the wall. Our hearts are beating fast as his index finger and thumb pull at my nipple while his other hand grabs the front of my pants and briefs, yanking them down to release my hard member.

I moan against the cold wall when my erection gets released. His lips pull away from my neck while his hand slides down my chest and grabs the hem of my shirt. He pulls me away from the wall just enough to help me slide my shirt over my head. After it's discarded on the floor, my jeans are next.

Once I'm standing against the wall in nothing other than what I was born with, his lips gently kiss the freckles on my upper back. His hands roamed around my chest while he used his feet to spread my legs further. When my feet were spread enough for his liking, he brought his hands around to my ass and gripped my cheeks. His tender kisses traced down my spine before he fell to his knees behind me, and oh my-


I pulled away from my keyboard when I couldn't ignore the pain pulsating through my dick anymore. I'll never be able to finish a chapter in this condition. This was the most challenging part of writing what I write. My body acts like this when I think of Bakugo doing all this stuff to me. I rarely type more than two or three chapters at a time because of it.

Trying to ignore it wasn't going to work; it never did.

I saved my document and closed my laptop before glancing at the time. I had maybe five minutes before he was going to be home. If I hurry, I could be done and cleaned up before he gets here. My feet scurried across the floor to my nightstand. I pulled the top drawer open and grabbed the first bottle of lube I saw. There isn't enough time for any back-end play right now, but that's okay. I just need something to hold me over until Bakugo, and I inevitably end up naked in one of our beds later.

I plopped onto my bed, quickly freeing my member. My boyfriend stayed on my mind as I squirted lube onto my member and stroked myself quickly. I kept the majority of my focus on the head of my member. With Bakugo on my mind, it didn't take long for pleasure to wash over my body. I came all over my hand with a quiet moan of his name.

As predicted, I had just enough time to clean myself up before I heard his footsteps on the stairs. I quickly ran into the living room so I could greet him properly. When he opened the door and saw me standing there, he flashed me the biggest smile I had ever seen.

Yeah, I could get used to this.

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