A Happy Future

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"Good Morning," I mumbled as I stumbled into the kitchen. Midoriya was sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee clutched in his hands. He was wearing a different set of pajamas than he usually did. It was still a silk set, but they were sage green and had a white flower pattern. I quickly crossed the room and bent down to kiss his cheek.

"So last night wasn't a dream?" He sighed in relief.

Although last night felt like a dream, it wasn't. This was real. I finally realized I'm not straight and am one hundred and ten percent into my roommate.

"No," I chuckled. "It was not." I left him at the table to pour myself a cup of coffee. We were up late in the night, cuddling on the couch and sneaking in kisses between the four movies we ended up watching. Neither of us wanted to leave the other to go back to our own rooms, so we stayed there until we were falling asleep.

"Do you have any plans for the day?" He appeared next to me with his empty mug. I refilled his before filling mine.

"I don't have a job to go to, so not really. I'm going to look online and finish buying the stuff I want for your friend's place since I only have two or three weeks to finish gathering everything." I'm having a lot more fun with this than I thought I would. Maybe he was right about turning it into a full-time job. I wouldn't have many clients in this specific area, but I could probably work with a realtor company and find a job staging houses. I could always advertise it on the side too.

"We could go to Creati's," he shrugged. "I've wanted to go back and look at the clothing since I got paid over the weekend."

I sipped my black coffee and turned my back to lean against the counter. Maybe this time I'll be able to see everything he buys.

"Sounds good to me." He flashed me a wide smile before setting his cup on the counter and standing in front of me. His hand reached for my cup before placing it next to his.

"So I can kiss you any time I want?" His hands settled on my chest as he leaned close to me.

"Any damn time you want," I confirmed. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into me. It didn't take long for our lips to find each other. I thought it would be weird to kiss another guy, but it couldn't have felt more right. Kissing him felt as natural as kissing Ashido.

The way his soft lips moved expertly against mine felt so good. I thought the butterflies in my stomach were something I had gotten over in high school, but I apparently never did. My knees threatened to give out on me as I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I hope I get to kiss him forever because, holy hell, it made me feel so alive.

When we ran out of air, he was the first to pull away. Our eyes locked while we panted for air, trying to catch our breath. The lack of oxygen from kissing him would be a good way to go one day.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked. "We'll go to Creati's after."

"You," he smirked. How did I know that was coming? I want to say yes but I don't know what I'm ready for. This is all so new to me. I don't want to overwhelm or scare myself.

"I know you're not ready for everything, and I promise that's okay. I don't want to pressure you into anything you aren't ready for." Glad he could see the nervousness on my face because I don't know how I would have explained that. I have a tendency to come off as an asshole and get really defensive.

"I don't want anything in return until you're ready. But if you're okay with it, I would like to show you that I can suck your dick better than any girl ever could." His hands slowly trailed down my body toward the hem of my plaid pajama pants. My skin burned everywhere his slender fingers traced, even through my shirt.

My half-hard member would betray me even if I wanted to say no. I'm pretty sure I want his mouth around me as much as he wants to put his mouth around me. He stopped at the hem of my pants and waited for my answer. I nodded my head when I realized I had forgotten how to speak. How could I speak when he was about to drop to his knees for me?

He flashed me a smirk before pulling the string on my pants. My pants slowly fell as he dropped to his knees. I feel like I should have told him I don't wear underwear to bed half of the time, but I don't think he cares. The look in his eyes tells me he's excited that he didn't have to worry about another piece of fabric being in his way.

"Do you know how long I've wanted to do this?" He asked while tracing his hands up my bare legs. "To see the most intimate parts of you?"

The very first day we met, I caught him checking me out. I'm going to guess since then. That was something else that should have told me I wasn't as straight as I thought. He was openly checking me out, and I didn't mind. I actually liked the attention from him. I'm such an idiot.

Our eyes locked together as he flattened his tongue against my shaft and licked to my tip. Pleasure exploded inside of me as my breath got caught in my throat, causing me to let out a choked groan. He's barely started, and I can already tell this will be the best blowjob of my life. When he swallowed my length, I also knew I wouldn't last long either.

He moved slowly and used his tongue to tease the slit and head of my member. I gripped the counter behind me while his hand found its way to my balls, gently massaging them. Fuck, nobody has ever done that for me before.

A string of moans left my mouth when he swallowed around my tip. He began moving faster, taking as much of me as he could. I'm positive this is the best blow job I have ever received. The way his eyes stayed focused on my face the entire time only made it better.

It didn't take long before the pressure started to build inside me. I lasted longer than I thought I was going to. However, I still wished it was longer. I don't want this to end just yet. Unfortunately, I can't hold on much longer.

"I-I'm close," I warned. He pulled his mouth off of me quickly. He kept his mouth open and set my tip on his tongue while he stroked me to my climax. My fluids erupted on his tongue as he stroked me through my orgasm.

I had to grip the counter tighter when my knees tried to give out on me from the pleasure. Yeah, definitely the best blow job I have ever had.

He swallowed my load when he was sure I was done, and my member was getting soft. After gently sucking on my tip to ensure he got every last drop, he gently pulled my pants back up. His hand latched onto my arm to pull himself up from the floor.

"How was that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Do you really need to ask?" I chuckled.

He shook his head with a grin. "No, but I want to hear you say it."

"Fucking amazing," I mumbled before pulling his lips to mine. I felt my cheeks grow warmer as I tasted myself on him. I wish I were brave enough to return the favor. I don't know how long it will take me to be ready since this is all so new to me. Everything has felt natural with him so far, so I hope it doesn't take too long.

He pulled away from my lips with a smile. "I'm going to take a quick shower while you start breakfast. When I get out, I'll finish breakfast while you shower."

"Then we can eat real food and go to Creati's." I finished.

"That's the plan." He gave me another quick kiss before walking away. I hate myself for taking so long to realize I wanted this. A part of me also hates my father for making me bury this side of me. Making me bury who I truly am.

Now that I have Midoriya, everything is much clearer. I can see who I'm meant to be. I can see myself living a life I don't hate. I can see a happy future.

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