With Me

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"I'm sorry you had to fight with Touya. I know how much you wanted to avoid that." I frowned. Bakugo didn't look too bad now that he had cleaned up a bit. His nose is a little swollen, and his right cheek has a dark bruise. His knuckles were swollen and a little red too.

"After what he was trying to do to you, he's lucky he's alive." He snapped. "Are you okay?" His eyes roamed over my body.

"Yeah." I probably wouldn't be okay if it were anybody other than Touya. I'm more pissed at him than anything. "Why did you come to find me?"

"Because I'm a fucking idiot." He sunk further into the couch with a heavy sigh. His eyes left mine and focused on the fireplace on the opposite wall. "I overreacted when I got home this morning."

"Why were you home so early?" I specifically invited my date over early because I knew Bakugo would be at work most of the day.

"I quit my job." He chuckled. "My boss demanded I work mandatory overtime every week because he hates that I don't bring in the money like I used to."

"I thought you only had to hit your quota?" Every day he came home from work, he always had something new to tell me about his boss and how much of a dick he was.

"That's my job description." He scoffed. "Well, it was."

"I'm sorry about your job. But now you can focus on finding a job you actually like. Something that doesn't drain you every day like place did." He smiled softly while shifting on the couch to face me.

"Midoriya, I don't want you to move out." Believe me, I don't want to move out either. "I'm so fucking sorry for being the biggest dick and worst roommate in history."

"You're not the worst roommate I've had, but you have been a major dick." I chuckled nervously. "What can I do to make our living arrangement better?"

I was hoping he wouldn't ask me to stop bringing people around. I'm not willing to give up my social life to continue living with him.

"Nothing," he sighed. His eyes kept flickering from me and back to the fireplace awkwardly. His leg was bouncing, and his fingers were playing with the hem of his shirt.

Is he nervous? I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous.

"I won't move out if you don't want me to," I reassured him. "There's no need to be so nervous."

"That's not why I'm nervous." He mumbled. His leg stopped bouncing, and his eyes finally locked on mine. "After you left, I realized something."

I stayed silent as he talked. It was easy to see he was trying to say something that was hard for him to say. I was scared that he would change the topic if I interrupted him.

"It's not that I don't want you to be happy and see people. I just want you to do it, being who you are. Your wild clothes, the lip gloss and highlighter you wear, the rare occasion where you paint your nails—it's all part of who you are. I don't want you to change yourself or hide who you are to be with anybody. I also came to the realization that I don't want you to be with anybody who isn't me."

I felt my heart skip a beat in my chest. It felt like time slowed down as my body froze. Everything felt surreal.

Did I hear him right?

"I want you to have a happy relationship with someone who treats you right, but I want it to be with me." His voice cracked as he spoke.

"Y-You were jealous," I muttered, mainly to myself. He wasn't homophobic. He was realizing he wasn't as straight as he thought he was.

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