I'm Nothing Like You

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"I don't want to fight," I sighed while dropping my fist by my sides.

"Scared I'm going to kick your ass?" Dabi took a step forward and shoved his fist toward my face. He forgets that he taught me how to fight. I know his fighting style and how to avoid his punches. When he punched with his right fist, he usually aims for the chin and neck area. All I had to do was crouch and simply step to the side.

"It's not just you that I don't want to fight. I don't want to fight at all. You might be happy with terrorizing the city and spending half of your life in jail, but I'm not." I explained as calmly as I could. Shouting at him would only make things worse. If I had the chance to walk out of this room right now, I would. The last time I walked away, when he tried to fight me, I ended up being almost choked to death and stabbed him with a branch.

"Is it because you're scared?" He scoffed while throwing another punch at me. This time, his fist landed on my face. He intentionally punched further to the left, so I would step into it instead of avoiding it again. The force of his punch pushed my head into the wall. I cursed under my breath and shoved my hands at his chest, forcing him to step back.

"No. It's because I don't want to end up in jail. I don't want people to run away from me when I walk down the street. I don't like beating people up and trying to force myself on them. Believe me, I want nothing more than to beat the shit out of you because of what you just tried to do to Midoriya, but that's not who I am. Not anymore." The image of Midoriya lying on the floor and screaming at Dabi to get off him popped into my head. Yeah, I really want to beat the shit out of him.

"Don't you miss the adrenaline rush? The adrenaline from running through the city to escape from the cops? The way people would beg for us not to hurt them?" His voice was light and airy, almost like he was living through that fantasy in his head.

"Absolutely fucking not." I seethed through my clenched teeth. Who the hell finds that enjoyable?

"Come on; you're going to tell me you didn't like the desperation in Midoriya's voice?" He asked in a teasing tone while wearing his proudest smirk. "The way his eyes grew wide in panic when he realized he couldn't beat me in a fight-"

"Fuck it." Before he could finish his sentence or add anything else, my fist flew toward him. He laughed loudly when my fist made contact with his right eye.

"There you go!" He yelled excitedly. "This is what I want!"

This wasn't what I wanted, though. My body went into autopilot mode as my fists continued moving. My body worked faster than my brain as I dodged some of his punches and returned them with double the force. Why the hell would someone want to do this for fun? My whole body ached as we continued beating the crap out of each other.

He pulled out new moves I hadn't seen before, resulting in my nose dripping blood. He has yet to bust my lip open or give me a black eye, but there's still time. When Dabi fights, he fights until someone falls unconscious. My punches may not be as strong as his, but I'm a lot faster than he is. It was easy for me to dodge most of his punches and kicks, but the ones that hit me hurt like hell. I'm glad I don't have a job to go to in the morning. I couldn't imagine trying to explain what had happened to me.

Dabi stood in front of me, panting for breath. He had blood dripping down his face, and his knuckles were covered in blood from my nose. I've seen him fight a million times, but I don't think I've ever seen him run out of stamina like this. I could hardly breathe, but rage took over my body when he said those things about Midoriya.

I grabbed his shoulders and pushed toward the ground, only to shove my knee in his face. I let go of him, and he fell to the floor, coughing loudly. I walked toward the door, wanting to get the hell out of this room. The fight would continue if I stayed long enough for him to recover his stamina. If that happened, I might do something I really regret.

"How can you not miss this?" Dabi asked from his position on the floor. "You're so good at it. We're not too different, you and I. You belong in this city, doing exactly this."

"We couldn't be more different," I scoffed. "I'm nothing like you."

I walked out of the room and quickly made my way down the stairs. I couldn't afford a sneak attack from him, so I had to get as far away from him as possible. When I walked into the kitchen, Todoroki was sitting at the table with a cup of tea in front of him.

"Damn," he whispered while looking over my body. "You didn't actually kill my brother, right?"

"He's alive," I reassured. "Where's Midoriya?"

"He's in the bathroom. How did you know where to find him?" He asked.

"I didn't," I shrugged. "Kirishima drove me around town before coming here. I checked a few places he said he likes to go. You are the only friend of his that I knew how to find, which is why I ended up here. I saw his car and told Kirishima to go home."

"Why did you tell Kirishima to go home?"

"Because I'm not leaving without Midoriya." I really fucked up earlier, and I know that. I know what I need to do to fix it, but I can't if he doesn't want to talk to me. Leaving myself here without a car was risky, considering Dabi lived here. It was the only way I knew I could get him to talk to me, though.

"After what just happened, he's ready to get out of here. I kept telling him to go, but he wouldn't leave without you." We both stopped talking when the bathroom door opened down the hallway. Midoriya walked back in slowly. His eyes were red and puffy as he looked me up and down.

"Oh, Bakugo," he frowned. "I'm sorry."

"You didn't do anything wrong." I shrugged. He left because I pretty much asked him to. He was getting attacked when I got here. He didn't do a thing wrong, but I sure as hell did.

"You two should leave." Todoroki sighed from the table. "Toga is upstairs somewhere, and she or Touya could call the rest of the gang at any moment. Bakugo, you don't want to be here if they do that."

"Are you willing to give me a ride?" I asked Midoriya softly. He chuckled and reached for his bag hanging on the back of the chair next to Todoroki.

"After what you just did, I'll drive you anywhere." He turned his attention to Todoroki. "Thank you for letting me come over."

"I'll come to see you next time," he chuckled nervously. Yeah, there was no way in hell I was letting Midoriya come back here. Not unless Dabi was behind bars.

We all said our goodbyes before walking outside and quickly making our way to the car. I don't want to stay any longer in case Dabi or Toga did call the rest of the gang. I wasn't going to win a fight against six of them.

"Let's go home." Midoriya smiled softly as we got into his car.

"Can you drive to my parent's house? They're out of town, and I want to get out of these clothes and wash up." I gestured to the blood on my knuckles with a frown. I never wanted to look like this again. "Plus, I don't think I can wait that long of a drive to talk to you about what happened earlier today."

"Yeah, I can do that."

The car ride was silent as we made our way through the city. My parents didn't live too far from the Todoroki family, but it felt like we were sitting in the car for four hours because of the traffic and the tension between us.

When we arrived, we quickly made our way inside.

"Let me go clean up, and then we can talk. You can sit in the living room." As much as I wanted to finally tell him how much of an idiot I was this morning, I couldn't do it when I looked like this.

"I'll be waiting."

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