Stupid Thoughts

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I'm so sorry about the super late update. Finals royally kicked my ass last week and Exams are kicking it this week. After exams, y'all will start to see a regular update schedule again!


"I really like the top you're wearing." My date says with a warm smile. Although the smile seemed innocent, the way his eyes were hungrily looking at me did not. With the top I'm wearing, I can't blame him, though.

"Thank you." I reached for my drink, chugging it in one go. Shindo was interesting, but not interesting enough for me to stay sober. I raised my hand toward the bartender, silently asking him for another drink.

"So, what do you do for a living?" He reached his hand over, gently setting it on mine. His touch was cold and clammy.

"I'm a server," I smiled. "And an aspiring writer," I added.

"That's cool." He shrugged. I don't need to ask him what he did for a living; he's told me about a hundred times since we've sat down. If he wasn't shoving his tongue down his throat, he was talking about himself. I think that's the first thing he's asked me since we got here. I was down for this to be a random hook-up, but the more I talk to him, the more I want to leave.

He moved his hand from mine, slowly sliding it up my arm. He squeezed his fingers around the small amount of muscle on my upper arm before trailing his cold fingers to my shoulder and down my chest. He trailed his slim fingers over my nipple, causing me to take in a sharp breath. Okay, so he's not the best person I could have hooked up with, but he's certainly not the worst. He's arrogant as all hell, but hopefully, he's as good in the bedroom as he says.

He scooted to the edge of his seat and pressed our knees together. I feel like this is the point where we should go somewhere else. I don't think the bartender or the other guests in the bar would appreciate this kind of show with their food and drinks. He pinched my nipple between his thumb and index finger. It was taking everything I had not to moan at the bar. I'm not sure if he picked up on that or not, but he leaned close and captured my lips with his.

Every time he kisses me, he gets sloppier. There's a difference between a heated kiss and being a dog. I'm not sure if he knows the difference. His tongue pushed into my mouth, exploring everything I had to offer. He pressed into me so hard that his teeth clashed against mine. If this is how he kisses, I may not accept a blow job from him later. Thankfully, he pulled away from the kiss a moment later.

"You taste like peaches." He whispered as the bartender placed a new drink down for each of us. I wanted to say, Well, no shit, that's what I've been drinking all night, but I restrained myself and picked up my drink instead. He asked to close his tab while my eyes glanced around the room. I hadn't been to this bar before, but it was nice. They had a small band playing up front but weren't overly loud. There were tables in the center of the room behind a large dance floor. Usually, I like to dance, but Shindo wasn't willing to waste that kind of time with me.

My eyes kept glancing around the room while Shindo signed the receipt for our drinks. I brought my cup up to my mouth, but froze when I saw a familiar blond sitting across the room in one of the booths. Bakugo was sitting with the guy who told me about the empty room Bakugo had. I think his name was Kirishima, if I remember correctly. My roommate's gaze was locked on mine. He had a fire in his eyes that I hadn't seen before. He had a scowl on his face while ignoring whatever his friend was saying to him.

"Earth to Midoriya." Shindo laughed lightly as he set a hand on my knee.

"Yeah?" I replied quickly, turning my attention back to him. I refused to let my roommate ruin another hookup for me. Although, I wouldn't hate it if he ruined this one.

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