I Think I Love You

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"How did your interview go?" Midoriya asked excitedly before I even had the chance to shut the door behind me. He was more excited about my interview than I was.

"I got the job." It was only part-time and wasn't as much money as I used to make, but it was enough for me to pay the bills and still have a bit of spending money. If Midoriya ever moved out, I may be a little more screwed, but I don't ever see that happening.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!"

"I wouldn't have been able to do it without you." I wouldn't have been able to do a lot without him. He's the most supportive person in my life. He's taught me how to love myself and accept who I am. I don't think I'll ever be able to repay him for everything he's done for me.

He chuckled while pulling away from the hug. "Please, you didn't need me. All you had to do was realize how much you love decorating and remind yourself of your self-worth."

"Which wouldn't have happened without you, so thank you." I bent my head down and placed a gentle kiss against his lips. "You mean more to me than you'll ever know."

He flashed me a wide smile. "How about we go out to dinner to celebrate, and you can tell me more about your new job?" He suggested.

My hands gripped his hips tighter. "I would love dinner, but I can think of a few other ways to celebrate." The suggestion in my voice told him everything he needed to know about what kind of celebration I was talking about.

"Sometimes, I think your hornier than I am. I never thought that was possible." His laughter echoed through our living room. He wasn't wrong, but it wasn't entirely my fault. He's so sexy that I can't control it. I don't think he understands the effect he has on me. "How about we go shower together, and then we can go out to dinner?"

My hands slid from his waist to the hem of his shirt before pulling it up and over his head. "I take that as a yes?" He chuckled.

"That's a hell yes," I replied.

Our lips connected passionately before Midoriya began walking backward to the bathroom, pulling me with him. Our hands roamed each other's bodies, removing every article of clothing and dropping them on the floor. By the time we made it to the bathroom, we were completely naked.

"As much as I don't want to stop kissing you right now, I need to grab towels while you turn the shower on," he mumbled against my lips. I groaned while taking a step back and separating our lips. I don't even care about taking a damn shower. I just want to keep kissing him. But he wants to take me out for dinner, so I can't complain about that either. I just wish my interview was earlier in the day so we could celebrate both ways.

"Don't pout," he rolled his eyes. "I promise you'll get an amazing blowjob in a minute." He winked before stepping around me and walking back into the hallway. I kept my eyes glued on him while I reached over and turned the shower on. His ass jiggled when he pushed himself to his toes to get the towels on the top shelf.

When he turned back around, I didn't even try to hide the fact that I was staring at him the entire time. "Get in the shower, dirty boy." He laughed to himself as he walked back into the bathroom. I did what he said and stepped into the shower before adjusting the water. I made sure it was warm when I turned it on, but I want it a little warmer than it is now.

He stepped into the shower in front of me, so the water was streaming down my back. "Since I'm starving and you're feeling a little impatient today," he paused and dropped to his knees. "Why should I make either of us wait any longer?" Before I could respond, he had my entire length in his mouth.

"Fuck-" I hissed while lacing my fingers through his hair and tugging lightly. He didn't need to work himself up before taking as much of me down his throat as he could. He held his position for a few seconds before slowly pulling away to tease my tip.

His right hand stroked the bottom half of my member while his left massaged my balls. His tongue swirled around my tip and teased my slit, lapping up the pre-come.

"I-I'm going to come embarrassingly fast," I panted.

"I said I was starving, didn't I?" He winked. He kept his eyes locked on mine before swirling his tongue around my tip again.

There was nothing hotter than his eyes locking on mine as he swallowed my member. Apparently, that was enough to tip me over the edge because I felt a familiar feeling in my stomach.

He bobbed his head up and down quickly on my member for another minute before I pulled on his curls roughly. He moaned around my member as my fluids spilled down the back of his throat.

My heart was racing fast as my knees threatened to give out on me—the orgasms he makes me have felt more powerful than they ever have.

"How was that?" He asked with a smile while pulling away from my member.

"Fucking amazing," I replied. While gripping my hips, he pulled himself up from the shower floor. "You're fucking amazing," I added.

He smiled and pushed himself up to the balls of his feet. Our lips connected passionately as the water continued falling down my back.

I don't know how I survived life before I met him. Everything feels so fucking perfect now. Every missing hole had been filled. Every part of my life that never made sense finally made sense as all the pieces fell back together.

"My turn?" He pulled away from me with a smirk.

"You're turn," I confirmed. I gave him another quick peck before locking my eyes on his.

Izuku Midoriya, I think I love you.


Sorry this chapter is a little short. I'm gearing up for the drama and to start bringing the story to an end and this happened to be a small filler chapter to get there.

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