My New Roommate

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Midoriya's POV

"Did you want me to help you move your stuff up?" Bakugo asked me as he pulled his hand away. His strong, calloused hand.

"Yeah, that would be great." I smiled. "My friend will be here with my bed in a few hours." I obviously couldn't fit it in my car, so I asked my best friend Todoroki to bring it for me.

"Alright." He responded as I popped my trunk, revealing several duffel bags filled with my stuff. I just moved to town a few months ago, and my old roommate was charging me an insane amount of rent, so I didn't have much stuff. There were a few boxes in the back seat, but that was about it.

"We're up on the top floor." He said, reaching to grab a few bags. My eyes couldn't help but trail over his body. He was tall and built. His blond hair was spiked, but in the most attractive way I have ever seen. He had bright red eyes that I wouldn't mind roaming over my body. Kirishima should have given me a warning label for this man. He was hotter than my mind could handle, and I had the pleasure of living with him. It was going to be a blessing but a curse.

"You ready?" He asked with an amused smile. I shook my head as my cheeks warmed up. I openly stared at him while he grabbed my stuff from the trunk. I quickly reached down and grabbed the few bags that he didn't. I would have to come back down for the boxes.

"Lead the w-way." I stuttered. I was already embarrassed, but the stuttering only intensified it. He slowly made his way up the sidewalk. I could have gone first since he told me we were upstairs, but where would be the fun in that? He approached the front, pushing it open. He walked through, holding it open for me with his foot.

"Thank you," I mumbled as he walked towards the stairs. I moved slowly, wanting him to be a few steps above me. I regretted nothing. The way his black slacks hugged his ass turned me on more than I would care to admit. I have no clue how I'm going to live with him without trying to crawl into his bed. I was getting way ahead of myself. I didn't know if he was in a relationship. Hell, I didn't even know if he was gay. I continued watching his ass gently sway as he reached the top of the stairs.

"Alright, I have a few rules." He said as he set the bags in his right hand down and shuffled through his pocket for his keys. "I don't care if you bring people over. Just be respectful about it. Don't invite eight people over at three in the morning when I have to work the next day."

"Sounds like common sense to me," I responded. I would never do that because I know I would be pissed off if someone did that to me. Besides, I only have three friends.

"When I cook, I tend to make a lot of leftovers." He continued as we walked into the apartment. "If it has a red lid, don't eat it. If it has a blue lid, you can help yourself. Your Tupperware has a green lid."

"Sounds like a plan." That was a good idea. I wish I had thought of that with my last roommate since he couldn't tell they were my leftovers until he ate the whole thing. I looked around the living room as he continued talking. There was a black sectional pushed against the wall next to the door. There wasn't a coffee table since there was an ottoman. There was a black entertainment stand with a flatscreen T.V. sitting on it. The house looked spotless like it wasn't lived in. There weren't any blankets or pillows on the couch. The only shoes by the door were the ones he just took off.

"When you dirty dishes, put them in the dishwasher. The person who puts the last dish in to fill it has to start it. When the trash is full, set it outside the door. The next person that goes downstairs will take it to the dumpster." He explained.

"Sounds like a plan." My last roommate made me do everything, so this was a pleasant surprise.

"Lastly, you don't have to buy toilet paper, paper towels, dish soap, or any other necessity we share. I include that in the rent. You're responsible for replacing your own stuff, though." He turned towards the hallway on the right side of the living room. "The rooms are this way."

I followed him down the hallway, looking over the apartment. It had dark brown laminate flooring through everything I've seen so far. The walls were off-white and completely bare. Hasn't this man heard of pictures or posters?

"The first door on the left is the bathroom." He nodded as we passed it. I glanced inside, but it was pretty dark since it didn't have a window, and the light was off. "The door right next to it is yours." He continued as we walked into the room. Surprisingly, it was a big room. I would be able to fit my bed and buy a desk, dresser, and bookshelf.

"Thank you," I said as he set the bags on the laminate floor.

"My room is the door directly across from yours. The door next to me is a storage closet. If you need any tools or cleaning supplies, you'll be able to find them in there." He said as we walked back into the hallway, showing me the closet.

"Awesome, thank you."

"No problem." He smiled. God, I'm going to fall for that smile. "Do you have a lot more to grab?" He asked as he walked back to the living room.

"No, just three boxes," I replied as I followed him down the hallway.

"Alright, I'll help you bring them up. I'll make dinner while you start to unpack. I know your furniture isn't here, but you could put your stuff in the closet. My last roommate left his hangers."

"That's good," I responded with a smile. The only piece of furniture I had was my bed. I would have to look online for a desk, dresser, and bookshelf. I didn't have room for them at the last apartment, so I never bought them. However, I didn't want to keep hoarding everything in boxes. I followed him down the stairs to get the rest of my stuff. He was nice, respectful, hot, and he had a great ass. I was totally screwed.

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