My Heart Can't Handle This

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"Here are you refills," I said politely while setting the four drinks on the table. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"We're all set," the younger man smiled. "Thank you." I walked over to the table Todoroki was sitting at, glancing at everyone's drinks along the way to make sure no more refills were needed.

"Do you know what you want yet?" I asked him.

"Just pick something random." He shrugged. Every time he comes here, he does the same thing. He'll spend half an hour looking over the menu before telling me to pick something for him.

"Do you at least know what you want to drink today?" I chuckled.

"Water is fine," he said. I wrote down a random meal for him before double-checking the stuff he didn't like. By now, you would think I would remember that he doesn't like onions, but I always forget.

"Hey, Midoriya, I just sat table eight for you." The hostess said from behind me.

I gave her a confused look. "Table eight isn't in my section. Plus, I'm off soon."

"They asked for you specifically after I sat them." She flashed me an apologetic smile before walking toward her station. I turned my head to table eight to see who specifically requested me.

My heart stopped. I couldn't overlook the almost-white light blond hair.

"Is that your ex?" Todoroki asked urgently.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, that's Shoji. I don't know who the girl is." I don't know anyone who has bright pink hair like that. She doesn't look like someone Shoji used to hand out with.

"Do you have to take them?" Todoroki asked me.

I pulled my notebook out of my apron pocket with a sigh. "Yes, but I'm off in twenty minutes. By the time I get their order in, get your order in, and check on my other tables, I'm sure I'll be getting ready to head out."

"Do you want to cancel my order? Or make it to go? We can go somewhere else if you don't want to sit and eat with me anymore."

He's such a good friend. "Yeah, I'll place it to go."

I slowly made my way to the table. My stomach is in knots. I really don't want to do this. I spent years healing myself mentally after Shoji. If he specifically requested me, this isn't a coincidence. He knows exactly what he's doing.

I took a deep breath as I finally approached the table. Both of them looked at me quickly. Shoji's black eyes were as cold as ever when they connected with mine. The girl, on the other hand, had yellow eyes. They were intense as they looked me up and down.

"What can I get for you guys to drink?" I asked with a small smile.

"I'll take a Bud Light," Shoji said coldly. "What about you, sweetheart?" Sweetheart? Don't tell me he came here to rub his new girlfriend in my face. I thought we were done with this bullshit.

She looked at the menu before responding. "I'll take a diet Pepsi." I don't know whose voice was colder.

"Got it," I smiled. "Do you need another moment to look over the menu?"

"I'll take a swiss burger with fries," Shoji said quickly.

Burger, beer, and fries. He hasn't changed a bit.

"What about you, Ashido?" He asked her.

She closed the menu before shoving it toward my chest. "I'll take a caesar salad, no croutons, no cheese, and light Italian dressing."

No calories. Got it.

I grabbed both of their menus with a smile. "I'll get that in for you and be right back with your drinks." I turned and walked away before they could say anything else.

Ashido. Where have I heard that name?

I walked over to the computer and typed in their order and Todoroki's. When that was done, I grabbed their drinks.

Seriously, where have I heard that name? Todoroki didn't recognize her, so not through our friend group. She's probably not with Touya, either.

I paused in the middle of the restaurant. My heart raced in my chest, and my eyes widened in pure horror and shock.


Ashido was his friends-with-benefits person. I glanced over to the table. Thankfully, she wasn't there. Not that seeing Shoji was much better.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before carrying their drinks over. I set his open beer on the coaster before doing the same with her pop.

"You know," Shoji started with a smirk. "Because of you, I missed out on gems like her for years."

Here we go. Again.

"You forced me to be something I wasn't. You seduced me and made me into something fucking disgusting." I stared at him blankly. This isn't anything I haven't heard before, but it doesn't make it any easier. You know when people say that something gets easier the more you do it or, the more you hear it? Bullshit.

"You're probably doing the same thing to your current boyfriend. You have a thing for that, you know? Taking straight guys and bending them at your will. If we were in a world where superpowers exist, that would be your superpower."

That's not true... is it?

Did I coerce Bakugo into a relationship with me?

I shook my head to try and get the thoughts out of my mind. I have to finish this shift.

"Your food will be out momentarily," I said before turning on my heel and quickly walking away. I told the hostess I was going to the bathroom before walking across the lobby. I had ten minutes left. Ten more minutes, and I could get out of here and away from them.

Before I could reach the bathroom, I almost bumped into someone. I turned to apologize and was met with a fuming Ashido.

"Just the person I wanted to see," she smiled widely. I've seen a lot of fake smiles in my life, but nothing compares to the one she is giving me now. "Bakugo does this thing where he feels the constant need to try new things, and..." she looked me up and down. "People."

"He'll leave me for a month, maybe two, but he always comes back to me. It's only a matter of time until he's done with you and realizes he wants me back. He's done it a dozen times."

That's not true... is it?

"You're nothing special. He'll wake up and realize that soon."

I opened my mouth to defend myself, but I'm not sure what I would be defending. A man I coerced into a relationship with me by flirting with him and making him spend time with me? What good would that do me?

She laughed before walking past me, roughly nudging my shoulder. I tried to hold back the tears, but I barely reached the bathroom before they started falling down my face.


"Midoriya, what are you doing?" Todoroki asked quietly.

"Isn't it obvious?" I asked while shoving a handful of clothes into a duffel bag.

Todoroki reached out and grabbed my hands. I haven't stopped crying since work. "You're packing a bag. I know that much. Why?"

I yanked my hands away from him.

"Because they were right!" He cried out. "I pressured him into a relationship with me! He's going to leave me when he realizes this isn't what he wants!"


"Please!" I cried out. I can't be here when Bakugo decides he's done with me. I can't do it. He may not love me, but I love him. My heart can't handle it.

He let out a heavy sigh before zipping up my bag. "Touya is in jail. Stay with me for a few days. We'll leave your car here, so nobody knows where you are."

"Thank you," I let out a sigh of relief before bringing the back of my hand to my cheek to wipe my tears. I don't know what's going through my mind or my heart. The only thing I know is that I don't want either of them to break.

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