My Greatest Fantasy

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"You're going to make fun of me," I pouted. I had several random sex chapters that I wrote of Bakugo and I clutched in my hands. He's been begging and begging to read something, and I'm out of reasons to say no.

I trust him not to run for the hills, but I'm still scared he's going to laugh at me. It's hard to show someone this. Let alone the person in the stories. I intend to change the names to match my characters for the book I'm writing, but it was easier to write the sex scenes when I was pretending it was Bakugo and me.

He reached his hand out, silently asking for the papers. "Why would I make fun of you?"

I let out a shaky breath and handed him the pages. "Because it's about us." My voice died off nervously.

I sat down on the opposite end of the couch and pulled my knees to my chest. While he was reading, I kept my face buried in my knees. I'm not sure if it's from shame or embarrassment, but I didn't have the courage to look up at him.

I heard him shuffle through the pages, probably tucking whatever one he just finished at the end of the stack. I tried counting to see which one he was on for a while, but it was useless. My brain couldn't focus long enough to try and count them.

My heart raced in my chest as I heard him flip another page. He stayed on this one a little longer than he did the others. I wish I knew which one he was looking at.

"Hey, Izuku?" His deep voice involuntarily made my head snap up. Fuck him for using the deep voice I love so much. "Do you actually own something like this?" He shoved the papers back to me so I could see what he was talking about.

I skimmed down the chapter before realizing he was talking about the lingerie I was wearing in this chapter. "I don't have a pink set like this. It's actually yellow." Yellow was one of my favorite colors, but I always found pink easier to imagine when writing these scenes.

"Yeah?" My eyes locked on his shortly before I noticed the massive tent in his pants. My heart raced in my chest while the temperature of the room went up about twenty degrees. I thought he was going to laugh at me, not get turned on.

He reached out and grabbed the papers from my hands. "Go put it on," he said. I stared at him in shock and confusion while his eyes locked onto the pages again. When I didn't move from my seat, he said, "do I need to tell you again?"

Absolutely not. I pushed myself from the couch and began walking to my room. "When you're dressed, lay on your bed. I'll be in in a minute."

My member hardened in my silk pajama pants as I practically ran to my room. I'm not sure if he's going to act out the scene or not, but I don't care. Just the thought of his hands roaming my body while I was wearing the lacy lingerie set was enough to get me going.

I stripped from my clothes faster than I ever have before kicking them in the closet. I pulled the white box down from the top shelf and shuffled through it for the correct set I wore in the story. When I found it, I walked back to my bed and set the underwear down. I'm not that great at clasping the top, so it took me a minute to get it on. After that, I pulled the thong on, carefully making sure my member was tucked up the lace.

God damn, I have never felt more sexy and alive. I stood in front of the mirror, making sure everything was where it needed to be. The top was similar to a lace bralette, but nothing was covering my nipples. They were left out for the world to see. The thong showed off my ass and curves in the best way possible. The thong was covered entirely in the front with lace with frilly sides.

I'd never been able to wear this for someone before. I've mentioned it to a few people, but they were usually grossed out or weirded out by the thought of their boyfriend in something as feminine as this.

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