on going! - we go!

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Ser Patrick: I'm supposed to believe you seriously you expect me to send them to an island in the middle of the northern ocean that you don't even know about

Ender Frog: the position of that island is not known because the arcane magic that protects it is stronger than even the magic of the end

Ser Patrick: you hope that as if nothing happened Naeuz has returned the nether strengthens its positions and we are running out of time I need you all ready for when the enemy arrives at our doors

Hilda: It's true but the power of the ender crystals is even more important with the little that Azura has discovered about them shows that they have the power we need to counteract the nether

Being Patrick: It's pointless madness to risk them on a pointless mission and possibly ending in failure.

Ender Frog: that island can not only house several ender crystals but also knowledge so ancient and powerful that it can help us make weapons against the netherite

The pressure in the planning room becomes evident and, without being able to oppose much, Ser Patrick accepts.

Some time later, the Endstone Crusaders meet Azura and Sir Patrick on a terrace of the castle.

Lyria: I don't think it's a good idea sir

Ser Patrick: Neither do I, but if what Lance says is true, maybe on this island we will find the answer to our problems.

Kane: so to summarize they expect us to go to an island that nobody knows

Ender Frog: that's right, it will be a quick mission with me also the old builders hoped that the enders would be their successors once they were gone

Stella: I don't think it's a good idea either, and it's better to stay together in case of an attack.

Hilda: we will be fine also if your trip is successful maybe we can find a weapon capable of ending this war

Ciara: Cheer up where your adventurous spirit left off

Rain: we'll be fine plus we'll fly it will be much faster this way

Lyria: the airship will be ready in the morning to leave

Rain: ok let's do it

The Endstone Crusaders continued their normal day with kane busy helping Lyria with the airship or Rain and Stella practicing while being watched by Ciara and Lance

Ciara: Where exactly are we going? I have heard many things in my life in the taverns I have visited but never heard of an ancient civilization.

Lance: that's because you don't know anything else about this continent, the ancient builders had the ability to form worlds as they pleased, they were stronger and more advanced than all the worlds

Ciara: what do you expect to find there

Lance: the power to bring the end to its former glory and also something to help me have a stronger body that is

Ciara: look at them they are not cute together

Lance: the dragon tamer and the witch girl?

Ciara: I do think my advice helped him open up to her.

Lance: humans and their feelings are curious even what they love most are capable of killing it

Ciara: He did what he had to do to gain some advantage against a superior enemy.

Lance: he's pretty cute how they get upset about something and then just forget about it

Lance: well I must go see how the trip is going

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