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On their way to the central market they found many other places such as elytra shops or big and strong horse shops even when they passed near the port they found a shop that sold airships and many other shops with weapons, clothes, magic among many things

Finally they arrived at the market in the entire center of the city, it was a wide room full of halls and shops with hundreds of things and thousands of people, the great structure was finished in a great golden dome that could be seen from meters away and on its corners it had towers of where colored smoke and magical lights came out on its terraces

The place simply had everything, it even had a library full of scholars or a place where you could see soldiers practicing with swords and long spears.

They arrived attracted by a magical presentation to one of the towers where they met many wizards and sorcerers who showed them various books and spells, which made Stella emotional.

Wizard - you could be a great sorceress with the right teachers if you are lucky you might just make it to the citadel in the king's castle

Rain approached one of the magicians but as soon as he analyzed him he became suspicious.

Magician: a reflection of the past that becomes present and a destiny to fulfill

Rain: what does it mean

Mago: I'm not sure few their destiny is so uncertain

They went in the direction of some shops with weapons since Kane saw a weapon that he liked although one of the magicians felt something strange

Magician: Master, I felt as if I were carrying a very heavy weight on myself.

Mage: I also also felt that strange sensation of power that only our king transmits

Wizard: he doesn't think it's him or he does

Wizard: if it were, we just spoke with a legend, a prophecy fulfilled

When they were walking through the weapons store, some strange men dressed in tunics that covered part of their faces entered, those suspicious men bought a flashy blue sword with gold touches and other quite expensive weapons and then they left.

Although Rain felt very watched by one of the men who was apparently their leader

When they left the store they felt a bit of an urge to eat and decided to sit down at one of the many places to eat.

While they ate they felt how those same men sat near them as if they were following them

Until some actors arrived who began to make a light show while telling the story of the lost prince and his eventual return of course with a multitude of exaggerated things

They then entered a library after the tour where they found many magic books and ran them away after almost setting the place on fire with a fire magic book.

They finally met a rookie wizard who was dueling another wizard in what appears to be training. You could see the power of those wizards casting all kinds of spells to the point that the arena was covered by a magical barrier at the end of the battle. battle came out a magician informing about his magic academy

Stella, interested in learning more, followed them and the rest of her had no choice but to go after her.

Stella: I would like to learn magic

Magician: are you sure you are not perceived as having a good magic level

Stella: that's because I don't like to show my true abilities

Mage: if you want to take a test you can now choose any of your opponents

Stella: well I think I'll choose that- points to another boy reading his spell book

Challenged Wizard: I accept

The two were taken to the arena where the duel would take place while Rain, Kane and Ciara supported her from afar.

Mage: maybe you'd rather trade that low level book for this one

Stella: no need I'm fine with this one

Mago: ok, although I don't recommend it

As they watched the hooded men prepare themselves, they sat near them and one spoke to one of the wizards.

Unknown: which book is the girl using

Wizard: one for novices my lord

Unknown: and the one in blue that is what you perceive

Wizard: a power similar to yours my lord though I'm not sure

Kane: don't you think it's weird that in such a big place we always run into the same people

Ciara: It's true those men with the black hoods are following us from the gun shop

At that moment the duel begins and as expected Stella had a very difficult time defeating her opponent, each spell she cast was answered by a stronger one until at the last moment she activated her netherkin and defeated him but it didn't take long for her to win. several guards and wizards on top

Wizard: how is it possible that someone with such low mystical knowledge already dominates the netherkin state

Mage: It is clear that she cheated, it is forbidden to use that state in a duel

Wizard: it must have come from the castle, only magical beings of that type are there

Mage: He's clearly not from around here though he must be anyway. star in the citadel with the other wizards, warlocks and sorcerers of your class

Stella: stop I'm not interested in being in any citadel

Magician: nonsense who would not want to be in such a prestigious place

Stella: someone who has already found his destiny

Wizard: according to oracle magic your destiny is to study in the citadel

Luckily Rain got her out of there quickly or else they would have dragged her to the castle possibly

They managed to evade the crowd but something kept irritating them they kept following them

They went to an apparently empty alley where they hid and once the group of men entered the alley they were ambushed.

Ciara moved quickly and put several on the ground while Rain and Kane did the same Stella fought against a magician who was with them but she was quickly overcome

No matter how hard they hit, the men came back and got up until Ciara Arta tried to stab one of them, but she was disarmed once they were all defeated, her leader spoke

Leader: Stop, that's enough. We came to see if the people were alright or if they had any complaints with my government.

Guard: Majesty they attacked first

Kane: you guys have been following us because

Leader: they seemed suspicious also you look familiar to me

Rain: I don't even know you

Guard: have more respect commoner you are before the majesty of him King Emmanuel fifth lord of the lands protector of humans and heir to the ancients

King?: these presentations are not necessary, it is clear that they are not from here

The man removes his hood and reveals his tan-skinned face, his blue eyes and his black hair with some gray.

He begins to feel an overwhelming silence until the ice finally breaks.

King: I still don't know if what the wizards say is true, I only know that when I see you I see myself as a young man

Rain: father?



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