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The moment begins to become emotional and the tears of both of them do not take long to come out. Rain does not take long to hug his father while the others can only observe the emotional father and son scene that has just been captured, once they separate the king speaks

King: how is this possible

Rain: I don't know

Rey: Well, we will answer those questions later, and you must also tell me what you have done these 19 years.

Rain: It will be a long story

King: I'm willing to listen to everything but it's time to go back to the castle

All together they leave the market and go to the top of a large tower where an airship awaits them.

Once everyone embarked, they began their flight to the castle, a couple of hours after starting the trip, they were finally able to observe the castle walls, but they soon realized that it was only one of eight, since eight were built over the years. Rings of black walls, each one larger and thicker than the previous one, from the sky, the colossal structure could be clearly observed.

It was a monstrous castle that rose thousands of meters on a mountain with the walls between terraces of the mountain and hundreds of towers, turrets and forts that protected the wall of the great complex, a complex that housed several gardens and palaces, three citadels of knowledge, hundreds of stables, two stadiums and coliseums, courtyards and more entertainment and entertainment courtyards, a private bisque, dozens of bathtubs, swimming pools and saunas, a large library, several kitchens, many foundries and weapons factories of all kinds thousands of rooms halls and towers and an airport from where the airships take off and even a large port for military use with shipyards that can produce a hundred warships per day if you simply wanted a work that took hundreds of years to build so that it would last thousands of years more

When they approached from the towers and the walls they pointed them with cannons, light cannons, crossbows and catapults until it was indicated that the one traveling there was their king

Once they landed they were greeted by lord keinar lord butler of the castle

Lord Keinar: Your Majesty, I hope your journey there has been as entertaining as ever.

King: it was more than that I want you to send a message to each person in the kingdom I want you to tell them that my son the prince has returned

Lord Keinar: the legends are true- go to Rain- it is a pleasure that you return home majesty

King: take them to some rooms and prepare everything for a great celebration my son has returned and this will be celebrated on high

Lord Keinar: As Your Majesty commands

Rain: in fact, father, I would like to talk about something very important with you.

King: it will have to be at dinner I have business to attend to

Rain: yes father

Lord Keinar takes them to some rooms and then retires, but not before giving them some indications about various places in the castle.

When they get to the room, each one finds a new piece of perfectly ironed clothing to be worn.

Once they change, they all meet in one of the patios.

Stella: this place is huge and very nice

Kane: It's amazing how they treat strangers they barely know.

Ciara: look at this elegant and imposing place

Rain: It's weird but it feels very cozy like I've lived here all my life

Ciara: I wonder what things we will find here I want to see his throne

Stella: I want to visit the citadel of magic

Kane: I want to discuss what we came here to do

Rain: It is true that we cannot forget our mission, we must find a way in which the creeper army helps us face the nether, we do not know anything about Lyria in days, much less about Sir Patrick

Kane: we must talk a lot in the sena

Ciara: but I think we all want to see this place

Stella: I propose that we separate to explore the place

rain: ok

Everyone separates, each going to a different place.

Stella meets some magicians who guide her and take her to the citadel of universal knowledge, an incredible structure with white walls.

Wizard: you're not from around here or yes

Stella: no

Wizard: it was clear you don't see such pretty witches around here

Magician: don't talk nonsense, well, as I was saying, this structure used to be two separated by a courtyard due to the battle between magic and science until the fourth of the conciliatory kings managed to get both to agree and thus the citadel of knowledge was founded. universal in the courtyard between both centers of knowledge and since then both magicians and scientists work together to innovate

Stella: like the "fourth conciliatory king"

Mage: That's because in the long dynasty of the creeper kings, the kings are organized according to their roll. In their reign there are several groups such as: the initial kings, the unifying kings, the builder kings or the great kings who are those of now

While Stella learned about the magic of these lands and the history of the kings and the magic supreme

ciara explore mourned the halls and places of the castle being especially impressed by the throne room which humbled the thrones of the nether since what he saw was simply monumental a throne of fine red, black and white wool with an outline of gold, ruby ​​and others precious elements that rose several meters above the ground and in the lower part several large knights and shining black armor that protected it for the rest of the room was a wide place with many columns and arches.

Once she left that place she came across a large banquet hall with many tables and paintings depicting battles.

Or a great source of pure water that came from a mountain waterfall

For his part, Kane ran into a group of soldiers training and decided to practice aiming with them with a bow and a gunpowder weapon, achieving second place since the aim of those soldiers was almost perfect.

For her part, Rain ran into a girl who was looking at several statues and she took him to an impressive place with hundreds of statues of the king ancestors, each one at a historical moment such as winning a battle or achieving peace between alien sides.

In a moment they were all found by servants who took them to a large dining room decorated with several chandeliers and with many windows there were many dishes and food of all kinds ready to eat once the king arrived the doors were closed and everyone sat down to eat

The king at the top with Rain and Stella on one side and Kane and Ciara on the other

King: and what did you want to talk about son



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