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As the armies of the overworld and nether prepared to launch the last major offensive, General Leigh was reunited with his newly recovered son, Admiral Lakey, and Lance, now in his original form sporting new Ender armor with the Ender Greatsword on his back. ready to return to the dimension that exiled him after countless crimes

Lance: it's time to leave, it is necessary to look for support in the end before launching our attack on dragonspire

General Leigh: if there is anything left after the invasion of Naeus

Lance: We'll know once we get to Shattered Blades Island.

Admiral Lakey: you are sure you want to return the only thing you know is that you are considered a traitor and yet you hope that our army will give you the throne of the end

Lance: It's mine by right, and the end fell to those primitives. It won't be a problem if they accept me as a leader to fight against them.

General Leigh: Anyway, just remember the deal once this war is over, what happens to your throne won't be our problem.

Lance: I'm sure I'll have enough support from my people that I won't need them.

General Leigh: well ready to go

Admiral Lakey: yes sir

General Leigh: Ok open the portal and start

Once the signal was given, the sorcerers opened a great portal to which hundreds of ships jumped in a short time, the fleet was well armed and trained for combat in ender space.

Once they were close enough to Shattered Blades Island, they were surprised by large and thick walls that protected the place as well as hundreds of ender soldiers ready for combat.

Three ships left the island to intercept the fleet commanded by a general with a bitter memory of Lance's civil war

General ender: you can know what you are doing here this is ender soil from which you were banished oppressor

Lance: Nice to see an old enemy, but I'm here for nobler purposes than subduing you.

General Ender: All I see is a new army ready to subdue us and if you forgot what happened last time I'm ready to remind you.

General Leigh: we serve neither him nor any of you we are men of king Emmanuel fifth of the creeper kingdom we serve the freedom of the nether empire and we have come to liberate the end

General ender: the domain of the nether barely covers dragospire and some nearby islands do not have enough strength to continue their conquest in the end

Lance: for now however if we want to end this war we must act together

General Ender: We will join you in this war but you will not submit to your rule Lance

Lance: It is not my interest to govern a subjugated people, I already know the consequences of the conquest, however, if we can contact the rest of the peoples of the end to fight, it would be even better.

General ender: we will send the message and start to enlist the fleet

Lance: well we will start the war by recovering some islands and freeing as many endermans as possible

General Ender: Well we'll catch up with them at Dragonspire.

Lance nodded and then continued in a short time the fleet arrived at an island conquered by the nether and they did not take long to start the attack

The light and bullet cannons destroyed the watchtowers while an infantry force lands on the island and begins the attack

The forces of the nether are soon overcome and they quickly lose the battle as I cast the Greatsword ender free dozens of endermans

Once freed, the endermans soon recovered their weapons and joined Lance to continue the battle.

As they approached another island, they encountered forces from Orchid City who soon joined forces to free the remaining Endermans.

Finally, a few hours before arriving at dragonspire, the rest of the resident towns of the end joined the fleet and accepted Lance's domain as the new king of the end, for which he was crowned with a Gold Crown with different purple gems, each with the end faction symbol

Lance: once we use the ender crystals we will build a new end focused on recovering the power and the former glory that we lost

The enders praised him in some way, that pride being that hundreds of years ago tried to conquer them and now guided them to liberate the most important kingdom that saw it fall

Dragonspire was heavily defended with a large number of corrupted dragons protecting it and new fortifications commanded by Kralos.

General Leigh: It's time the rest of our forces should be launching the attack right now

Finally the trumpets of war sounded and the fleet began a fierce battle against the dragons and some ships of the nether as well as the ghast and their powerful fireballs.

The dragons took flight and began to burn many soldiers, although the weapons on board the ships defeated them little by little.

As the planes unfolded from the creeper ships and began the attack

While some forces took dragonspire others attacked and retook other islands

For their part, once the voids of the end were free of nether forces, the air and ground troops advanced under the command of Lance, Leigh and Lakey, once they touched the island, they were received by a multitude of undead soldiers who attacked incessantly.

The battle was intense the towers and the ships fell at the same time that the nether fell back before the force of the free end and the creeper armies

Kralos: the end is almost free of our control and soon everything will fall

Naeus: stand your ground our enemies have launched an all-out attack on all of our domains and our forces are outmatched we are in a critical condition

Kralos: my lord the best thing would be to give up and go back we are not ready for this onslaught

Naeus: you will stay in the end and keep it until your last breath is an order

Kralos: as my lord commands

Kralos emerges from one of the remaining towers and heads into battle just to meet General Leigh waiting for him.

As the armies fight around him, General Leigh and Kralos duel.

Kralos launched many attacks with his ax but Leigh protected herself behind a shield with the creeper as an emblem and with his curved sword she returned the blows

Kralos launched another attack but Leigh injured one of his legs and disarmed him but before he landed another blow Kralos stood up and launched himself at Leigh causing both of them to be left in the void burner.



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