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The journey that General Leigh and his monstrous fleet began began once they got out of the magical barrier and crossed the islands once they were close enough to all the airships they emanated particles that materialized into a great spell that ended the eternal storm and allowed them to continue their journey without difficulties

The trip was not very busy in a couple of days and they were already touching land again this time ready for battle the army did not take long to install ports and bases for supplies as well as to refuel the airships and airships

Once they finished setting up camp, it looked like a big city with hardly any places to go but once they were ready they continued their journey with the air forces ahead and five legions that stayed behind to improve the port and allow the arrival of supplies.

For its part, the fleet mostly withdrew while others remained patrolling the waters around the continent.

They soon sighted a tower of the nether forces a tower that soon fell its garrison was put to the sword in no time and the tower soon fell to the air cannons and ground warfare weapons

The news soon reached Frostbourne with the scouts, leaving Hilda Patrick and Azura more worried than ever.

Azura: the explorers confirm it, an army bigger than even the one from the nether marches like this here without anything stopping it

Sir Patrick: we know something about them they are friends or what they are exactly

Azura: we do not know anything else about their banner and that it seems they can crush the forces of the nether with ease

Hilda: her banner is a creeper just like Rain maybe it's a sign maybe they're friends

Sir Patrick: As far as we know, the Endstone Crusaders must have met the princess of the nether by now.

Hilda: together with Lyria

Azura: the memory of her drives us to continue this war, we are not going to fall without first fighting

Hilda: Naeus's magic grows so strong that the weather is no longer in our favor the blizzards no longer blow and our frozen lands grow warmer as the armies of the nether advance

Azura: maybe he knows something

Hilda: I don't think the pork chop doesn't talk anymore it's about making fun of our resistance

Meanwhile General Leigh's forces march faster and faster to Frostbourne even though the nether is closer.

Led by Kralos and Zarkos he moves towards Frostbourne while Naeus is in the end with a force of corrupted dragons that are breeding in the end.

Zarkos: our strength grows but so do the forces that oppose us

Kralos: who is strong enough to face us once our great king is back the thick walls of Frostbourne will fall and the overworld will be ours

Zarkos: You know that this world is not so small and the one you took an eye from will soon return and may bring his armies with him.

Kralos: that human died and his people disappeared in the annals of history that humans do not remember

Zarkos: those humans are stronger now and I feel how they get closer

Explorer of the nether: my lord an army like we have never seen is approaching from the coast and has exterminated every garrison that crosses them

Kralos: impossible not even the end with his power could stop us what kind of banner those armies carry

Scout: a black creeper on a red field and also a red creeper on a black field

Kralos grabs his neck as he scouts and throws him away as Zarkos realizes the approaching power.

Zarkos: what will you do my lord wants us to put Frostbourne under siege as quickly as possible

Kralos: advance with the bulk of our forces to the castle I'll take care of the creepers

Zarkos: good

The forces of the nether are divided and while Zarcos manages to defeat a counteroffensive from Hilda, the armies of the nether arrive at Frostbourne and place the castle under siege as a scorching sun approaches with them.

Meanwhile, Kralos meets Leigh's army near Frostbourne.

Kralos does not take long to notice the superiority in every way of his opponents since his ghost did not take long to fall before the air forces and his widers fell silent before the charges of the enemies in the end only Kralos was surrounded by a superior army

Leigh: 20 years I waited for this moment - he unsheathed his sword with a reddish curved blade

Kralos: the time has come to finish what we started

The fight began with Kralos attacking with his great ax but Leigh defended himself well until Leigh finally managed to disarm Kralos and give him a sharp cut in the face.

He fell to the ground and before she finally defeated him Kralos managed to escape thanks to a portal Naeus made by throwing Kralos into the end.

Naeus: so the reports are true they dared to cross the sea and help these humans

Leigh: We are the heirs of the ancients and the defenders of the humans if they withdraw now my king will be kind to their insignificant existence

Naeus: you shouldn't talk to me like that

Naeus uses his powers but the mages quickly encase the entire army in a shield that cannot be penetrated making Naeus flee once he realized that he would not be able to defeat the shield.

Leigh: even the great king of him recoils before our power forward my brothers the nether will know defeat and the consequences of attacking our friends

The army continues its course and they finally arrive to witness the army besieging Frostbourne.

Frostbourne drills stand strong as the nether tries to penetrate its walls and at the gate Sir Patrick Patrick himself defending the entrance from the nether onslaught

The battle continues its course until suddenly a great snow storm invades the scene

The storm was so strong that it didn't take long for the blazes to freeze and the armies to move in a disorderly manner.

When Zarkos realized what was happening, it was already too late, the skies were black and soldiers with wings and cannon shots came out of them, destroying them, the cavalry charges crushed everything in its path, the elephants killed everything and the devastators attacked everything. , the infantry killed everyone and the weapons of Light and bows followed the destruction

Zarkos managed to open a portal and escape before they could reach him.

When the storm finally passed what Lord Patrick saw from the ramparts gave him back hope in victory as he saw a great army of land and air at the ramparts ready for the next battle.



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