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While the end regained its freedom, the other armies simultaneously launched their attack for their part, Lord Patrick, and the overworld army began its attack on Glacierford, this time better prepared than ever, although the fortress has been improved with stone from the nether, little or nothing they could do against the strength of that army

Once the main force reached the walls, the other legions that were deployed around the lands controlled by the nether so that they would not expand or escape, the great army arrived at the end, completely surrounding the town and the fortress that could barely resist the attacks. attacks behind its thick walls

The great army of the nether that guarded it positioned itself on the walls but the ships did not take long to destroy every last piece of the wall thanks to their cannons and the wings and other vehicles did not take long to give the allies air superiority

Once the armies entered the enclosure where a battle broke out, the nether had brought thousands of soldiers to defend these lands, but now with such a large army in front, it felt insufficient.

The battle did not take long to start while the air was controlled by the air forces, the earth was stained red, the swords in their dance fell everywhere, the rains of arrows and projectiles ended with dozens of sides and the fire of the battle Hilda and her forces took the right flank while the cavalry with Ser Patrick in the lead took the left flank

The spears and halberds charged and the pigmans fell the red swords of the creepers threw the heads of withers and the banners fell before others in the end only corpses remained because no nether soldier surrendered all fell and died others fought to the death when the formation of the creepers broke the victory was total and finally at last after so long the soldiers made a hall of honor and Ser Patrick Azura and Hilda entered Glacierford once again this time definitively

Once inside, all the banners of the nether were changed by creeper banners or those of Frostbourne to end up lighting the great portal to the nether that was from where the victorious forces came out with Rain at the head but with a face of sadness rather than victory.

But while Ser Patrick was winning in the overworld in the nether, the creeper armies jumped the walls and began their attack that eventually led them to a tower where Zarkos was ready to fight but he was captured before he could do anything.

King Emmanuel: speak now necromancer as we finished with Naeus

Zarkos: hahaha clumsy humans our great king is immortal his body is invincible and you can only surrender

The wizards attack him and cast a truth spell on him

Kane: now talk like we killed him

Zarkos: they cannot, they can only weaken him, but if what they want is to destroy his new body, they must take it to the flames of pure lava in the basement of the castle.

Ciara: there is something else which is the trap

Zarkos: he's coming soon with reinforcements he's going to end this

King Emmanuel: take as far as he remains as a prisoner give the order to the soldiers who are ready and prepare to take him to the lava once he is there what remains will be taken to the vaults in my castle

All: understood

A few minutes passed and indeed Naeus arrived with a large army ready to put an end to this war but in reality everything was planned

The creeper forces took their shield wall formation and then greeted the enemies with a hail of projectiles.

For his part, Naeus used his powers and flew past the creeper armies since by attacking them with their lightning, the magicians protected the armies from that power.

Once he entered the fortress, he killed everyone who attacked him until finally he reached the underground forges, those forges capable of forging the netherite at will.

Once he got there, he found an empty room but suddenly dozens of soldiers began to arrive and surrounded him, but he managed to defeat them in a short time.

Once the last soldier fell Kane, Ciara, Stella, Rain and Emmanuel jumped up and surrounded him.

The final battle began Rain and Emmanuel drew their swords and began to attack him while Ciara and Kane opened the floodgates to let the lava flow Stella attacked him with her magic but resisted while Rain and Emmanuel continued their sword fight

Naeus managed to avoid several hits and then attacked Stella and just as she was about to finish her off Rain runs from her and saves her from her by covering herself with a shield while Emmanuel rushes to help them and manages to slash Naeus several times but he resists them.

The battle advances and they manage to take Naeus close to the lava but he still keeps fighting. Rain jumps again but Naeus with his powers disarms him and manages to make him fall to the ground ready to finish him off. King Emmanuel jumps and throws him at lava nor without first receiving a forceful blow to his chest from Naeus

Naeus falls into the lava where little by little his netherite body melts with such strong heat.

In the end Rain gets up to see her father about to die so she runs and helps him

Rain: father no no please no

Emmanuel: fell

Stella: yes

Emmanuel: well my death was worth it then -he touches Rain's face- son I'm very sorry that it's the end I know it will be difficult for you but you will achieve it he has already fallen what follows now will be easy

Rain: It wasn't enough time, there's still a lot to talk about, I'm not ready to lose you.

Emmanuel: you lived 19 years without me I'm sure you'll make it don't worry once this is over you'll be the new king

Rain: I am not interested in ruling or a crown, I only ask for more time with the father I never had and I barely got to know

Emmanuel: life is complicated but it is necessary to move forward the throne is yours don't worry you will have General Leigh to guide you as well as your cousins ​​and all my advisers I know I will not be disappointed in you son go finish what you started cross the portal and declare victory I will always be with you and remember to look for the right person -join Rain's hand with Stella's

At that moment, hundreds of medical soldiers and magicians arrive to help him, who separate Rain and Stella from Emmanuel.

Rain: they can save him

Doctor: We will take him to a place where we can help him more, but I don't think he will succeed, the damage was severe and we did not arrive in time to save him.

As King Emmanuel breathed his last, a force of wizards and elite soldiers seized Naeus's head and took it to the creeper castle.

Ciara: will he die?

Stella: we don't know but everything indicates that yes

Kane: sorry isn't it

Stella: what?

Kane: how his life goes out -The room takes a deathly silence




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