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Rain: it's complicated what I ask

King: go ahead

Rain: where we come from the place that welcomed me is in danger the nether advances and every day they lose more strength and hope to fight

Ciara: we want you to send your army to crush the nether since when we got here they killed many in a short time

King: in fact we have enough strength to help them but the decision is not easy and not only mine this kingdom cares about its own more than that of others

Kane: is there a way to speed up this process

Ray: It is necessary to reach a consensus with the council that represents each layer of the kingdom

Rain: and when will that be?

Ray: tomorrow afternoon I want to take the opportunity to make you known

King: Rain, tell me something, was it just you or was there someone else who grew up with you?

Rain: what are you talking about dad

King: the master magician is restless says that if you survived his daughter and his wife did too

Rain: who is his daughter

Rey: Abigail Crysteffor she and her mother were with you the day of the accident

Rain felt like a knife stabbed into his heart again, a knife that he thought had been forgotten, his face showed the fear, sadness and memory of him and when Em was going to do something he ran away

King: Rain!!!!

King: what's wrong

Stella: it is a difficult subject for him majesty

Everyone continued to eat although the atmosphere in the dining room was sad, gloomy and worried.

Once they finished, they all decided to look for Rain, although without saying anything.

The efforts were unsuccessful due to the large castle, though in the end Stella found him staring at himself in a pool of water in one of the gardens.

Rain: what's wrong with me I thought she was over it and still here I am

Stella: don't pressure yourself you know you did the right thing

Rain: I know it's just that the memory of her still affects me and getting here and discovering all this as I tell her father what I did

Stella: what you had to do

rain: still the same

Stella: Listen, I know this is very difficult and crazy. A few weeks ago we didn't imagine ourselves in a castle with your father, but if our adventures have shown anything, it's that time heals everything.

Rain: thanks I know this is not easy for you

Stella: one makes efforts for the people he loves

Stella decides to leave him although she gives him a small kiss on the cheek before leaving.

A few minutes after Stella left, the king appears and sits next to her.

Emmanuel: you're not telling me son

Rain: it's a complicated thing to talk about

Emmanuel: It's likely, but I'm your father and I really want you to tell me what you've done with your life during this time. I want to meet the son that fate took from me 19 years ago.

Rain: Sometimes I wonder if it's a dream

Emmanuel: what?

Rain: this place your this journey that brought me home

Emmanuel: yes it is son I hope I don't wake up

They both stayed talking all night Rain told his father about everything from his battles against herobrine to his relationship with Abigail Crysteffor and now with Stella even though the king was not sure about this relationship while he told him about his mother of his kingdom from him and finally revealed to him that Rain and Abigail were engaged because the oracles considered it necessary for the family lineage

At the end of the night and while the sun rises, they both go to their rooms with a deep family feeling since they had the talk that they should have had a long time ago and it allowed them to sleep knowing that at least they knew each other a little better.

The next day everything was ready for the meeting when the time came, everyone gathered in a large room with several chairs surrounding a semi-circular room and all pointed to the center

Little by little, all the lords began to arrive, from the war counselors to the merchants or the simple citizens chosen to represent the people.

King: representatives of the people, lords, generals, admirals and merchants, it is clear that they know why I gathered them

Lord Jey: wants to confirm the news that his son has returned and officially present him as his heir

King: that's right Lord Jey today is a day of celebration my son has returned and has talked about worrying things that need to be discussed

Lord York: I hope it's nothing regarding the nether it's none of our business what happens beyond the barrier

General Leigh: On the contrary, Lord York, the nether attacks on those islands are an open declaration of war.

As the voices grow in a debate about how to act, Rain enters the room and as soon as everyone sees how he approaches his father, the voices are silenced.

Once he looks up and everyone sees the scar on his face, it doesn't take long for the voices to demand an answer.

- what happened
-who dared to attack the heir
-It is clear that we are at war
- let the whole army mobilize and crush these aggressors

was heard in the hall

Merchant: It is clear that the nether does not fear the consequences of his actions, General Leigh.

and their children are right the war was declared when they entered the islands and long before when they attacked the heir

King: the laws that my ancestors signed with the people had an objective to make real the title of protector of all men and the bulk of the armies that protect the overworld my sword is with our distant cousins ​​who fight for their lives while we discuss brother friends family it's time to clear the lands of the eternal rain and head to the distant lands to show Naeus that the overworld is not divided and that when our children tell their grandchildren about this moment they say "they were at their best" he asked you the creeper swords will fight together and free our cousins ​​from other lands or we will wait as they finish them off

Lord Admiral Leying: The answer is clear your majesty, uncle, cousin, we will proudly fight by your side as we have done for a long time.

Lord York: the Yorks will fight alongside the king who gave us a seat on this council long live King Emmanuel the fifth and his son glory to the creeper kingdom glory to humans and glory to the overworld

Tempers began to rise and before long swords were out in celebration up and down and cries of Victoria could be heard.

At one point a servant entered carrying a red silk pillow and on top of it a simple Crown the Crown of the Crown Prince once it reached the center everyone fell silent and King Emmanuel took it and crowned his son as the creeper crown prince of the ancients the sword in the dark and dragon prince

Once the Crown was placed on the head of his son, they all put their swords on the ground and knelt before the king and his son, leaving the path ready to start the war.



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