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As General Leigh and his forces marched into the nether in support of Frostbourne, another army corps led by the king opened a portal to the nether.

Once the entire army arrived in the nether, they went to the kingdom of lis piglins in order to buy their help against an ally.

Ciara: This is a terrible idea. The piglins have never betrayed the king of the nether. What makes you think they'll side with us?

King Emmanuel: the piglins are strong but very greedy beings and luckily our plateaus are overflowing with gold

Kane: your plan is to buy their loyalty

King: Exactly also since the last piglin king died at your hands, the new king has had problems with Naeus since then

Ciara: What makes you think that they won't want to kill us as soon as they see us?

King: I have two reasons for them not to attack us, the first 200 chests full of gold coins and the second a large army behind me

Ciara was silent as they continued on their way to the piglin king's castle once there they met a small army of piglins that trembled before the creeper's banners and once they saw them arrive they soon dropped their weapons and opened the doors once they finally arrived they saw a piglin larger than normal with a crown on his head and a tremor in his body

King piglin: my halls are filled with splendor with your majesty presence

King Emmanuel: It is kind of you to receive me and my entourage

King piglin - didn't know an army was an entourage

King Emmanuel: well where do I come from if it is a small entourage

King piglin: and tell me great king who brings you to the nether

King Emmanuel: you know what I want

King piglin: if that's what my scouts say I'm scared of his presence

King Emmanuel: and that they have said that my armies are saving the humans from their invasion

King piglin: so it is true that he has recovered his heir and now he is marching against us

King Emmanuel: I never said I would march against you on the contrary if I come here in peace unless you wish blood to be shed in which case my soldiers are ready to hunt piglins

King piglin: what do you want from us?

King Emmanuel: I want the piglins to regain their place as the lords of the nether and take charge of keeping their undead away from the overworld

King piglin: and what do you offer me in exchange for such a dangerous task

King Emmanuel gives a signal and immediately the chests full of gold enter the room and as soon as the chests open and the glow of gold fills the room, the king piglin soon changes sides

King: We will cut off the supplies to the invasion and I will give the order to attack the withers and the pigman

King Emmanuel: excellent you know well that I generously rewarded my friends

The army marches out of the piglin lands, soon encountering Naeus strongholds on their way.

Every fortress, every castle and every place soon falls before the push of the creeper armies

They finally reached a great fortress next to one of the fortress lava seas that soon fell to the force of the cannons and the edge of the swords as before once all the soldiers from withers to blaze were able to enter they were put to the sword the only ones who survive are the commanders who are interrogated and then sent to the next castle to see if there is a better defense this time

In that fortress many things were made including the Ruby Thorn which was carefully kept and taken back to the overworld as a trophy.

They also found an extensive map with well-detailed castles and fortresses.

Rain: what is our next goal

King Emmanuel: It is clear that the next objective is their main fortress in the center of their lands according to what the captured and the piglins told us there we could find the answers on how to finish something as the bones are made of netherite

Stella: They must have reinforced the nearby castles now that this place fell.

Ciara: that just means double the fun

King Emmanuel: we must be ready the armies of Frostbourne and General Leigh will soon arrive at the
Far Plains and the armies of the nether will further divide

Kane: we must wait until they are in position

King Emmanuel: our plans are simple to advance until we leave the armies of the nether cornered in three dimensions and unleash a final battle that ends this war

King Emmanuel: but given the news we must continue to advance until we force them to fight

The army continued their march until they sighted a new castle, the battle continued as usual, although this time Rain and the king were separated from the rest by a trap by Naeus who wanted to negotiate.

Naeus: King Emmanuel is you after all

King Emmanuel: fence the great king of the nether that is what you want-handed to the sword

Naeus: I want to negotiate after all his forces are being annoying to meis plans so I propose an alliance together we can govern everything and everyone

Rain: you're crazy we don't fight to conquer we fight to survive

King Emmanuel: I think the nether quickly forgets what happens when my people get angry so I will give you an option before this war ends with your kingdom -The armies of the nether will withdraw from both the end and the overworld and will never take up arms against enders or humans again in return I will allow you to keep your crown

Naeus: what prevents me from killing them here and now

Rain: our armor and the army that protects us, you know that if we fall, you and your people will suffer double the losses or much more

Naeus draws his sword of light from the end and attacks them, although father and son do not take long to react and draw their twin swords, defending themselves from the blow and counter-attacking, still with Naeus' strength and their power, both manage to put him in retreat and meet the rest.

Stella: what happened

Rain: Naeus caught us but escaped

King Emmanuel: that was not a quest for peace or alliance it just entertained us

Kane: Whatever the nether is, it won't go down without a fight.

King Emmanuel: my conditions were imposed and if they are not accepted then let the nether know why the world is going to fall on them

The army continues to advance until they reach the gates of the great fortress that keeps the secret of the new body of Naeus ready to end this war



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