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On the edge of the void, Kralos and Leigh continue their fight with their weapons left behind.

The superiority of the wither was evident, but Leigh did not fall no matter how hard he was hit one blow after another, but he continued to stand until Kralos, already tired, lowers his guard and Leigh takes the opportunity to hit back.

In a short time they were surrounded by the pikes of the creeper soldiers and Lakey who came to the aid of his father with Lance

When Kralos approached, unwilling to fall, he just took Leigh by the neck with his arm and fell with him into the infinite void of the end.

Leigh holds on as best she can but Kralos is very heavy and soon manages to make them both fall into the void before everyone's eyes and Lakey's frustrated attempt to save her father.

Leigh proto accepts his fate and closes his eyes before everyone's screams but before getting lost in the void, a Lakey rescues him thanks to the wings of his suit and putting him to safety for a little

From a safe position, everyone watches as Kralos falls until he is finally lost in the infinite void of the end from which he will never be able to escape.

Lakey: he's dead

Lance: There is no being in all dimensions capable of surviving in a vacuum.

Leigh: he is not like the others

Lance: yes, but if I could see I could go out I would have already done it

Leigh: let's hope that's true for now I need to go to the infirmary the withers hit hard despite their skeletal appearance

Lakey: don't worry father I'll help you

Leigh: thanks son to the others hurry up we must be ready to go

Soldiers: Yes sir!

Leigh: majesty is not coming

Lance: We'll catch up with them later. I have things to do here.

Leigh: fine

The general and his son leave along with almost the entire creeper army, leaving Lance alone with the rest of the vigilante enders who will determine his fate.

Enders: You are ordered not to come back here.

Enders: However, your alliance with the creepers gave our people the opportunity to rise up against the oppressors.

Lance: and what is my punishment then

Ender: The queen once said that you would change and come back here a different person and there is no doubt that you have changed.

Enders: what do you propose?

Ender: the other ender leaders are dead unless someone here objects I say we will make him king

Enders: this madman will only bring us ruin

Enders: We agree as long as he is willing to our advice and independence

Lance: I will always be open to dialogue with all of you my people

Ender: that simplifies it, I present to you King Lance, lord of the end and guardian of good

The enders prostrated themselves while others placed the crown of Vortrus on him and named him king of the end.

The new king did not have time to celebrate since he went with the creepers back to the overworld where in Glacierford they found a sad scene in effect a meeting of the Endstone Crusaders with the forces of Frostbourne but when he saw his forces come out of the portal the General Leigh could see something that broke his heart, he saw the banners at half-staff and the trumpets in silence once the dead body of King Emmanuel passed carried by a group of soldiers and a great sadness could only be heard the cries of the soldiers and the swords fall to the ground along with the soldiers who kneel as the body passes and then join the mourning march

In whispers the soldiers of Frostbourne asked if he was that king, father of the dragon tamer, that king who saved their lives, while the soldiers continued their march in mourning and the removed helmets revealed the tears and sad looks of the soldiers at the loss of their leader.

In the confusion of the moment, Leigh approaches Rain, stares at him and after a few seconds the general hugs his nephew and then gives directions to some soldiers by his side.

General Leigh: make preparations and send the news to every corner of the kingdom give the order to prepare the ships for our return and for the coronation

Creeper Soldier: Understood sir

Rain: what a coronation

General Leigh: yours is important to hurry for your coronation before the council wants to refute something

Rain: I don't know if I'm just ready and I know everything and I'm not sure if I should leave everything behind

General Leigh: It is his Majesty's decision, I will always be by his side to help him, I hope he makes the right decision.

rain: thanks man

Ciara: you won't right

Rain: what Ciara

Ciara: abandoning your rightful position as king of a great empire I'm just saying that with you on that throne everything can be better in every dimension

Rain: why am I discussing this with you? I don't know, I barely know and I was able to meet my father and now I'm supposed to succeed him on the throne of a kingdom that I don't know, it's something complicated to decide

Kane: whatever it is, I hope it's for the best but I think now what matters is firing it properly

rain: you're right

Everyone follows the march until they reach the port where the army that saved Frostbourne landed months ago now.

a wall protected a new population of creeper inhabitants who settled there after the army cleared the area

While the ships were filled with soldiers, Stella took Rain and took him to another place to talk to him since they had not spoken for a long time and needed time to put their feelings in order.

Rain: Stella you're alright thank heavens we haven't talked for a while

Stella: I'm fine, thanks, although I think you're not after what happened.

Rain: It's hard at one point in the castle I had what I wanted a family a father and friends and now I'm between staying here and abandoning my birthright or leaving with the fear of not seeing you again

Stella: just me and what about the others

Rain: I'm sorry I wanted to tell everyone but especially you

Stella: you know I would never walk away from you -she gets closer to him

Rain: Stella during all this I was able to clear my mind and my thoughts and now I understand it and I let her go Stella and one of the things my father told me before leaving was to learn to let go and not miss any opportunity

Stella: what do you mean?

Rain: I love you - takes her and kisses her

At the same time that Rain kisses her, she returns her kiss, allowing her to give some joy and hope in that dark and sad moment.

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