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They were below deck in a small cell with barely any light coming in through a tiny window on the side when they felt something strange.

It didn't take them long to see out the tiny window when they saw him a magical barrier stretching out into the clouds and at sunset with no end in sight when they were dragged onto the ship's deck by some soldiers.

General Leigh: they woke up fence it's about time

Rain: enough who are you and what do you want

General Leigh: we are a happy people rich in gold and minerals that fight against enemies and protect their people with suspicion we are the sword against which enemies collide we are the children of the explosions that have inherited the genius of the ancestors us we are the creeper kingdom the kingdom beyond the wall the kingdom that overlooks nothing a kingdom that you plundered when you entered those ruins

Rain: we weren't looting anything I'm the chosen one the ender crystals belong to us

General Leigh: I am not interested in prophecies, they are just mythical tales that lead fools to do foolish things.

Tired of listening to Leigh talk, Ciara takes out one of her Ender karambits from him and tries to attack it, although in a quick movement Leigh takes out her sword and disarms her without much difficulty.

General Leigh: My dear, if you're going to do that, you'd better be quicker, besides, the possession of those weapons only makes you more guilty, but the king will discuss that when we get there. For now, hold on.

At that moment the fleet began to cross the barrier and the whole team felt very weak

Rain falls to the ground and her eyes begin to change from blue and red to black and red and her skin begins to turn green just like Ciara and Kane who also fall to the ground Stella holds on although she feels how her demon part resurfaces

General Leigh: What's wrong with them?

Lance: These lands are much more powerful and the magic that makes them stand up is very weak here.

General Leigh: The Frog Speaks

Lance: I am Lance, Lord of the Void Isles.

General Leigh: fence I expected someone so prominent from the end to be bigger than a frog

Lance: this form will be temporary

General Leigh: capture the boy in blue we don't want him to bring that plague back to our lands

General Leigh: lower an airship and inform the great master magician to help us with them

Creeper soldier: we return to the capital or we deviate sir

General Leigh: tell him to meet us at gelklo's fortress

Creeper Soldier: Got it.

Stella gets up again turned into a demon and seeing all her friends on the ground unconscious she decides to try to open a portal to escape but she realizes that it is useless

general leigh: that doesn't work here

Stella throws herself at him but even with her powers she can't deal any blow and she ends up falling to the ground.

Finally everyone wakes up in what appears to be a wizard tower all in chains

Master mage: it's amazing they are all extraordinary they must be very strong in their home but these lands are much more powerful

General Leigh: I know they are weak but they better be strong to see the king

Master Wizard: Why would the king want to see four strangers and an ender frog?

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