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The team continued on their way until Lance made a sign to stop on an island the first impression of that island was that it was a calm and tropical place but as soon as they crossed the dense jungle they found impressive buildings that rise hundreds of meters from the ground like this like a great palace of purple and black rock on the top of the highest mountain on the island

The Endstone Crusaders delved deeper into the ruins, finding several symbols so old that they even made the ender crystals look like new.

As soon as they got close enough to the palace they found Kralos trying to bring down a wall and a troop of Wither Skeletons with him.

Kane: It's best if we get around them, there's most likely a back door we can use to get in.

Ciara: they are there getting in the way, the best thing would be to attack and take the opportunity to leave Naeus without his right hand

Lance: it's better to turn around those primitive monsters they will only activate the security systems of the old builders

Lance: And as soon as they activate that security system, we'll all be dead.

In total silence they surrounded the palace until they reached an apparently dead-end wall but much more elaborate than the others.

Lance: this must be the hidden door

Stella: how do you know?

Lance: it is more elaborate than the other doors, Ceris also mentioned it

Stella approached Lance to the wall and with his tongue he pressed several arcane symbols that were carved there

But nothing happened until finally the ground opened up and took them to a completely new world, a completely dark city full of a greenish substance and in the center of this colossal structure a large portal, as soon as Rain was going to say something, it was quickly silenced by Lance who in a whisper told him: "nobody say a word the beasts that guard these passages are so strong that they can crush any being that dares to enter

Kane: where should we go

Lance: you have to go carefully to the center of the portal

They all nodded their heads and followed the path in silence until unfortunately Stella, trying to pick up a strange book that she saw, caused a bookcase to fall, which quickly activated the security system.

The green fluids on the floors began to glow as a loud roar was heard that repeated and multiplied as soon as they saw it they couldn't even speak a green beast with antennae and apparently made of bone in front of them

They did not take long to run and run until they reached the center there luckily a door opened and they were able to take shelter in a place under the great portal

Their problems had served for something because as soon as they arrived at this place they found 2 ender crystals plus several chests full of things from green weapons to apparently magic books, although the question was still in the air.

Ciara: what was that?

Lance: a guardian

Lance: Those were ancient experiments to create weapons capable of annihilating anything.

Rain: and they did it

Lance: unfortunately I also kill them or at least in this place

Stella: look at this place full of objects, maybe in one of these chests this is what we are looking for

Rain: How did Ceris end up here?

Lance: I was chasing a pirate from the end, that girl was a real nuisance to the end, the war she started ended up here, possibly thanks to those things.

Kane: There must be some way up from here.

Lance: possibly it's that lever that says exit, don't you think?

Kane: I thought so

As soon as Kane lowered the lever everything began to move the ground opened and the entire portal platform including the room they were in rose to the surface

They came out right in the central courtyard of the palace and when they looked around they realized that they were surrounded by withers

Kralos: well they made my job easier now give me the crystals

The Endstone Crusaders prepared for the coming battle until the sky went dark.

As soon as they saw it was a fleet of airships from which dozens of soldiers descended with elytras and wings similar to Azura's but much more elaborate, they were soon surrounded

Soldiers in black or red armor armed with Beacon Guns, swords or spears entered from everywhere, quickly everyone understood what was happening and soon dropped their weapons except for Kralos who entered a portal before they could stop him.

As soon as everyone was on their knees and unarmed, including the withers, two soldiers entered carrying two banners, one red with a black creeper and the other black with a red creeper while one of them declared the arrival of someone important.

Unknown soldier: attention is before the presence of general Leigh lord of the armies of the king

As soon as the man entered the courtyard, everyone fell silent. He was a tall man dressed in a black suit, his face was pale, his black hair, and the eye that could be seen was also black since he had a patch on his right eye and a red creeper on his left arm to the naked eye he was even taller than being Patrick

general Leigh: what kind of mockery is this daring to enter ender territory under our protection is an act of war - he gestured to his soldiers and the skulls of the withers soon rolled on the ground

general leigh: the nether had not dared to enter our lands for centuries that would bring them here

Unknown soldier: sir I think they were looking for this just like these thieves

General Leigh: incredible Crysteffor was right the end has fallen and now they spread his power around the world how curious

Rain: who? - is beaten by a soldier

unknown soldier: silence

General Leigh: We will take all these prisoners to the Creeper Kingdom, the king will tell us what to do with them.

Leigh notices the Ender Greatsword and looks doubtfully at Rain.

Leigh: is she yours?

Rain: if she was given to me by the ender watchers when her kingdom fell

Leigh looked at Rain again but this time with more curiosity something about him was familiar to her as if she had seen it before.

They were soon handcuffed and taken to the beach, where Lyria was waiting for them with the rest of the elytra corps, also chained.

They realized that they were in front of other humans apparently stronger than the nether and richer

As soon as they got on the ship they saw that it was a fleet of 11 warships and 5 airships 5 times larger than those of Frostbourne

Once all embarked they took a direct course to the destination



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