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Once they got off the ship, they were released and taken to a hostel where, after returning their things, General Leigh kindly left.

Rain: what are we supposed to be

Leigh: guests

Kane: I could swear we are your prisoners

Leigh: I just followed the saved conduit for outsiders.

Ceris: And what are we supposed to make wait until they kill us?

Leigh: do not neglect nothing will happen to you as soon as it is time I will send for them

Kane: why are you suddenly so nice to us a few days ago you wanted to put our heads on a spear

Leigh: the world works in strange ways my goal now is not to know your intentions but to do something with the Withers that I found in the temple with you

Leigh: also the master magician informed me that he found my nephew who I thought was lost many years ago knowing that my sister's legacy is alive makes me happy- look at Rain

Saying this, he gives them a fine leather bag inside which were several gold coins with the face of a creeper.

Leigh: take this it may be useful to you but I recommend that you stay away from the central market in the city

Kane: why?

Leigh: it's for their own good they don't know anything and they could end up in trouble

Leigh leaves the room with a smile from Victoria knowing that they will most likely ignore her and end up going to the market before leaving in a caravan to the castle. Leigh orders some of her men to watch for any movement of the soldiers. Endstone Crusaders

Ciara: I don't like something about this place

Kane: neither does anyone leave and give you money without knowing you

Stella: I think it's only nice if a few soldiers of this kingdom can make Kralos himself flee it means his power is enough to scare them not to mention that this place strengthens magical powers the master mage is possibly the most powerful sorcerer I've ever seen

Lance: These people are strong enough to crush many other worlds if necessary.

Rain: I don't understand if they are so strong and advanced because they weren't known about their existence in Frostbourne

Lance: Humans were separated in many places throughout the centuries, without a doubt the ones who obtained the most benefits from this separation were them, their magical barriers make them immune to portals and their strength only grows and grows if we achieve the support of this kingdom for war the nether will fall fast and the end will be liberated in a matter of weeks

Stella: maybe Leigh will help us talk to her king and get her support for the war but why don't we go out and explore a literally new world around us

Rain: not a bad idea

The four leave the hostel and start exploring all over the place

They find towers full of magicians and books willing to teach the mystical arts as well as several plays that represented great battles against unknown enemies.

A street full of blacksmiths who showed the quality of their swords in amazing battles between knights

All the houses were decorated with multiple colors and all had the same three types of flags: a red creeper on a white field, a red creeper on a black field or a black creeper on a red field. In fact, many wore this symbol on their clothes.

On their walk they came across an apparent center where they saw a statue of an apparent king mounted on a black horse crushing the heads of a dozen pigmans.

Finally they came across a street of artists where they saw many portraits and landscapes of apparent places in the kingdom, although one portrait caught their attention much more.

It was a portrait of what appears to be the royal family. It featured a tall man with tan skin, blue eyes, and black hair wearing an elaborate ruby ​​and gold crown with the face of a creeper on his forehead. Next to him was a woman. shorter than him with long black hair pale skin like Leigh and black eyes and a tiara on her head the woman was holding her son in her arms for some reason those people looked familiar to Rain although she still didn't know why

Ciara: Does he look like you or am I the only one who notices him?

Kane: you're right, it's as if it were you but more adult

rain: of course not

Seller: I see that you like it, it is a magnificent work, it hurts what it represents

Seller: it was made in the finest wool fabric from the pink sheep of the mountains of the northeast it was a gift from a nobleman to King Emmanuel the fifth when his son was born it hurts the terrible end that his family had although according to the premonition from the king's sorcerers and seers the prince will one day return to lead our people to victory against a mighty enemy

Stella: what happened to them

Seller: where travelers come from there are usually no people who don't know this story around here

Kane: we come from the south of islands More finds the magical barrier

Seller: let me guess they come from Lys, it's not like that, they look the same as some merchant s with whom I do business

Salesman: Anyway, the story is from almost 20 years ago, the king had sent his family and other members of the court to his summer palace on the island of Lingresh, although he did not go with them due to some important matters of the kingdom which should have attended before leaving

As the fleet headed for the island they were hit by a storm and boarded by ender, nether and undead pirates all at the same time the main ship tried to flee while General Leigh in charge of protecting the royal family fought with everything. he was crossed to put his queen safe but the ship deviated and was sunk by a pirate ship at the tip of the end from where the waters of the eternal storm begin

Not only did we lose a queen and a prince that day but also the heir to the royal coven and the wife and daughter of the master wizard along with a magical heirloom from that family.

Rain: and what happened to the pirates

Seller: when General Leigh realized what happened it was already too late the ship broke in two and one of the parts was never found he was only able to save some sailors and soldiers that day

As soon as the king knew what happened he hunted those pirates through all dimensions and places until he exterminated them one by one part by part although revenge never brought peace to any of them

Seller: although the seers speak of a prophecy that speaks of the return of the heir but I do not believe that it is fulfilled

Stella: to be people with so much magic, they believe little in prophecies

Vendor: The magic and power of this has been proven instead no prophecy has been fulfilled although if you want to hear more nonsense like that you should visit the tower in the great central market it is full of scholars and wizards who talk about it

rain: thanks

Intrigued by what they can find, they ask the friendly vendor for directions and head to the central market, forgetting Leigh's false warning.



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