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Once the kiss ended, they were soon called and boarded a ship bound for the creeper kingdom for the final farewell of that king whose sword put an end to the bloody war of dimensions unleashed by herobrine months ago.

The ship they boarded was the largest and most elaborate of all the great fleet that had come to the Continent in defense of Frostbourne.

The sails of all the ships had gone from being red to black, symbolizing the mourning and pain of a people who lost their king.

All the way, silence reigned in the air, as traditions indicated the total silence of all people until the body was cremated, so there was not a sound during the trip.

Once the great magical barrier was crossed, the fleet was divided and only the trajectory was followed by a few ships.

The once happy and cheerful town that the Endstone Crusaders arrived at a few months ago was transformed into a sad and silent town that silently mourned the loss of its monarch at the passing of this

The funeral march was somber but even with this magnificent because the magnitude of the followers of the march was immense in front of the march a band that played a slow and calm funeral tune in the center the body of the king and in his chest his ancestral sword and his battle crown and next to this his generals and family and at the end a crowd of knight soldiers and people gathered to bid farewell to their monarch

The crowd went through the rings of the great castle one by one until in the center of all the rings of the walls, the funeral pyre was prepared in a stepped pyramid on which the body of the monarch was finally left.

By tradition Rain was the one who had to light the pyre despite being reluctant to do it next to him Stella and Leigh who guided him by his side

And while his body burned at the top of the pyramid, the people at its feet wept without distinction of gender, race, or titles, all gathered to see their king for the last time and once the pyre finished burning, the ashes were picked up and taken to the crypt of the royal family

Unlike the rest of the castle of black and red stone, the crypt consisted of a square temple completely made of white with large pillars that supported the structure and two large doors that gave access to a staircase that went deep into the earth.

Again by tradition Rain under the chest with the ashes to the depths of the enclosure when reaching the end of the stairs he ran into a large room decorated with symbols of the monarchy and corridors that led to many rooms each corresponding to one distinct era of monarchs

Once he finished observing the room, he met five hooded women with black and white cloaks who guided him to the room where there was a statue of his father and a stone chest where he left the chest with the ashes to later be sealed. forever for women

Rain tried to speak but felt her tongue shut up without even being able to say a word once everything was done and the stone chest was sealed the eyes of the other statues began to glow an intense red that blinded the room some of the women They took him to the exit and one of them, before he started to go up, told him

Woman of the Crypt: The sparkle in the eyes of the statues is the sign from the highest of all your ancestors that you are the one to take the throne

Rain did not answer and continued on her way back and once she left the enclosure the doors were sealed again and the silence turned again to a celebration as well as a bow to the new king

Once the formal acts were over, all the people went to large rooms connected to each other where the banquets and music were given, since death is only the transition to a better place and death is celebrated.

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