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While the creeper armies devastate the lands of the horde in the nether in the overworld, the great offensive led by Frostbourne and General Leigh advance on all fronts towards Glacierford where everything began and where the final battle is expected to begin but before they must recover the Far Plains lost months ago

General Leigh: we are prepared the legions advance on all fronts and will soon subdue all the soldiers of the nether

Azura: They are advancing but so must we if we want the siege of Glacierford to be successful.

Hilda: Our forces are ready to leave when the order is given.

Ser Patrick: what is the information we have

General Leigh: Our scouts report that they have erected a large fortification to bar our way and we believe that Naeus is there.

Ser Patrick: we are ready we will leave in the morning the time has come to end this war

General Leigh: I think if this is going to be our final breakthrough maybe we should take the pinky with us and put him on display to break his morale.

Ser Patrick: he is dangerous if he manages to escape the best thing will be to keep him here

General Leigh: he will not escape and if he does it will be easier to transport a head than a prisoner

The discussion ends there as the meeting ends and everyone leaves to continue with the preparations.

General Leigh: tomorrow's battle will be decisive for this war take care and remember to be ready for everything

Admiral Lakey: I know what I'm doing and I promise to take care of myself father

General Leigh: I know you will and remember to take care of her she is too anxious for battles and I am worried

Admiral Lakey: don't worry father we'll be fine I promise

Father and son retire and while Admiral Lakey goes to prepare his ships and his troops, General Leigh goes to the castle dungeons to speak with the prisoner.

General Leigh: wake up chop it's almost time to go

Hogsworth: General, it's always a pleasure to have you in my cell.

General Leigh: You're lucky they're merciful. I would have ripped your head off and carried it into battle to show your troops.

Hogsworth: What do you want? I've already said everything I could possibly know.

General Leigh: Of course you've said everything, the wizards made sure of that. I'm just here to inform you that we'll be going out to battle soon, and you'll be coming with us.

Hogsworth: I didn't know they had taken a liking to me

General Leigh: Let's just say that you are a very important trophy to leave here, maybe if there is something left of your horde when we finish with it, you can rule the

Hogsworth: The stories about his power are true his creeper for a flag and his soldiers well trained in sword and spear I didn't believe him even when Kralos talked about how he took the eye out of one of them

General Leigh: they broke an order of thousands of years, his empire will be ephemeral as well as its leaders and if you are not interested in my offer, maybe there will be room in the bag of heads for another

Hogsworth: hahaha do what you want human the great king does not retreat before weak

General Leigh: laugh while you can and your great king just runs when he sees us

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