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Morana's POV

'Rest Morana. I will take care of us.'

Those words were so comforting. So sure, that I believed her. Her voice was so familiar as she took over our body and did something I could never do.

She escaped the Black Moon pack.

She got us out of the cell, and into the summer air. And as we walked out of the Black Moon's pack territory I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry and scream and for once maybe smile, a real smile. But, she ignored my instincts and continued to run away from our enemy. We ran in no-man lands. Only rouge wolves resided in these woods, and she was careful not to get too close to them.

Most of our journey I spent resting and healing, allowing my wolf to take charge. My wolf, who reminded me that I had named her Ontas. Ontas killed rabbits and found shelter for us. She ran in the warm breeze and enjoyed the feel of being a real wolf. The more we traveled her way, the more I realized being a rogue wasn't so bad. I didn't starve, I wasn't hurt, and I wasn't confined in a box. I never wanted to go into a cell like that again. We stayed in Ontas's form for weeks until she finally allowed me back in charge.

It was mid-day when she allowed me to shift back. If I didn't shift back, I could end up losing my humanity with how much I enjoyed being a wolf. We went into a river and slowly and painfully I started to get my human back. It felt like minutes, but it took less than thirty seconds until my human hand splashed into the river water. I took a deep breath of fresh air as my naked body fell forward into the cool water. My mouth quickly opened to allow the water in my human form as my hands shook. Slowly I looked back to see deep red welts on my back. I didn't feel the pain I had felt before, but I knew it would take months until the welts were gone, I could still see silver in the wounds.

My muscles were sore and I wondered how Ontas had run for so long, and how she didn't falter to the pain the way I now was. Once I washed my body in cold water I crawled up on a hill and laid in the green grass. In my human form I was very aware of our surroundings. Ontas had gotten us out of that cell, and I refused to allow ourselves to go back into it. Some of the warriors had tried to stop us at the edge of the land, but she had outran them all.

With my guard up, I laid back and looked up at the beautiful blue sky. My wet hair rested over my naked body, soaking up the warmth the sun casted down on us. I was fascinated with the clouds, I watched as they slowly moved through the sky as if they weren't bound to no rules. I rolled on my stomach until I got on my knees and then walked to the very top of the hill I'd been laying on since getting out of the river. The grass blades brushed against my feet as I reached the flat top. I could see treetops that stretched for miles, and I could hear birds chirping a song as they flew around above me.

'This is where we belong, Morana. We don't need anyone.' The voice was soothing as I nodded slowly. This is where I wanted to be, I wanted to stay on this hill forever, looking at the beautiful clouds and blue skies. My toes scrunched up the green grass as I let out a relaxing sigh and stretched my arms up. With the smell of the cell now off of my skin I felt safe, comfortable, and relaxed. And a wide smile filled my lips as I took a deep breath. Tears stung my eyes as I nodded my head. I'm free.

In the afternoon, the clouds were moving fast and soon I watched as the sun started to fall. From observing Ontas I knew this meant time to sleep. In the cell, I didn't have a sense of time, I didn't have a window and barely knew what time it was. I walked through the heavy trees until I found a low hanging branch. It took four times to fail, but on the fifth time I knew where to place my hands and my feet to get up from the ground. The first branch was the hardest since I had to get my leg up to it, but once I was up the branches seemed to be closer. I waited until I found a thick branch that I knew could hold me. Then, I sat against the trunk and watched as the sun slowly set and casted beautiful colors in the sky. I pulled my legs close to my body as I tried to stay as still as I could. My head rested on a thinner branch.

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