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Aeron's POV*

Morana, what a lovely name. It was perfect for my mate, it rang bells in my head. And then she said something that completely crushed my soul, "I'm Serena's daughter." I stared at her for a moment. Waiting for her to tell me this was a cruel joke. My face twisted in disgust as I sat up and turned away from her

'She's still our mate. And we won't hurt her.' Aero said quickly as I shook my head.

She killed Serena.

'She's our mate. We need to protect her.'

She killed Serena.

'She's our mate-'


Areo was silent as I felt my body snap. Something in my mind turned the wrong way as I turned to face Morana. She held herself tall but I could smell fear on her skin. But she lifted her chin and stared at me as if I was in the wrong. And for a moment all I could see was Serena. Her kind eyes, her smile- my mate- my mate took that away. She took away the only woman I looked up to as my mother after my mother passed away. She took away my guardian, my first friend.

That anger I felt last night returned as everything in my body turned numbed. She. Killed. Serena.

My hand shook as they lifted and grabbed her upper arm. She winced as I pulled her close to my face. Yes, I can see it now. I can see Serena in her features. How have I not noticed? My hands shook as she looked at me with fear in her eyes, "You." I said with a shaky breath tilted my head, "You did it? You killed her? You watched me try to find you and said NOTHING?" My voice raged as I glared down at her, my hands tightening.

'You're hurting our Mate! Stop!" Aero said as he tried to gain control. But at the moment I didn't want to hurt her, I wanted to kill her. Months of searching, and she was here under my care? Morana's breathing quickened as she looked at me.

"I was scared-"

"SCARED?" I asked and pulled her closer to my body, "Scared of what?"

"You." She said and moved her head away from mine. She turned her head away as I felt the bond course through my body. The fear she held for me made me want to shake. And that is what I did as I shook her body in my grasp.

"This whole time, I thought you wanted me. I thought you wanted this mate bound, I thought-" I shook my head as I pointed a finger, "You used me. You used me to protect yourself. You-you played with my feelings." I said and stood up. Morana looked at me with shocked eyes as she opened her mouth, "I could have helped you if you had told me."


"DON'T SAY MY NAME!" I screamed loudly as Aero growled towards me. Our mate fell back to the couch as she curled herself in a small ball, "Why?"

"Because I didn't know how to tell you." She said and away from me as she shook. Her stance alone brough pain to me as I tried to contain my anger.

"Not that, why did you kill her?" I asked as tears flooded my eyes, "Why did you kill Serena?"

Morana looked lost as she stared at me. Her lips slightly parted as she swallowed, "I-" She closed her eyes and shook her head, "I didn't do anything!" She yelled and jumped back once I moved, instantly my hand flew to her face. Morana fell to the ground and looked up at me shocked. I stared at my hand horrified. Why did I hit her?

My chest felt as if it would explode as I looked down at her, "I didn't kill her!" She screamed as I moved to stand over her, I wanted to comfort her. Everything screamed at me to comfort her. But I didn't reach out for her.

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