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Morana's POV

Aeron had left almost thirty minutes ago. I laid in the bed and stared out of the room. Ten minutes ago a nurse came in and pulled all of the needles out of my arm. And since then the nurses watched my every move. My door was wide open for them to watch me do nothing but lay there. I've done nothing but sit up occasionally. Having them stare at me was uncomfortable. After I was done looking at the forest I looked at the arm I had injured. Pulling against the bandage I could see the deep bruising I had caused. And when I looked up I could feel angry brown eyes staring at me.

In response I let out a growl and watched as all the nurses scattered away from my view. I sighed and slowly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. Once I sat down on the toilet I relieved myself and closed my eyes. A comfort filled my stomach once my bladder was drained. I turned towards the sink and washed my hands as best as I could as I looked at my reflection.

My brown hair looked darker now, almost a black, and it made my blue eyes pop. My skin looked much paler than it did before as I splashed cold water on my face. Closing my eyes I felt a strange feeling wash over my body once again. The horrible sick feeling that made me hate myself. I closed my eyes and shook my head. No Aeron is coming back. I thought to myself and touched my stomach. My child needs me. I thought as I looked up to my reflection.

Even though I was the one staring back at myself, it felt like a monster had taken over my body. A shadow of a beast that was ready to devour my soul. I touched my wrist and the bandages as I felt a sensation to get it off. I wanted it off, I wanted my skin off of my body. I needed it off my skin, my breathing quickened as I grabbed the bandage.

"Hey!" A nurse cried out. I jumped as I turned the water off of the sink and turned to open the bathroom. Pulling the door inward I looked to see the younger girl from earlier. This time she didn't have the pole hooked up to her before. She only had bandages on her arms. The nurse was focused only on her as pointing a finger. But the younger girl didn't seem to pay her any attention as the nurse groaned loudly, "You little- You can't be in here!" She shouted and walked around the bed in the middle of the room, "What have we told you about leaving your own room?" She said in a growl as her hand reached for the young girl. Ontas filled with anger and stepped up as she looked at the angered hand reaching for the young girl.

"Don't you dare touch her." I said in a low voice as Ontas let out a growl. The nurse looked back at me and widened her eyes, "She can be in my room." I said and wiped my hands on the gown they must have put me in and closed the bathroom door. I looked over to the girl, but she ignored me completely. But, something bothered me, I tilted my head as I turned my focus on the nurse, "You were going to hurt her, weren't you?"

"She is not supposed to be in this room." The nurse said breathlessly.

"Get out of my room." I said and pointed towards the open door.

The nurse didn't fight with me as she turned around and walked out of my room. I followed her and closed the door, I found this gown was short and only covered the front of my body. I didn't want them to look in my room to see my backside. Tae didn't say anything as I climbed in bed, she only stared out to the forest with a sad look on her face. I covered my body with a blanket as I looked out to the different shades of green in the trees. It took awhile for Tae to speak, but very softly she cleared her throat.

"That man who was with you was the Alpha?" She asked in a small voice. I nodded, "The nurses were talking about him."

"That doesn't surprise me." I said and sighed then titled my head, "You never met him before?" I asked her.

"Not really, but he brought me here." She said and looked over to me with a sad face.

My thoughts ran, Aeron never said anything about bringing a child to the hospital. Tae slowly walked towards my bed and very slowly sat down. Pain filled her face as she moved back on the bed, "It hurts." She said and looked towards me, "But, they say I can't have medicine." She said and looked out of the room and sighed, "Why did you get the nice view?" She asked and sighed.

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