Bubbles and Determination

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Morana's POV

The water continued to run as my body started to slip under Aerons, "Aeron." I said as I grabbed hold of his wet shirt, "What is going on?" I asked as I looked down at his pants, "Your stuff is still in your pockets!" I said as I looked at the lump in his back pocket.

"I don't care." Aeron mumbled against my shoulder.

My hand reached to his pockets as they quickly pulled out his phone. I threw it towards my dirty clothes along with his keys and wallet. Aeron fell to the side sending bubbles out of the tub. He held onto my body as I looked down at him. I was supposed to be mad at him, but I knew he needed me. I could feel that he needed me. So, I placed bubbles in his hair as my toes turned the faucet off.

We laid in the warm water in silence. Very slowly Aeron looked down to my stomach, "Wolfhaze, its a drug created by humans." He whispered, "I'll never be embarrassed of you or our child. But, I don't want you to get your heart broken. Babies, don't survive but if you are willing to take on the odds I'll gladly stay beside you. And if our child lives, I'll be the luckiest man on this planet." Aeron whispered.

"My rage was uncalled for." I said in a soft voice as I looked away from him, "I was just angry."

"And, I would be too." Aeron said as he slowly sat up and kissed my forehead, "I'll get out of your bath now." He said.

"Actually, maybe you could stay." I said and looked up to him and raised an eyebrow, "Just take off the clothes. Wet jeans feel weird."

And so Aeron stripped and sat behind me. He held onto my body as we occasionally turned on the hot water. Bubbles landed on my stomach as I let my breast stay bare. My head rested on Aeron's chest as he placed a bubbled hand in my hair, "This is relaxing," Aeron whispered and kissed my cheek. I smiled as I twisted my body to look at him.

What was going on? What made him climb into this tub with me? Something was there, with my walls lowered I could feel the pain in the mate bond, the fear as well. He only looked down at me as he wrapped an arm around my head.

"Aeron, what is going on?" I asked. But, he only kissed my forehead. My eyes widened, "Is it war?" I asked him.

"No." He said in a stern voice.

With a small sigh I lifted up and I turned my body so my legs were straddling his hips, trapping him against the porcelain walls of the bath. Aeron didn't seem to mind as he stayed laying in the bath. Even with me looking down at me he only reached out to grab hold of me.

Aeron held me up to his face and started to kiss my cheek, my eyes, my nose, and my jaw. He ignored my lips as he rested his forehead against mine, "Jon told me." He whispered. My heart raced as I looked at him and sharply inhaled, "I saw everything. I-I-" Aeron closed his eyes as he shook his head, "You, you were dead. You looked dead."

A small part of me felt relieved, Aeron now knew the nightmare I've been through. He knew why I was scared to be around his pack, his Beta. But, he knows too late, we already had my abuser in our home. We sat down at our table and ate with him. Another happened to be my Beta, someone who had spent almost every day with me. I could feel the mixed emotion settle in him, "I'm sorry." I whispered and touched Aeron's face, my fingers running over the stubble, "I didn't want you to know."

"Why?" Aeron asked and looked up to me with sad eyes.

"Because, you need your Beta." I whispered and moved back slowly, "You need your men-"

"What they did to you, they have done to others!" Aeron said and shook his head, "They deserve to be punished."

"Cameron wanted to stop them, but he wasn't strong enough. He was 'just an omega.'" I copied the words he had told me when we first met.

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