The Verdict

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Morana POV***

My body was on fire, it was on fire and I couldn't calm it down. I opened my mouth and let a scream escape my throat as I grabbed my head. Was it my head hurting? No, it was my stomach? Maybe it was my hand? I couldn't tell, a small hand fell on my forehead but when I looked up everything was a blur. I let out another scream as I felt my body bump and sway, "Calm down." A familiar voice cooed towards me, "Calm down." The voice said. I grabbed their hand and cried.

"What happened?" I asked.

It went silent, and slowly I remembered. I remembered the woman Aeron had unmarked. Ontas growled but stopped as we let out a cry, "Oh my god!" I screamed. "Oh my-" Quickly I leaned over the seat and threw up on the floor. I cried as I slowly started to gain my vision. I looked to see Tae's wide eyes as she held my hair back, "She hit me?" I asked and looked down to my red hand and then looked towards my dress, "No." I said breathlessly as I placed my damaged hand on the dress, "Aeron, Aeron!" I screamed, He looked back at me as I then used my good hand and placed it on my stomach. Nothing.

"Morana- you need to stay still. Your head is bleeding." Aeron said.

"Our pup." I said and looked at him with wide eyes, "Our pup." I cried.

The jeep went silent as I screamed out a sob, Ontas howled in pain as I tried to feel a movement. Anything that could indicate that bitch had missed our pup. But, there wasn't a movement, there wasn't a twist. Nothing. I leaned my head against the seat as I shook my head and loudly cried. "We are almost there, Morana." Tae said as she placed a hand on my back, "Your body might be in shock." She said, I looked up to her as she rubbed my shoulder, "That might be it." She said and looked at my injured hand, "Your hand looks crushed, maybe your hand took all the force." She added. I nodded as I looked at her.

"My hand, my hand." I said and nodded as I wiped away my tears, "My pup is okay. It's okay." I said as I laid on the backseat and touched my stomach, "Okay." I whispered as I looked at my swelling hand.

When Aeron pulled up to the pack's hospital he pulled me out of the jeep and rushed me into the hospital. Tears fell down my face as I looked at Tae rushing behind us, but she stopped at the waiting room. Aeron rushed me away as Tae sat alone and looked up to me with a sad expression. Aeron placed me on a bed as people started to grab at my clothes. Doctor Brianna rushed into the room and then looked at me. After a moment she turned towards Aeron who stood at the other side of the room.

"A she-wolf hit her with a cane in the stomach." Aeron said he looked at me and opened his mouth, "Her hand took most of the impact, but she was thrown into a wall." He said. She looked down at me with wide eyes.

"How is she awake?" Doctor Brianna asked, as multiple nurses started to check my vials. Doctor Brianna checked my eyes and quickly I grabbed her hand.

"My pup." I said and touched my stomach with my damaged hand, "Check my pup."

"First, I want to check you Morana." She said and lifted up my hand and looked down at me with widened eyes, "Don't move this anymore. I'm going to-"

"No, my pup before me." I said and looked at her, "I need you to promise me, you will treat them before me." I said.

"Okay Morana." She said and looked at me, "I will need to get an ultrasound. For now I want to check your hand and your head. Will you let the nurses treat you while I go find the machine?" She asked, I nodded and looked up at her.

Pain, so much pain. That's all I could feel, that's all I could understand as I laid in the bed. A nurse was behind me slowly stitching the back of my head after they made sure it was cleaned 3 times. I was not long in the dress from earlier but I was back in a gown. I softly squeezed my eyes closed as I touched my stomach. My hurt hand was cleaned and placed in some kind of holder. I was told not to move my fingers or anything until a doctor could look and examine it. My good hand rubbed my stomach until I felt a hand grab mine.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked at Aeron. His eyes were red and wide as he looked at me, "I'm sorry." He whispered and touched my face as the nurse started another stitch, "I'm so sorry Morana." He pushed a small section of my hair back, "I don't know why I did it. I wish I didn't." He said. I looked away from him as I tried to stay still. I had refused medication, except a spray that should numb the area they were stitching. But it wasn't really helping.

"You killed her." I whispered.

"I killed a lot of people." Aeron said.

"She was the only one who volunteered to take care of me." I said.

"And at the time, I didn't see you as Morana. I saw you as-" His eyes looked up to the nurse as he cleared his throat, "A rogue." He said and touched my cheek.

The nurse finished her stitch and then moved away from me as two nurses pushed in a machine. Slowly I moved my head and winced as a headache started to form in the back of my head. The nurses bowed their heads and quickly walked out of the room. Doctor Brianna walked into the room and closed the door. She took a deep breath and walked over to the bed beside Aeron, "You grew so much." She said as she looked at the bump under the gown.

Slowly I pulled back the gown and looked at the dark bruises that were now across my stomach. They were still a deep purple and blue as before. Doctor Brianna tried to force a smile as she nodded and grabbed her gel, "Alright let's see." She said and looked towards Aeron. Quickly Aeron moved to stand on the other and grabbed my hand. He gently squeezed my hand and kissed my forehead. Holding onto his hand I looked towards Doctor Brianna and nodded my head.

Doctor Brianna turned on the machine and started to move the probe over my stomach. Pushing deep by the bruise areas. She moved along my stomach as the black and white screen started to show a leg. It took a moment for her to find the baby. And once I could see the outline I looked towards her settled face. She blinked and closed her lips as she turned towards me. She didn't have to tell me, her expression screamed it.

My lips pouted out as I shook my head. My eyes gathered with tears as I let out a sob. Aeron quickly wrapped his arm around my chest as I curled into my body and let out another high pitched cry. My body shook as Aeron whispered in my ear. "I have you baby. I'm right here. I'm right here." But all I could do was whimper and cry as Doctor Brianna turned off the ultrasound.

The doctor took a deep breath and walked in front of me, "It looks like the impact caused a placental abruption. Your placenta detached from your uterus, which caused the baby to go without oxygen for twenty minutes." She said as she looked at me, "There is no heartbeat." Shaking my head I leaned against Aeron and sobbed against his shirt. "I'll give the two of you a moment, but we are going to have to deliver the baby." She said silently, "I'm sorry."

The doctor quickly left the room as I allowed myself to cry. Aeron held onto me as he climbed into the bed. He pulled me into his chest and comforted me as much as he could as I sobbed. My hand held onto his shirt as I felt Ontas slowly growl numb, I shook my head, "Why?" I asked and looked up to him, "Why did you do this?" I cried. I wiped my nose with my hand as I sat up and glared at him, "Is this what you wanted?" I screamed loudly and hit him as I shook my head. Aeron stilled beside me as I turned away from him and looked down at my stomach. Waves of sadness filled my body as I sobbed again, "Why did this happen?" I softly cried.

"I'll make this right, I promise-"

"Just stop." I whispered and shook my head, "I don't want to hear it anymore Aeron." I whispered as I hid my face in my hands.

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