The White Room

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Morana's POV

When I woke up again, there was no tube in my mouth. The beeping was lower than before but the pain was still there. I tried to control myself from wincing as I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was a haze as my eyes adjusted to the light. The first thing I saw was a tall box beside me, a green line moving up and down. Looking down, I could see something clipping my finger and tubes in my arm. Then, I looked around to see I was in a pure white room.

There was a thin blanket that rested over my legs and stomach. Even though it looked like two sheets were under it I was freezing. I slowly lifted my head and winced trying to control my breathing. After a moment I sat up on the bed. My hands fell on my sides as I felt the heavy bandages over my skin. One on my hip, on my legs, on my arms, everywhere. Slowly I leaned back and looked back at the cube that was around my finger. After lifting the weight up twice, I was bored with it. I leaned my head back and winced as I tried to swallow, pain filled my throat as I leaned against the pillow. Everything that happened before was coming back to me. I could remember everything that had happened as I heard the beeping quicken beside me.

Silently a tear fell from my eye as I closed my eyes, with a soft movement I could feel the pain in my core. That wasn't a sick nightmare, that was reality. The twisted and sick reality I was forced to live in. I couldn't remember much after the whipping, I couldn't even remember the Alpha that apparently had been here. Or was it a dream? What was he talking about, and the other man? My hand reached to touch my head as I looked up to the white ceiling, "Oh you're up!" A cheerful voice said. I turned around to see a woman dressed in a pink outfit. She smiled widely as she walked towards my bed. Her light brown hair was in a pony tail and her wide brown eyes looked into mine. After a moment she looked away and hid the shock that was spreading on her face, "Do you know who you are?"

Of course I knew who I was. It has been drilled in my head since I was six years old. I leaned against the bed and pulled the blanket closer to my body. The woman nodded and then looked around the room, "Do you know your name? Or do you know where you are?" She asked. Slowly I nodded and then shook my head. I opened my mouth and then closed it. As I tried to pronounce my name I could feel spit gather in my mouth refusing to go down my burning throat.

The woman held a hand out to me and grabbed a rag wiping my face up and scrunched her face up once I winced at the burning around my lips. "Alright, I'm going to call you Jane Doe for the time being okay?" She asked, I nodded and she grabbed a chart and wrote it down, "Are you in pain?" She read out loud and looked at me. I only stared at her as if she was asking me why the trees grow leaves.

The woman nodded and opened her mouth, "I'm going to say yes." She said and winked towards me, "Do you- this is all stupid. Listen, I know you are in pain and you're uncomfortable. Just nod your head and I can give you medicine." She said, slowly I allowed one nod and she smiled, "Alright then, I'm going to put you on just a little anesthesia and you should feel better." She said and walked towards the poles beside my bed.

The woman looked at the tubes and took a needle, plugging it into one of the tubes. I watched her confused as I felt a cool burn in my arm. She smiled up at me, "You won't feel a thing now. I didn't give you enough to go back to sleep, but enough to numb the pain." She said and touched my forehead, "I'm going to get you some blankets, and when we take you off the anesthesia we will try to drink and eat something small alright. My name is Amanda. If you need anything, all you have to do is press that red button and I'll be in here." She said and smiled towards me.

She looked at me for a moment and then smiled and walked away. I leaned my head back as I listened to the soft noises beside my head. My body felt numb in a matter of minutes. Everything around me seemed to spin as I watched Amanda place another blanket on me. She quickly explained some things to me and then left. I leaned against the bed. Ontas? I asked, but there was no reply.My time was spent staring at the poles around my bed. They reminded me of the metal bars that were in the wooden door of my cell. But, they were much cleaner as they shined in the light. Every time I moved my body I could see a different angle of the room. But, it felt like everything was blurry as it moved slowly. My eyes slowly blinked as I looked towards the closed door.

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