First Day Away

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Morana's POV

Sitting in a tub I crossed my ankles as I looked at the bubbles that covered my chest. My brown hair was up in a half ponytail, the other half was still too short and rested with a hot rag that was against my neck. I moved against the hot water and looked at the white wall I was facing.

Two weeks have passed, and I started to feel much better. I haven't seen Cameron since he became my Beta, since then Aeron has been by my side this whole time. But, today he will be leaving to go to the pack house so Cameron will be coming to our house to watch me. Ontas purred as we lifted our arm and watched bubbles fall down our skin, I couldn't help but giggle. I haven't had a bath before, or I couldn't remember having one.

Aeron had made me this bath and promised to make breakfast before he left. I held a smile on my face as I scooted on the porcelain bottom. Since I've spent so much time with Aeron I was able to pronounce my words better, which I was glad for. When he was working, sometimes I would use a thing called a tv and repeat the people in the shows.

With so much time passed I had explored every thing I could in this house as I tried to get used to being free. Being free in a house, I never thought this would happen. I had walked up and down the stairs until I was so tired Aeron had to carry me back up the stairs. Some nights I would try to cook dinner, with him beside me of course. He showed me how to work a camera and I spent a whole day taking pictures out of the window of the snow. I learned more of the food I ate, and talking was slowly getting easier for me.

Most of the time I enjoyed being cuddled up to Aeron and listening to his voice, he didn't speak much about himself. Instead he told me about the weather and the pack. I closed my mouth as I tried to pronounce my name. I've been hoping to hear someone on tv say it. But, I haven't heard anyone pronounce it. Ontas would also help me sometimes. But all my thoughts went blank once I heard the whiney door knob alert me someone was on the other side. The water splashed as I jumped up when the door opened and Aeron peeked in. The bubbles covered my body, but I still placed the rag over my chest as a blush crept over my face, "I'm sorry." Aeron said and covered his eyes."It's okay." I said slowly and watched as he looked at me. He let a smile fall on his face as he got on his knees by the tub, his chin resting on the outing. His eyes stayed on my face as his hand reached out to touch my cheek.

"I have to leave now." He said, I let myself softly pout as he rubbed his thumb under my eyes against my cheek bone, "I've gotten away with two weeks but I have to make my appearance." He said and leaned over to kiss my forehead, "I'll be home as soon as I can. Cameron will be here, if you start to feel uncomfortable you can go into my office. No one is allowed to enter my office without my permission." He said and smiled towards me.

"How l-l-long w-will you b-b-b g-g-gone?" I asked and frowned.

"Hopefully I'll be home before the sun sets. I don't know." He said and kissed my temple as he started to get up, "Have Cameron tell me if you want anything." He added.

"Hurry back!" I said, a phrase I often tell him when he leaves the bed or the office for minor things. He smiled towards me and chuckled.

"Be a good little mate." He said and walked out of the bathroom. Once he closed the door, Ontas and I let out a small whimper. I could hear him sigh as he opened the door and walked back into the bathroom, "I haven't even left and I can't stand it. I don't want to leave you." He said and walked back in the bathtub with a frown on his face, "You can come to the pack house." He said, but I lowered my body in response as I shook my head. I was scared to think of what would happen if I went.

Aeron whimpered in response as he leaned against the tub and pushed his face against my naked neck taking in a deep breath. I pushed my body against the tub as I lifted up doing the same to him. Instant comfort filled me as I grabbed hold of his shoulders as I tried to hold him closer to me. I didn't care that my hands were making wet marks on his shirt, I needed him close to me, and I was terrified that he wasn't going to come back. Before I knew it, I was growling when he tried to leave. Aeron chuckled and kissed my cheek as he moved away, "I'm going to be late." He said. I pouted once again and nodded as I turned back to the bubbles.

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