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Morana's POV**

After twenty minutes of crying a nurse walked into the room and started an IV. She explained that the medicine will kick start my labor. Aeron had been careful not to touch me as he sat on a chair beside the bed. Even though I had told him to leave, he was determined to stay beside me. But, I didn't want him with me. I didn't want him near me, but I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him away from me, yet I needed him by me. I knew he could feel and hear my thoughts and emotions. But, that didn't stop me from thinking or feeling the way I did.

Looking down to my bump another set of tears fell as I moved my hand and touched my aching stomach, "I'm sorry little one." I whispered and lowered my head. I shook my head as I let out a sob once again. Aeron whimpered beside me.

"Morana." He whispered, even though it was just the two of us, he whispered, "This wasn't your fault."

"I shouldn't have gone." I said as I felt a cramp run across my stomach and closed my eyes, "I shouldn't have gone." I whispered.

"If I didn't- If I would have accepted your rejection-"

"I don't want to talk." I whispered and looked at him, "I just wanted-" I closed my eyes as I leaned my head back, "My baby."

"I promise you, I'll do anything-"

"You can't!" I screamed and looked at him with wide eyes, "You can't do anything to stop this Aeron!"


"No!" I shouted and looked at him, "Since the beginning you've been wanting to change everything, but you can't! You can't make things go a certain way because you want them to!" I shook my head as I sighed, "Just, accept it." I whimpered. Aeron looked at me and frowned. He shook his head but didn't try to fight me.

After two hours of pain, I allowed Aeron on the bed with me. He held me as I sobbed and sobbed. My eyes burned as Ontas howled for her mate, she howled to the moon goddess. My soul felt crushed. Even my skin was howling in pain as I felt the sob shake my body. Aeron held my hair back and placed cool rags on my head as he silently sobbed beside me.

Then Doctor Brianna said it was time, and I wasn't ready. I held my stomach, as if I could keep my pup in me. But, my body was ready to expel our child. I leaned my head on Aeron's shoulder as I let out a cry and lifted my legs. I've been asked about medicine four times, and only now was I wishing I would have said yes. My broken hand rested on my knee as I took a deep breath, "Okay Morana." She said and looked up to me, "We need you to push." She said and looked up to me. I sobbed and shook my head.

"Please." Silently I begged as I looked at her, "Please, fix them. Please don't make me." I cried as I looked at her.

"I can't." Doctor Brianna said and touched my knee as she frowned, "I'm sorry."

"We can do this." Aeron said as he gently squeezed my good hand, "Let's see our baby."

Looking towards my mate I nodded. I focused on breathing and pushing as two other nurses walked into the room. My body was covered in sweat as I let out small cries. A cold rag refreshed my face as my eyes rolled back for a moment. This was too much, this is too much. I wanted to scream as I pushed once again.

Focusing on pushing my stomach out made my heart as I tried to focus on breathing and not crying. I held my breath as I pushed until I got dizzy. Aeron pushed my hair back and kissed my forehead as I pushed once more for Doctor Brianna. And as the room went silent he fell to my neck as I looked at the small body she held. Doctor Brianna looked at me with wide eyes as she wrapped the baby in a small towel.

"Your son." She said, as she held the small towel towards me.

My mouth opened as I slowly reached my hand out and touched the small bundle. A blue faced baby with no hints of a burn. Just a small body, tears rolled down my cheeks as I pulled him closer to my chest. I closed my eyes as I leaned down and kissed his forehead and then sobbed into his blankets. Behind me Aeron lifted up, "He's not burned." Slowly I looked back to see tears running down his face, "You were right." He said and kissed my temple. Closing my eyes I shook my head as I broke into a sob. I held onto the bundle as I fell apart against Aeron.

"His time was spent filled with fear. There was no love, nothing but pain." I cried as I pulled the bundle closer towards me, "He couldn't breathe." I sobbed out.

"He knew you loved him." Aeron said as he touched the small body. I looked over to my mate as he nodded, "He knew." He said and looked down at our child.

Aeron's POV

So small. Not even the size of my hand. Something so small completely broke my heart. My mate sobbing made me on guard as I held onto her body and kissed forehead. I tried to shower her with my affection as best that I could. But I knew nothing would fill the hole that was starting to rip in her heart.

Morana held our son before handing the towel towards me. She said her goodbyes and turned towards me. I didn't want to move, I didn't know what to do. When a nurse went to grab him I growled as I held the small bundle. The nurse quickly left the room as I looked down at the infant.

She was right, she's always been right. Closing my eyes I let tears fall as I slowly stood up and held the bundle closer to me as I looked towards Morana. She laid on the bed and pushed her face in her hands as her body shook from sob after sob. "Alpha," Doctor Brianna said and looked towards me, "We need to-" She said and stopped. Swallowing loudly I slowly walked towards her and kissed the boy's head.

"You would have been a legend." I whispered before handing him off to the Doctor. She looked at me and bowed her head as she turned away. Turning away from the door I allowed my tears to flow freely. Morana looked up at me with a red face as I opened my mouth, "I-I-" I what?

No words escaped my mouth, no there was nothing I could tell my mate that would make this any better. Morana only nodded, understanding my silent words as she slowly lifted her non injured hand. I walked towards her bed and slowly sat beside her. I rubbed a hand down my face as I felt a pain twist in my chest.

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