Coming Home

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Aeron's POV

Anger, that is all I felt as I tried to get my jeep to go quicker down the interstate. It's been three months since I left my pack. Three months trying to find a rogue for the Black Moon's pack. Not just any rogue, but the girl who was responsible for Serena's death. Alpha Kevin had told me that she escaped her cell. I was furious, so furious that I had thought I would kill Alpha Kevin the moment I saw him.

She was alive, I had thought that weak Alpha would have killed her. Like he said he would all those years ago. When Serena had died he asked all the Alpha's what he should do with the young girl. I was the first one to say slaughter the girl. Child or not, I hated her. I of course got in trouble with my father for interrupting his meeting, but I needed to know she would die. And the other Alpha's agreed. She had killed the best warrior any of us had seen, and that girl had killed her.

Alpha Kevin claimed that the girl was connected to her father, a rogue who had taken Serena by force. And she signaled him and his pack of rogues to attack and kill Serena. The girl needed to pay for what she did, and for what her father had done. But, I couldn't find that little rogue.

My foot had pushed the gas pedal down to the floor as I watched the RPM's try to shift in the piece of shit jeep. I've never been away from my pack this long, and a pack without an Alpha was vulnerable. What if that bitch found those rogues and they were planning to attack the packs? Jon has been giving me weekly updates, so I know there was no danger. But being the most deadly pack, it wasn't uncommon for someone wanting to take over my pack.

My fist slammed on the steering wheel as the Jeep's engine started to whine and slow down. I was stressed out and frustrated that we couldn't find her. That her trail had somehow grown cold in the middle of the forest. Even in the cells I couldn't get her scent. Her scent was covered by the horrid scent of the cells. The awful scent of the cell was strong and potent enough to cover even Alpha Kevin's scent. It was like a needle in a haystack. I could softly smell the sweetness in the air, but I couldn't grab that sweetness. I couldn't get to her. And that infuriated me.

Maybe I wouldn't be so pissed if I was going home to a mate. If I had an equal who would take away this stress and calm me down. But after all this time, I couldn't find her. There was no longer hope of a mate for me. Which meant there was nothing stopping my anger, my infuriating rage.

And that is what I felt, because after three months we still couldn't find the girl. There was no trace she was ever alive. And to make matters more complicated, there was no description of her. When I had asked the woman who took care of her, she told me she was often dirty. She had thick hair, but no one knew the real color. It could be a light brown like Serena's, or it could be blonde or black. Either way it went, it was often covered in mud or filth. No one knew if she had a wolf, or what color it was or could be. It was a trail with no directions. We ran around the forest and the neighboring packs for months until I finally left.

Alpha Kevin pleaded for me to stay, but I couldn't stay around for for his fuck ups. Just earlier today he followed me out to my jeep when I announced I was leaving.

"Aeron if anyone could find her it's you!" Alpha Kevin said as he followed me out to my jeep. His mate stood by the door and glared at him as he looked at me, "I should have killed her, you are right. But, I didn't think there was justice in Serena that way. I wanted to make her suffer, I wanted to.." His voice trailed away as his eyebrows scrunched together. I slammed the tailgate up and turned towards him.

"You should have killed the bitch. You could have given Serena justice that way! Instead you kept a toy." I said and glared at him, "I would have killed her if you couldn't." I growled the words as I glared at him.

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