The Cold Truth

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Aeron POV

Sitting in the pack house I looked around my office. There were still whiskey glasses out, and now that I was sober I could smell the wolfhaze. How did I not notice the lavender scent that stung going down. Aero should have known, but I knew better than to place any blame on him as he whimpered and cried from our actions last night.

How would we ever get our mate to forgive us? Would she forgive us? We hurt her, we could feel the emotional and physical pain from her. We marked her without asking for her permission. We were no better than the men who have hurt her before. And that killed me as I tried to hold back my tears by biting my tongue.

We walked over to my desk and sat down on the chair. Opening the laptop I started to look through the files on the female rogue. Alpha Kevin told me much more information after a few drinks with him and we even created a plan to capture her. It didn't take long until Beta Jon was knocking on the office door. He held a smile as he looked at me, "Well if it isn't the partying Alpha." He said and gave me a wide smile, "I bet you had a fun night last night." He said and looked at me.

"We only had a few drinks." I said and shook my head.

"Sure." Jon said and fell on the chair on the opposite side of the desk, "The patrol group could hear your growls last night, and your howls." He said and smirked towards me. But, I only glared back at him, "You're mate-" Aero took charge as we growled towards Jon, he lifted his hands.

"What do you know about last night?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? We had some drinks and went our separate ways." He said and looked at me. After a moment yawned and stretched his arms, "Well, I better get back home before Amanda gets angry with me. Have a good day Alpha." He said and walked out of the room.

Growling at myself I started working on the plans and tried to ignore the memories that were now starting to appear in my head.

Morana POV

All of my clothes were ripped apart. So Cameron found me some of Aeron's clothes to wear. I hated that they made me feel comfortable, Cameron helped me down the stairs and we sat on the couch. Walking felt unbearable from the pain radiating between my legs. I had large bruises between my thighs and my back was covered. I was thankful for Cameron as he let me lean against him and patiently walked with me. His hand was around my waist, but wasn't touching my skin, just waiting there for me in case I fell.

Cameron sat me on the couch and then made me breakfast. We ate in silence as he turned on a movie. I played with my food, but had no appetite to eat any of it, "Is there anything I can do?" Cameron asked and looked over to me. Slowly I shook my head and bowed my head.

"Thank you for just being here." I whispered and winced as I placed the plate on the table in front us. Cameron frowned but nodded and turned back to the tv.

The room was cold, but I ignored the throw blanket as I ran my hands over the rising bumps on my arms. This is how I stayed warm in the cell. Today I'm reminded of the cell, I'm reminded that everywhere I go, I will be hated and unwanted. Maybe this was a curse, I looked at my arm and lightly placed a hand on my wrist.

Maybe, I wasn't meant for this world. Why did the moon goddess gifted me with a wolf? Ontas would be much better with a human who could be strong. A human that could take challenges head on and fight back. Last night, I didn't fight against Aeron. Ontas had tried too, but I didn't. I simply just allowed it. My hand rubbed over the bruised skin on my wrist. If the movie I had watched last week was true, all I had to do was cut deep enough. I ran a finger over the spot when someone knocked on the door.

Cameron looked at me confused. Slowly he stood up and held a finger towards me, "Stay here." He said. I looked at him and shook my head, of course I was staying here, I could barely walk without being in pain. I wouldn't get far without him noticing. I pulled my knees up to my chest feeling a ripping in pain in my stomach as I went to hide my face. As the door opened the light poured into the room, trying to touch the darkest areas in its path.

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