Jealousy and Anger

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Aeron's POV

As soon as I got back to the house I started to plan. Jon was willing to take over my duties. Since Amanda wouldn't talk to him, he volunteered. But, he wasn't alone; Brody was also taking on the Alpha's duties. Both of them were assigned a cell phone and had emergency numbers. Jon had my email and was going to give updates. They swore their loyalty and left in an hour. Something told me this would be much better than before. And I hoped it was right, I had planned to keep Morana away and relax herself. I needed her to worry about no one but herself.

Once the men left I started to look for my suitcases.

And in no time I had our suitcases packed, the day was racing by as I went to cook food. I filled out the past bit of paperwork and packed up my laptop. I grabbed a container and sprinkled cheese over the chicken and mashed potatoes before I walked out of the house.

The sun was slowly setting and both Aero and I were anxious to see Morana. She had been on my mind all day. I had specifically told the nurses to keep an eye on her and make sure she wasn't alone, I hoped they had done it. Without hearing from her after she asked that weird question did make me nervous. But, I trusted my pack members. They wouldn't leave her alone.

Truthfully I hope I walked into the hospital and found her talking to a female. Friends, maybe she needed a friend. The men who were hanging in the trees still stayed up as they cried and moaned loudly. But, this time no one was standing under them. No, they were all by themselves. Dr. Linn complained the most, I could see his reddened skin. I had given both Jon and Brody specific instructions on what to do with those men. A pattern every other one will be killed. Dr. Linn will be released no matter what. Along with the black moon's Beta. With our meeting coming up the last thing I wanted was for Alpha Kevin to say I killed his beta without reason if they choose to side in his favor. It would not be a good outcome for my pack.

So I told Jon to beat the hell out of him. Beat him and then drop him off by the Black Moon's territory. It was a silent warning and threat to stay the hell off my land. Looking up at him I could see the man with a large gash wound on his chest hissing in pain. Sammy walked in front of the men and dropped a hose. He pushed his weight on his hip as he tapped his foot and then the hose nozzle. Water slowly spit out and then rushed to spit out.

As Sammy aimed the water towards the men I could hear their shouts and cry as I continued to walk towards the hospital. I held the food close to my chest as I started to walk towards the hall where I had left Morana. And instantly I could see the closed door. My eyes moved towards the nurses that were huddled around the nurses station talking and giggling. My heart started to quicken as I realized she was alone.

Quickly I rushed towards the wooden door and opened it up. My nose was in the air as I smelled my mate, and a new scent. Maybe she had found a friend. I lowered my head and looked to see the top of the bed, I could see Morana's body. Her hair resting over the pillow. She was asleep, I let out a relieving sigh as I walked towards the small desk by her bed and placed the food.

Only then did I realize the small body that was curled towards my mate. Small hands clung to my mate as the young girl I had found in the shed slept in her arms. Something about seeing my mate holding onto this girl made Aero and I very pleased. Extremely happy, to say the least. Pride filled my chest as I leaned down and kissed Morana's temple before I sat down in the visitor chair.

That is when I saw Morana's eyes slowly looking around to find me. She didn't say anything as she pulled the girl closer to her chest. She nuzzled her face into the girl's hair and softly sighed, "Your spot has been stolen." Her voice sang in my head. I chuckled as I looked up to her. My face rested in my hand.

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