Luna's Beta

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Morana's POV

For two days I stayed beside Aeron as he searched for 'Serena's daughter'. If only he knew she was sitting beside him. Ontas told me that I had to stay calm and not allow myself to get distracted. So I kept my focus on Aeron. It was difficult to be around Aeron for long, I was waiting for the moment where he would snap. I was waiting for him to hurt me, but he never lost control of his anger. He never even grew frustrated with me. The females were long in the past as I tried to remind myself to keep distance with him. I should be angry, five days wasn't enough- but it was. I had completely forgiven him like the idiot I was. But, out of all the men I've known he was the only one who showed patience with me.

Sometimes throughout the day he would say a word and make me repeat it. My voice was still soft but I could feel it growing every time I tried to speak. "Aeron." I said and looked at his shocked face. I gave a small smile and touched his stubble cheek feeling shocks fly into my fingertips, "Aeron." I repeated. I've been teaching myself this word. A smile formed on his lips as his eyes glazed over.

"I love hearing you say my name." He said and grabbed my hand, quickly he kissed the back and looked up to me, "Please, say it once more?" He asked.

"Aeron." I said and smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

I held onto his large body, I enjoyed touching him. It gave me sparks I never felt before. He made me feel protected, and sleeping beside him made the nightmares go away. I held onto his arm at night as if it was a pillow and curled against it. He didn't seem to mind as we slept in the bed. Aeron looked down at me and very gently placed a kiss on my forehead sending a wave of shocks through my body. I actually had to jump after a second to make sure I was still on my feet. Aeron laughed at my reaction and tried to kiss my forehead again which I quickly dodged. I took in a deep breath and held his hand as he sat back in his chair, pulling me into his lap. I enjoyed our time together, just the two of us. I haven't been outside since I got to the house. But, some days I looked out to the snowy forest that surrounded the home and watched as the flakes fell gently through the air.

Aeron's hand was on my stomach, his palm opened wide as his finger tips wrapped around my side. My heart started to quicken its beats as I looked at his warm palm, slowly I placed my hand beside his and widened my eyes at the comparison. His hand was so much bigger than my own, I let my hand travel to his wrist as I leaned back against his chest. Turning towards him, my nose brushed against his jaw as I smelled his scent. A soft moan filled the back of my throat as I took another deep breath. Instantly I could feel him shifting under me, "I'm sorry." He said and closed his eyes. I sat up and turned around to look at his red face, "It's hard to-, it's just you were pressed up-, you see when you moan-," Aeron tried to spit out what he was thinking but he couldn't get it out. Only then could I feel something stiffen against my back. I went to get up to see, but he only pulled me against his chest again.

"Aeron?" I asked, I could see him biting his lip with his eyes closed.

After a moment he sighed and looked down at me. His eyes were filled with a strange emotion as he kissed my forehead, the waves were radiating through my body as I leaned against his chest. His lips stayed on my skin as his arms wrapped me into his chest. Ontas purred at the touch of our mate, his hands holding onto my skin as if I would fall from the chair. His breathing was slowly growing heavier as my body pushed against his. I wanted to turn around, my instincts told me to turn around. I wanted to see his face, I wanted to feel more of his body. And my neck was starting to ache from twisting it. And even with the ache, I still twisted my neck to get a glimpse of him.

After a moment I kicked my feet up and turned to the side, so we weren't pressed against each other, but I wasn't straining my neck either. I sat fully on his right leg as I touched his cheek. My fingers trailed down his skin, down to his neck and then to his collarbone. My fingers softly ran along the bone as his hazel eyes watched me.

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