The Meeting

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Morana's POV

Aeron got his way as we left the cabin while I still had the aching pulse between my legs. Aeron had fallen asleep once he got to our bare bed, while I stayed up and watched as something ran around the forest. All night I was afraid of falling asleep, so when Aeron woke up, I took a small nap. And when I woke up I had to hurry to get ready for the meeting with my Uncle. I chose a white flower printed long sleeve dress. My bump stuck out in the dress as I let my brown hair fall over my chest. It still looked much darker than before as I looked at the length slowly growing back. It rested right over my breast.

The darkness made my blue eyes stick out more which I worried about. If we had to speak to the council then surely they will know who I am after this meeting. Was I dressed okay-, "You look beautiful." Aeron said as I thought of the reflection I had seen earlier. Looking over to me he gave me a wide smile as he looked at the white dress I had on, "Good enough to eat." He added and winked towards me.

"If I knew that I would have worn it last night." I said and chuckled as Tae made a gag noise behind me. Aeron laughed as he grabbed my hand.

"Once we get home." He whispered and kissed my hand, "I'll make sure to take it off and-"

"Oh god." Tae said as she pushed herself forward between our seats, "Stop it."

"Tae, one day your mate will tell you this and you'll understand." I said and looked back at her wide shocked eyes, "Fine, we will stop." I said.

"If you're going to be staying with us, you'll be hearing worse than that." Aeron warned as he looked towards the forest, we were now around a heavily tree area, "Way worse."

"Didn't you say you have headphones?" She asked and leaned back. Aeron laughed and nodded.

"That's one way." Aeron said and smiled towards me, "I wonder if I could make you scream louder than those headphones."

"Maybe you should try it." Aeron flashed me a wide smile as he nodded.

"I'll get you those headphones tonight."

"Nasty." Tae said.

Aeron and I laughed as I leaned against his large arm. I sighed as I rubbed my face against his shirt before closing my eyes. "You are tired." Aeron whispered and moved his arm to turn a knob in the jeep, "Get some sleep, I'll wake you up." He said before he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I nodded as my eyes slowly fell and I went into a deep slumber.

But it wasn't Aeron who woke me up. But Ontas, Aeron was pulling the jeep in a small diner but I could smell it. I could smell him, and even more confusing I could smell Rick. I thought he had been with the others? Aeron let out a growl as he stopped the jeep in front of a group of werewolves. Jon stood on the left side of the jeep, right by Aeron's door and two other males flanked him.

Aeron looked over to me and sighed, "Stay by my side, and don't say anything." He whispered. I nodded as I turned towards Tae. She was fast asleep and Aeron softly sighed, "Sammy will stay here with her." He said as he opened the door. The youngest one looked up to the jeep as he frowned and sighed.

"Alpha." Jon said and bowed his head once Aeron walked out of the car. The younger one walked to my door and opened it. He bowed his head as he looked back at Tae.

"Luna." The one I guess was Sammy said. I looked at Tae and then towards Aeron.

"She doesn't trust strangers." I said and slowly got out of the jeep to look at the back seat, "And she might bite you. If you touch her, I swear-"

"He won't." Aeron said as he walked away from the jeep, "Come my Love." He opened his hand to me.

Looking towards the young man I very slowly took a step away from the jeep. My eyes stayed on the young werewolf until my hand interlaced with Aeron's. When I looked ahead I was staring right at Jon. But Jon's eyes weren't on me, his eyes were wide as they stared at my stomach. But he didn't say anything as he and the other male bowed their heads, "Luna." They said together. Their eyes tried to stay from the stomach that was stretching the fabric of this dress. I placed a hand on my side as Aeron wrapped a hand around my waist and led me away from the jeep. Even though my Uncle was in the restaurant I could smell him out in the fresh air, softly I sneezed.

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