Painful Broken Promises

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Aeron's POV**

My mind was weightless after the night Alpha Kevin and I had. I stumbled on the wooden stairs as Cameron angrily stomped out of my house. He didn't acknowledge me, he didn't bow, he held his head high as he walked past me. I could smell the rage on his skin as he shifted in his gray wolf and rushed into the woods. I looked back at him and blinked slowly as I turned into the house. I closed the door loudly and made myself to my room. I couldn't wait to hold my mate, I climbed in the bed to find the sheets cold to the touch.

It was a slap in the face as I walked towards the guest door surprised when I found it locked once again. Sighing loudly I pushed off the door and stumbled back into my room angry. I stumbled into the door as I growled. She would lock a door on me? On me? The one who rescued her. My voice was fast as it stumbled out the words "Over dramatic." I shook my head and climbed into the bed, "If she would come to the pack house we could spend time together, but no she wants to be in this house. She wants to be confined into a room."

My anger spiked as my wolf growled as I thought of the girl we have been searching for. The one causing this. I grabbed the extra pillow and threw it around somewhere in the room. I then got out of the bed and rubbed my face as I stumbled away from the bed.

"Why did I have to find a mate?" I said and hit the pillow against the dresser, "I could be fucking any woman on this land, but instead I get one who doesn't even want to be near me. One that won't tell me her name. One that wants to be in a fucking house all day." I growled and hit the dresser harder watching as items on the top shook, "She'd let a whole pack fuck her, but her mate?" I said and shook my head at my words. What was I doing? What was I saying? I placed a hand on my head as I stumbled again.

Why would I say such things out loud? Even though it's late she could hear my words. But, even as I tried to restrain my words they continued to flow out my mouth as my anger turned more violent.

Something was off, something was extremely off as I looked at the blurred image in front of me. My veins were pulsing in a purple hue, my eyes widened as I slipped into a darkness that swallowed me whole. Wolfhaze, the worst drug you could give a werewolf. I couldn't control my wolf and being denied what he wanted made my wolf rage. The drug was dangerous, extremely dangerous. I couldn't make it out. Oh god, oh no. I couldn't keep my eyes opened I couldn't-

Morana's POV

The sound of items breaking filled the house as I hid behind the blanket. Fear filled my body as Ontas shifted uncomfortably 'Something is wrong with Mate. Something is not right.' She said as I heard another item breaking. I closed my eyes and held onto the blanket tighter than before as I tried to ignore the angered wolf he spoke. Ontas and I were both taken back as it spoke. The voice was animistic as it grumbled, Ontas was right this wasn't Aeron. I didn't have much time to think when I heard heavy pounding on the door. My heart raced as I looked towards the locked door.

After a moment the wood split open a fist pushed the large pieces away and Aeron walked into the room. His eyes glowing a light purple, and he had purple lines running down his body. He was horrifying to look at as I sat up on the bed, "You don't belong in here. You are to be in my bed." He said and walked towards me. My eyes widened as his claws reached out and grabbed my arm, "You're mine, and mine only." He said and bared his teeth towards me. Tears filled my eyes as I nodded.

"Aeron, you're hurting me." I said and looked at his hand. His claws scratched at my skin.

"I'm not Aeron." He said and growled, "I'm going to do something Aeron couldn't." He said and lifted me off of the bed only to slam me back on the mattress.

Whimpers filled the room as I felt hot tears fall from my eyes. His claws scratched my skin, but never hard enough to draw blood. He ripped the clothes from my body quickly and placed his nose in my neck. An iron hand fell on my throat as he leaned over, his other hand slamming into the mattress next to my head.

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