Chapter III

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M for Mikaelson 

Flag was about to leave when Floyd stopped him

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Flag was about to leave when Floyd stopped him. "You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson?" "Yeah." "He's like the gold standard, okay?Triangle, bitch. Study." Floyd said the last part as he made a triangle with his fingers. I chuckled and then we all left to suit up. Harley ran over to a box with her name on it and when she opened it, she squealed loudly. I shook my head and walked over to mine. I smirked and took off my prison pants to put on some black ones. Then I took off my top and put on a black top along with a black leather jacket. I put on some black combat boots with heels. Then I saw at the bottom of the box, my necklace. It was my family crest, an 'M' for Mikaelson. Family above all, always and forever. I felt a tear fall down my face as I thought about my family. Next thing, I felt a presence next to me so I quickly wiped away the tears and put on my necklace. "Hey, are you okay?" A deep voice said. 

I immediately recognised the voice, it was Flag

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I immediately recognised the voice, it was Flag. I turned around and faced him. I nodded my head not trusting my voice if it would break. His face softened when he saw my eyes, which still had tears in them. Don't know why though. "What's going on?" "Nothing. I was just thinking about my family." He nodded and put on a tough face again. He smiled a little at me and I returned it before he walked away and back to the other soldiers. 'Why do I feel so much attraction to him? There's only one way I would feel like this around someone this quickly. That way is if that person is your mate. Fucking shit fuck!! We're fucking mates!!' My eyes widened in realization and I just stood there. Completely frozen. I shook my head snapping me out of my trance and looked around to see everyone staring at Harley as she pulled her top over her head.

Once she did she looked around to see everyone staring at her. "What?" She asked and everyone went back to doing their own thing. She picked up her lipstick and a mirror and looked at Floyd. "Won't fit anymore? Too much junk in the trunk?" After she finished she put on her lipstick. I looked at Floyd to see his holding his mask in his hands and looking down at it. "Nah. Every time I put this on, somebody dies." "And?" Harley questioned and then she put down her lipstick along with her mirror. "I like putting it on." I looked down into my box and saw a blood bag. I grabbed it and closed my box. I walked over to where the others stood, which was around Harley. I stood next to Harkness, or Captain Boomerang, and opened the blood bag and started sipping it. Harley picked up one of her many weapons. "Goody. Somethin' tells me a whole lotta people are about to die!" She dragged her tongue across her upper teeth with a wide smile. 

I smirked and sipped some more blood. "Yeah. It's us." I turned to look at the source off the voice, which was Diablo. "We're being led to our deaths." "Speak for yourself, mate." I saw Harkness looking at Chato, or Diablo, with a wide grin. "Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off?" Me and KC chuckled. "Hey, if you like a girl, can you light her cigarette with your pinkie? Because that would be real classy!" Harley asked Chato as she had her 'Goodnight' bat over her shoulder. "Hey, y'all might wanna leave old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right, ese?" I raised my eyebrow in interest and took a sip of the blood bag. "Ain't got nothing to worry about from me. I'm cool, homie."Harkness turned to me. "Hey, hotness. What about you? You scared of what we're gonna do?" I shook my head and took a sip of blood. "Unlike you mortals, I cannot die." "What?" Harley asked me as soon as I finished my sentence. I rolled my eyes. "I've been alive for over a thousand years and I'm the most powerful being alive." "So what can you do?" Floyd asked me with interest in his voice. 

I downed the rest of the blood bag and threw it behind me. "And why do you drink blood?" Harkness jumped in. I licked my lips and started to explain. "Well, I drink blood because I'm a vampire. But not only am I a vampire. Along with my twin, I am part vampire, part werewolf. But, I have something else as well. I have magic. Making me the most powerful creature on the planet." Their eyes widened as I finished. "But how do you walk in the sun? Either you should be burning or you should be sparkling." Diablo said. He was correct. I smiled. "I am a nightwalker and yes, I should be burning in the sun. But my werewolf side and witch side neutralises that effect, so I am free to walk in the sun without a daylight ring. And my vampire side neutralises the effect on a full moon I would have if I was just wolf. Every full moon I would have to turn into a wolf. But because I'm a vampire, I can change at will. It's a very painful process. Every bone in your body breaks and re-position them selves so that I can be a wolf."

They all cringed at my words of how the turning into a wolf process was. "Anyways, I'm a witch as well. But it's against nature's laws that a witch is a vampire but since I was born a siphoner, a witch who steals magic since they can't create their own, I got to keep my magic." I smiled and looked around that the people around me. "You're a great asset to the team." Floyd said, making me nod with a smile. "So, what is Flag's first name? I never got it." "Rick." I nodded once again. I felt a presence behind me and smirked. "Hello, Rick." "How the hell did you do that?" Harkness asked me with a very confused look on his face. I turned around and came face-to-face with Rick. He was holding a tablet in his hands. "Behold the voice of God." I chuckled and smiled at him. As soon as the screen changed my smiled faded. 

It was Waller. 'That bitch.' I growled lightly at her and she started talking. "For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller. There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1, and get them to safety." She said through the screen. Floyd raised his hand as he had a question. "I'm sorry. Uh... For those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1?" I smirked and waited for Waller to answer. "The only person that matters in the city, the one person you can't kill. Complete the mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag, I'll kill every single one of you." While she was talking Harley was rolling her gum around her finger and I was checking my nails, not bothered by what she was saying. "Remember, I'm watching. I see everything." Then the screen turned black.

I yawned and looked around at everyone quickly. Rick took away the tablet and looked at us. "There's your pep talk." "Compared to your shit, she killed it." I snickered making Rick glare at me. "Step it up, Rick." I smirked and them Floyd continued to talk. "So that's it? What, we some kind of Suicide Squad?" I like that name. Suicide Squad. I shrugged when Floyd looked at me then back at Rick. Rick started walking towards me and Floyd. "I'll notify your next of kin." He walked up to me and got all up in my personal space. To be honest, I kinda liked that he was so close. I stood tall and he smirked at me before walking past me. "Alpha, Bravo team. Mount up!" I turned and looked at Rick as he walked away. 

A/N: Hiiiii!!! Thank you for reading and I am soon done transferring the story from my first account to this one. So no, it's not a copy and plagiarism of the original, because I wrote it myself. Anyways, thank you for choosing this story and I love you all <3<3<3

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