Chapter XVI

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It's been a few weeks since our mission. Harley was still at Belle Reve, along with Digger and KC. Floyd got to spend some time with his daughter and in that time, Floyd made me the Godmother of his child. Zoe is my Goddaughter and she absolutely loves me. But now, as Rick and I were standing in the hallway of Floyd's apartment, as Floyd was helping Zoe with her math homework. But this was also the day where Floyd was going to go back into Belle Reve. We were waiting for some US Marshalls to come so that they could take Floyd back to Belle. But I am honored that he trusts me enough to let me be Zoe's last hope if anything at all goes wrong. Rick and I were patiently waiting in the small hall, still having a line of sight on the father and daughter, listening to them doing math homework. "You're trying to figure out this length. That's the hypotenuse, so you have to know this angle." Floyd said to Zoe as he pointed in her math book. "Okay. So, if you're up here, like in a building, and you shoot a man down here on the street, that's how far the bullet actually goes?" A small smirk made its way onto my face as I heard Zoe refer to killing someone as math. 

She really is her father's daughter. Floyd chuckled at Zoe's words and nodded. "Yeah. That's right! You're so smart." A knock on the door was heard and I knew it was the Marshalls. Rick and I looked at each other and I nodded to him, telling him silently to go open the door for them. He did and they came into the room. They tried to get past me, but I stopped them with my hand. "Not yet." I said quietly and sighed before walking up to the two. "It's time, Floyd." I said to him, cutting him off at the end of his sentence. He looked back at his daughter to finish what he was saying properly. "You know, there's a lot of variables in the street. I gotta go." He finished, making Zoe's face turn sad. "Are you coming back?" She asked him, making my heart ache. They have such a good relationship, even though she knows what her father does for a living. "Yeah. I'm working it out. All right? I promised my friends that I would just go without killing them all. Plus, Lyds is gonna be around whenever you need her, okay?" Zoe looked at me and I gave her a sweet smile before she looked back at her father. 

"Bring it in." Floyd said, making Zoe drop her pen onto her book and hug him. "I love you, daddy." She said to him. "I love you." They pulled back from the hug and Floyd got up from his chair and approached me. "You take care of my babygirl, all right?" He said and I chuckled with a nod. "She's in good hands with me, dear friend." He nodded and pulled me in for a quick hug. He's not a hugger, he said. What a joke. After we pulled away from the hug, I went up to Zoe and sat down where Floyd had previously been seated. The two of us watched as the Marshalls put Floyd in chains and after Rick looked at me. "You coming?" I shook my head and shooed him. "No. I'm staying with Zoe to finish her homework. I'll drop her off at her mom's after. Meet you back home." I said to him, making him nod. "See you around, Lawton." I said to him before they started leading him out. "Likewise, Mikaelson." I chuckled and then they took him away, closing the door behind them. I looked at Zoe and saw how worried she looked. I sighed and put my hand on her back. "He'll be all right, sweet child. You just keep writing him your beautifully decorated letters and he will be fine." 

She nodded and looked up at me before smiling sweetly. "Thank you, aunt Lydia." I smiled widely at her nickname for me. It was something she started calling me after she found out that I was her Godmother. I kissed the top of her head before taking a deep breath. "Let's finish your homework and then I'll take you out to eat anything you'd like before I drop you off at your mother's place." Her face lit up like it was Christmas and nodded frantically. And with the new motivation, Zoe managed to finish her homework and after she quickly packed up her things and then we left the apartment. Floyd had also given me the keys to his place after asking me if I could keep an eye on it. I, of course, was more than happy to help him out. After locking behind us, we went to my car and drove off to go get some food. We ended up with some delicious steak at a local, but good, steakhouse. And after eating I dropped Zoe off at her mother's place. I followed her inside and knocked on the door. Her mom came and opened it and looked at me confused when she saw me with her daughter. 

I smiled a fake smile at her and introduced myself. "Hello. My name is Lydia Mikaelson. I'm a friend of Floyd and Zoe's Godmother. Now, Zoe and I have just finished a luxurious dinner at a steakhouse so I doubt she'll be hungry anytime soon. And seeing as I'm her Godmother, if I so much as hear a little whisper that anything bad happened to Zoe, I will be taking her to live with me. So if you want to have your own daughter around, make sure that doesn't happen." The mother only nodded and looked at me with slightly scared eyes. I looked at Zoe and she wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged me tightly. "Thank you for today, aunt Lydia." "Of course, sweet child. I'll see you around soon, all right?" I said, making her pull away from the hug and nod. Zoe then went inside and I left, returning to mine and Rick's place. 

After I parked the car in the drive-way, I made my way up to the apartment. The door was unlocked so I guessed that Rick was back home as well. I locked the door behind me and walked to the living room, where I heard sounds. I walked in and saw the TV on and Rick sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey in his hand. I leaned over his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Hey, baby." I said and walked around the couch to him. "Hey. Did you drop off Zoe?" He asked as I sat down and leaned into him. "I did. Right after we had a nice steak dinner." Rick gasped in a jokingly manner. "Without me?" He asked, making me laugh and Rick joined in on it. After the laughter died down, I took a deep breath. "I'm so glad that Floyd trusted me, trusted us, enough to let us look after his own flesh and blood." Rick nodded and sighed. "Yeah. And because of it, she'll be okay. She'll pull through no matter what." I looked up at him with a loving smile. "I love you, Rick Flag." He smiled back down at me. "And I love you, Lydia Mikaelson." 

A/N: IMPORTANT!!!! I knowwww, it was a bad ending, but I didn't know how to end it properly. ANYWAYSSSS, that was the end of Task Force X. But don't worry, this was book 1. I'm going to write one of the second Suicide Squad movie as well and I might already start putting it together tonight, idk. So, keep an eye out for when that book will be released. And if you guys want, after book 2, I could maybe write my own spin-off off the books/movies. It would be my own storyline, own plot and everything. Please tell me if you want that. And also, THANK YOU for all the reads and thank you to those who finished reading the book. Let me know if you enjoyed it. That'll be all, thank you and see you next time. 

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