Chapter IV

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Plane Crash 

We all followed Rick to one of the choppers and sat down

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We all followed Rick to one of the choppers and sat down. I was sitting next Rick since there wasn't anymore places for me to sit on the other side where the 'criminals' were sitting. I hear someone approaching and when I turned my head I saw a woman dressed in black, red and white with a white and red mask, plus, a katana, coming into the chopper. "You're late." Rick said to her as she got in. "I was busy" She said in her native tongue, which was Japanese. I could understand her since I could speak Japanese fluently and understand it without any problem whatsoever. "This is Katana. She's got my back. She can cut all of you in half with one sword stroke, just like mowing the lawn. I would advise not getting killed by her. Her sword traps the souls of its victims." Harley stretched out her hand, thinking Katana would shake it. I watched carefully, waiting to see what would happen next. Harley wore a big smile. "Harley Quinn. Nice to meet ya. Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death?" Harley laughed after she finished and pulled her hand back to her body. 

Katana got into a fighting position, ready to slice up Harley, after asking Rick if she should kill us. I moved forward in my seat, ready to kill Katana if she tries anything. "Whoa, easy, cowgirl. Ain't that kind of a mission. Have a seat." Katana took a seat next to me after Rick finished. Harley turned to Diablo and smiled. "She seems nice." I scoffed with a smile and shook my head. On the way to wherever we were going, the phone I got from Griggs buzzed in my hand. I looked down at the phone to see a message from Klaus. 'I am on my way, sister. Just hang on a little more.' I smiled knowing Nik would help me out of this mess. I looked up while putting the phone away. I locked eyes with Harley and she winked at me. I smirked and sent her a small nod. I looked over at KC when I heard him growling. He was holding his stomach and had his eyes closed. "Oi! Is he supposed to be green like that?" Everyone was now looking at KC. Suddenly he started throwing up. I heard Harley say something but I was too busy on cringing that I didn't focus on what she said.

A minute later Harley was looking out the windows. She turned and looked at Diablo but was talking to us all. "Ooh. Look at the pretty lights! Are you guys seeing this?" She then turned back around to look out the window, down at the lights. Floyd looked at Rick. "What happened?" Rick took off his headset that allows him to communicate with the other Army soldiers. "Terror attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with AKs. You know, usual shit." Harley had sat back down in her seat and was listening in to the conversation with a big grin. "Right. Yeah, you're a bad liar." Rick looked at Floyd like he was going to kill him. I smirked and waited for Floyd to continue. "I don't know if they told you, but I'm a hitman. I'm not a fireman. I don't save people." "Anything for a dollar, right?" Floyd smiled while looking at me, who smiled back at him. He then turned back to Rick. "You know the dark places, too. Don't act like you don't." "I'm a soldier! And you're a serial killer who takes credit cards. When the shooting starts, and it will, you'll cut and run." I smacked Rick in the back of his head, making him look at me, and gave him the look that said 'shut the fuck up'. "You better watch what you're saying, Rick." He immediately shut his mouth due to the whole thing about us being mates.

Suddenly I heard the main pilot groan and I couldn't hear his heart beat anymore. Then the chopper started falling down and Harley screamed out. We crashed on the ground and rolled around. Everyone, except for me, was screaming out. At one point Rick had grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his. I smiled and then the chopper came to a stop. He looked at me with a small smile which I immediately returned. He let go and hopped out of the chopper right after Floyd. I opened the belt I had around my hip and stood up. "Whoo! What a ride!" I heard Harley shout out as she jumped down. I was about to jump down as well when I saw Rick in front of me. "May I?" I nodded and he put his hands on my hips. He lifted me down and when I landed on the ground I was standing really close Rick's face. We stood there for a second before I heard Amanda Waller trying to reach Rick. I cleared my throat and he let go of my hips. "We're okay. We're okay." The last one he said he looked at me and I smiled at him, which he returned. "Assets are undamaged." We started walking.

A few minutes later we had gotten to this place where a plane was laying in the middle of the road. I was walking next to Harley and I looked around to see if anyone was focusing on me. And no one was. "Perfect." Harley turned to me with confusion on her face. I put my hand over my neck where I got the explosive injection and started chanting a spell. "Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli." Then I felt my neck open and I chanted again. "Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli." I felt blood drip down my neck and I chanted once more. "Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli." Suddenly, I felt the little explosive come into my hand. I sighed once I tossed it on the ground and crushed it under my foot. I smirked and felt the wound heal. I turned to Harley with a smile. "Nicely done, girl friend!" I chuckled and continued to walk after the ones in front of us. Harley ran up to me with a tissue. "Here. Dry the blood off. Nobody needs to know what you just did." We both smirked and I took the tissue. I dried off the blood as me and Harley were walking while having small talk.

A/N: I know the spell in this chapter is a liquid gathering spell, but I couldn't find one for what she did so I just took the incantation of that spell. And also...Sorry it took so long. I've been busy. But now it's here, so please, enjoy!  

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